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flyguys.net 2012 Ice Off & Fishing Reports!

Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!

Tight lines & good times in 2013!

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... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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921 Responses to flyguys.net 2012 Ice Off & Fishing Reports!

  1. arek says:

    Has any one been to Campbell lake or Red in last few days?

    • Rob says:

      Hey Arek, can’t speak to Campbell but all reports say Red has been fishing great! Just be careful because ice thickness seems to be variable depending on location. Same story from everyone that I have spoken with … fishing is best the first few hours of daylight and shrimp seems to be the bait of choice. Good luck and please let us know how you make out regardless of where you go! πŸ™‚

  2. Looper says:

    Campbell is smokin’ hot also


    any lakes with safe ice thickness yet? I been coming here for the last couple weeks now looking for a good report? (ps…the webpage was way better before it got updated!)

    • Rob says:

      Most all of them now. Heard Edith has been fishing good. Right above your post Looper reports Campbell is hot too! Other options are
      Red, Horseshoe & Scuitto. Whichever you choose be sure to drop back and give us a report πŸ˜‰

      PS … the only thing that changed on the site was the look … all the content is the same … did we miss something?

    • me and my dog says:

      knouff lake is smoking hot right now, shrimp working the best

  4. Shing says:

    Can anybody tell me the direction to Campbell lake?

  5. Rob says:

    Edith Lake fished good today!



    8-12 ft. of Water, Green Ice Flys / Glow hooks / Shrimp …

    … Go get em! πŸ˜‰

    • Evan says:

      I too was at Edith today, Fishing was good…I had one hooked in the first minute er so, but I lost that one, lot’s of nibbles and took one really nice rainbow home! I also used shrimp but I found green glow hooks with a bit a fuzz to be attracting them best for me)…though I had a good scare when I first got there, after drilling the first hole a heard a huge bang almost like thunder, didnt know what it was, then I looked down and seen two large cracks runnning to my hole, I wasn’t very far from shore at all, but it was enough for me to move back closer, then shortly after another guy passing by had the same thing happened to him and scared him, this is my second year ice fishing so I am a little inexperienced still, Is this something I should be worried about? The ice didnt seem to be very thick compared to my other experiences?? Also, I was wondering what the take home limit is there ?? …anyway hope to hear back…love this page! BTW I seen a real monster swim by!!!..and he’s still in there!!

      • Rob says:

        Right on Evan sounds like you had a good day too!

        Everywhere I checked the ice was at least 4 inches … that’s not to say it is 4 inches everywhere so be sure to check where ever you are. The ice cracking you heard is normal and you’ll hear it even with a foot and more of ice.

        As for the regs, Edith lake has a 2 Rainbow trout per day limit. Check out our BC Lakes and Rivers Information page to link to the regs, and many other fishing resources, before hitting the water (or in this case the ice) πŸ˜‰

        • Evan says:

          Thanks for the reply Rob, much appreciated! I’ve decided I am going to start coming here often and leaving reports! I just got me a little one man Ice hut πŸ™‚ , So I plan on trying to do lot’s of ice fishing this winter…and come spring I’m gonna learn to flyfish! Keep up the good work!

  6. Shay says:

    I’m sad that fly fishing season is over. I’m already looking forward to a trip to Horseshoe Lake in late April.

    • Rob says:

      Tell me about it! πŸ™ Oh well it will be here before we know it! I’m going to try and use the time to have all my flys tied by ice off … well, as usual that will be the plan anyway πŸ˜‰

  7. Gene says:

    went to edith for a few of hours but no action. nobody seemed to be having much luck. one group that i spoke with caught two using worms. though it was very unenjoyable with the large numbers of snowmobile groups rippin all around all the lake who seemed to have no respect for those were fishing (some got very close/dangerously close :-x) also seen a truck flipped on the way up***DRIVE SAFE:!:

  8. Evan says:

    I took the kid out today to Walloper, the fishing was good but nothing worth keeping. They were all very small, but it’s always a great place for kids because I think the chances of hooking one is much better than a lot of places (this past summer the fish were usually averaging about a pound and can get up to 2lb range, although, no β€œkeepers” were around today).

    …Also, on the way home I tried Mconnell for maybe a little more than an hour or so (my first time at that particular lake). It seems to be a good place to try. The roads are good, the water is crystal clear and I had a nice size fish toying with me for 20 minutes or so (using a Jig w/no bait). I’d definitely go back and try it again, however there is Limited parking. One truck braved it driving down to the lake and got stuck! I’m hoping to try somewhere else tomorrow, so I’ll be back to let everyone know, how that goes…

    Anyone know anything about Monte?

    • Rob says:

      Good report Evan … Thanks! I doubt Monte would be safe to fish but hopefully someone with some first hand knowledge will chime in on that. Good luck tomorrow!

  9. Devon says:

    Has anyone been to Knouff or Heffley Lks??? Was over at Marquart near Merritt day before last it was great fishing!!! Glow hooks with shrimp and wourms worked the best.

    • Rob says:

      It’s usually hammer time at Heffley this time of year but a buddy fished it the other day and reported SLOW SLOW SLOW! πŸ™

  10. Rob says:

    Well it’s that time again folks (OK it’s only the 29th but close enough πŸ˜‰ )! The end of another year which means it’s time to close off the 2012 fishing & ice off reports page and open up the new 2013 Fishing & Ice Off Reports page!

    Thanks to all that contributed in 2012 and looking forward to hearing from you all on the 2013 page! πŸ˜€

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