So this year we wanted to try to keep all of the ice off reports in one post. We decided that the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this was to use the comments / reply section at the end of the post. Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! 😉
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I was up at Harmon on the 14th. The water temp is cold. Lots of fish rising, but not overly productive yet. Caught 3 fish 14-15 inches between 4 rods with two whole days of fishing. Fish were full of Chronimids and shrimp and also appeared to have tape worms in their stomachs.
Has anyone fished Hosli Lake recently? How has it been fishing and do you know what kind of state the lake is in? Cheers
The road in is in the worse shape that I have ever seen it but if you can get in the fishing is OK. More info can be found on this flyBC thread.
I was at campbell lake May.27 and fishing was pretty good we had a fish on in 10mins even with a late start 8am average fish were 2lbs we had 4 fish in the boat was almost only 3 but i won the fight agenced the loon hooked my fish then ”jaws” the loon came from under the fish grabed him then whent 100 ft straight down nearly breaking my rod tied the line onto the rod holder then spat the fish and go it in one hell of a memorie …… leaches with red and exotic looking choronimids will be productive and for the rest of you who know what the campbell spechal is it was the winning ticket all day and for you gang trollers i noticed a ford fender with a 12inch or longer leader with a worm was working
Thanks Kevin! I copied this to the 2011 Fishing Reports post.
Comments closed … Please continue on the 2011 Fishing Reports post.
Thank you 🙂