So this year we wanted to try to keep all of the ice off reports in one post. We decided that the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this was to use the comments / reply section at the end of the post. Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! 😉
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* To visually keep on top of the ice off situation heck out our BC lakes, rivers & highways webcams page!
Thanks & come on ice off!
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How is Roche looking?
Via Roche Lake Resort here’s what the lake looked like on April 16, 2011:
… and here’s what it looked like bout the same time last year! 😮
Cant believe this crap weather!
I hiked around edith lake 4 days ago and she was frozen solid for the most part.
Today, April 17 2011, my girlfriend and I hiked up and around Jacko lake – the boat launch bay is now free off ice as well as the southern arm of the lake. Saw on guy in a small boat fly fishing and another of shore who claimed to have had a bite. I’m estimating that it will be another week or two tops and she should be free of ice.
By the way we also went to McConnell lake today she was still ice fishable with loads of snow!
Sorry guys the forum was just taking too much work so I took it off line. I moved all the posts back here to the comments so we haven’t missed a thing ….. carry on then! 🙂
so roche is only a few feet of open water around the edge ? dam…dam…dam..ima go drive around in circles to do my part in global warming..maybe if we all do it ..roche will ice off by friday 😉 ….horseshoe it is then i guess….cheers
lol … ya … tell me about it!!!
Returned to beaton lake. Was super windy on the lake for pontoon but watches a couple chaps take about 3 fish in 20 min. Was maybe a little quick to judge hopefully it works out for the best.
Thanks for all the updates, guys! It’s pretty hard to check in the the thaw situation when it’s a 3 hour drive. 🙂
I’m really hoping to hit Scuitto for the weekend. The forecast calls for nice weather up that way for the next few days but whether I’ll be able to get the boat in the water when I roll in on Thursday night is hard to say…
Right on Adam … Might see you there. Still driving the cruiser?
Yup. The diesel 80-series is still going strong. I’ll be there Thurs-Sunday breaking ice!
Went and fished Scuitto lake on Sunday. Only about 15 feet of water around edges with the exception of one bay so decided to fish it anyways. Was using a black micro leech with the cast and retreive technique and immediately hooked into one that was 2 1/2lbs then right after another one a 4lbs…it died done after that for about half hour-hour then just started hammering fish!!! Caught about 15 in total all ranging from the 2-4lbs range!!! I’m thinkin it won’t be completely iced off until sometime next week:( but don’t be discourage becuase the fish are there and they are hungry!!!
anyone know if the ice is off on lundbom yet ?
Might be some fishable water but word is not totally ice off. It would be a gamble if you’re planning a trip but if the weather does its part it might be open water by the weekend.
thanx for the info rob , i’ll stop in on my way to kamloops to check it out and report back .
So just an “ice off” recap going into the long weekend:
* Kamloops lake
* Six Mile lake
* Morgan lake
* Stump lake
* White lake
* Paul lake
* Barnes lake
* Beaton lake
* Dutch lake
* Stump lake
* Monte lake
* Joyce lake
* Laird lake
… chime in if you know of any others 🙂
Jacko just went completely ice free this afternoon. However, I predict it will be covered with aluminum this weekend.
… no doubt! 😉
Any one know if Red is ice free yet? Heading up bear hunting this weekend wondering if I should pack the rods
Just got a report that Red is about 5 -10 feet open water along the shore … if the warm weather predicted over the long weekend actually makes an appearance and sticks around it might be fisahble by the end of next week. 8)
Thanks for the update!
Took a cruise around the Roche lake area today and was quite disappointed to find that things look about the same as last week!!! If anyone had plans to fish Horseshoe or Bleeker this weekend I would seriously think about making other plans!
Bleeker lake – slightly less “bleeker” than last week! 😐
What a crazy spring!
Anyone know if Scuitto is fishable from a boat yet? Trolling?
Only if you want to troll in small circles 😉
Woke up to 2″ of snow in Pineview this morning…. Decided to hold off untill this afternoon at least…. Tomorrow’s forecast looks more enjoyable at least…. Yikes!
Anyone know if Campbell lake has ice off, usually ice free before Scuitto?
Last year me and a buddy fished scuitto when it was 1/2 off and campbell still solid
Scuitto is open about 20 feet or so off the edges and in one small bay (see picture above) … Campbell is a ways behind.
Cambell is only open on the west bay of lake towards scuitto no much water there but a little bit
WooHoo!!!! SO stoked for May 12-15!!!!! Now, not quite understanding how the turn-over thing works, how long after ice off before the turn over? Can that be calculated, or…??? I’d hate to get there and the place is like pea soup……with NO FISH BITING!!!!! Thanks!!!
Start by reading Todd Oishi’s article on turn over & Brian Chan’s article on Still Water Ice Out Tactics. But I’m thinking that you won’t have to worry about it by May 12 anyway … just bring a good supply of chironomid pupa! 8)
Thanks, Rob. Perhaps I just worry too much, but I only get away from the lower mainland twice a year, and this is the first time I’ve gone this early.
You guys have just been an absolute wealth of information, can’t tell you how happy I am hubby found your site. I check it every day now. Love the fish porn!!! lol Those are some gigantic trout!!!
Thanks again, and I’ll be watching for updates.
was up at campell yesterday talked to one of the ranchers he told me it’s been off for a week
lol … I personally walked on it April 21 and my name ain’t Jesus. 😕
no was there today fished Scuitto 1/3 off apparently Campbell is winter killed pretty heavily
NOOOO!!!!! Please say it ain’t so!!!!! How do we know this if it’s still frozen?? Anyone got any more info on this?? Thanks!!!
any Jacko reports? I will be heading up there tomorrow for the day, battle the crowds. Coming all the way from Richmond for the day! It is iced off right?
It’s ice off for sure. My advice would be to get there at first light and stake out some real estate. I heard that bloodworms in shallow water have been working fairly well. Good luck and be sure to post a report for us when you get back! 😉