Mamma Rosa’s Fried Burbot Recipe …
So the other day I received a question on our 2012 Fishing Reports page asking for some information on locations to fish for burbot in the BC Interior. Although we try to make a couple trips each year to hunt these fantastically delicious creatures, up until the point of the question the thought of fishing them this year hadn’t even crossed my mind … but now it was all I could think of!
Through out the rest of the day Mr. Stomach relentlessly sent messages to Mr. Brain and by mid afternoon Mr. Brain gave in and we were on our way to attempt to capture tomorrow nights supper! The good news is that we were successful in our quest. The even better news is that Mamma Rosa volunteered to cook it up for us as only she can! 🙂
For those of you that have experienced fresh cod cooked the right way you know what I mean. For those of you that haven’t you’re really in for a treat! So without further a do … here’s Mamma Rosa’s extremely simple yet delicious fried (freshwater ling cod) Burbot recipe!
Step 1: Acquire Burbot!
… for more information on how to accomplish this step please refer to our website, our blog or even ask on our facebook page (& don’t forget to give us a thumbs up while you’re there!
Step 2: Skin & Fillet said Burbot!
Burbot skin contains some real stinky enzymes that you do NOT want to eat. To eliminate this problem the cod should be skinned as soon as possible after it is caught and humanely killed. During this process try not to let the skin touch the meat & always wash your hands afterwards so you won’t transfer any of those enzymes from your hands to the meat. Here’s a quick how to video:
If you can fillet a fish you can fillet a burbot. All of the good meat on a burbot is away from the belly so you don’t even have to gut it before skinning or filleting. Just take your time and you will do just fine. When your done it should look something like this:
Step 3: Wash Cut & Prep the Delicious White Meat!
Step 4: The Fried Burbot Recipe!
Gather the first three (3) of the following indigents and mix them together in a bowl big enough to hold them and the cod. If you are utilizing the optional beer ingredient, mix it in now as well to form a nice thick batter! 😉 The olive oil, garlic & lemon will be used shortly.
- Flour
- Salt
- Pepper
- Fresh Garlic
- Olive Oil
- 1 Fresh Lemon
- And optionally (ya right) … 1 Bottle of Beer 😉
* told you it would be simple! 🙂
Step 5: What to do With it All!
The next step is to take the bite size chunks of cod and cover them with the salt, pepper & flour spice mixture that you just prepared.
You don’t need to drown them in the mixture but do make sure each piece is completely covered with a light coating.
and while you’re doing that place some olive oil into a pan and crush in a few fresh garlic cloves …
Step 6: Cook It!
Once each piece is completely covered with a light coating of flour and spices place them into the hot oil frying pan!
Step 7: Time to Eat!
Serve em up, spritz em with a bit of fresh lemon juice & chow down!
That’s it folks! Don’t let the simplicity of this recipe fool you! Once you’ve tried mamma Rosa’s fresh fried burbot recipe you’ll be hooked!
Bon Appetite!
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Great step-by-step recipe. The only thing I would suggest is adding some beer to the batter. That takes it to the next level!
Alaska DNR has a really good video on how to fillet burbot. Here’s the link>
Agreed … everything’s just a bit better with beer … I’ve added it to the recipe as an option! 😉 Thanks for the tip & the link Will!