Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Anybody has recent report on Stump Lk?
Thank you
Hey onthefly,
Fished Stump two days ago and it was really good. We were anchored in two feet of water at the south end fishing damsel nymphs and retrieving them back to shore. Fish rolling everywhere along the highway side shoreline at the south end. We caught and released several in the 2-4 pound range with a few much bigger broken off. The wind came up around 1pm and that was the end of casting. Tried a bit with an indicator and just letting the line out but it was parallel to the shore with the wind and the trout only seemed interested when we retrieved the damsels perpendicular. With the hot weather I would imagine a few more days of good damsel fishing are in store. Our boat, motor and rods were just covered with the adults.
Tight lines,
Chris, Thank you so much for info! will try for a day on Sun.
Kewl report by Jean-Luc (with some monster bows!) 🙂
Anybody hear anything about the fishing on Thalia & Clifford… winterkill??
Was at Thalia at the end of June. Definitely not winterkilled as we could see them swimming around down there. Catching was another matter, ended up with 3 to 4 fish per day, all 20- 22″ beauties. Seemed to have to put in about an hour to get a bite. Got most on chironies off the drop with a few on damsel nymphs shallow. Hold on tight every one I caught went absolutely crazy when hooked. Good luck
awsome! I”m heading there this morning… looking forward to it. Thanks
did hit island a few weeks ok..maybe a month ago now. the fishing was excellent although did not land the hogs we have in years past. the usual…anchored in the shallow water and casting tiny chronies into deeper water. when the wind was right…it was great fishing.
Was at Island (Big OK) June 13 – 18 with the boys. We pretty much had the lake to ourselves! Fishing was tough but we did manage to catch a few bow’s. All fish were around 2 lbs. no real hogs.
It was very windy and quite rough getting in the last km or so. For me I caught all my fish on #12 green Chromie fishing in 18′ of water. Some of my buddies were catching on burgandy leetch / wooley bugger on a sink tip. I will say it’s a great lake with good camping. Wish we had caught some of the lunkers the lake is famous for!!
Was up there August 11 and it was slower than normal but not surprising given the heat at the time and for a while before. One good sized one (about 5ish) but otherwise a few bumps without any real take. Only thing that was working for us was a purple microleach with brass bead head on a number 10 hook. One guy who was truly committed to the Chi
ronemids reported slow fishing except late day into the dark hours. If you plan to go plan for a night over and fish the late time and into the dark.
by the way Logan Lake is doing good in the evening and has yeilded a few good sized fish and you can be there in less time, get a room at the local hotel (mere yards from the lake) or set camp in the municipal camping site right beside it
Can anybody recommend some good lakes in the Oliver area? I’ve never been before and some tips would be great
sawmill lake has trophy fish in it, and is in oliver
Thanks Jim, have you heard how it’s been fishing?
One Island lake Report … thanks Dakota!
I’m hoping to try out the new pontoon later this week and was thinking of hitting my old stompin’ grounds at Glimpse. I learned how to fly fish there about 30 years ago and havn’t been back in around 20. Back then a 2-3 lb fish was big in that lake. Have they gotten any bigger? Are there any recent reports from there? Any information would be appreciated.
Hi Rob, ….I can’t see any new reports/replies since bigfishlittlehook’s comment on July 24th, no matter what I try. Am I locked up do you think , or has your site been taking a break/holidays or ??
Thx, …. CC.
Hey Chris no don’t think you’re locked up … just tis the season as far as fly fishing goes things slow down as the temp goes up. I’ve got a river story from Gord (FGN) that I still need to post and I’m sure more will start coming in as fall approaches. If you get out please be sure to give us a report!
I Camped out at Leighton lake this weekend. Pretty slow fishing. Got there friday night and went out from 5:00-8:30 got 2 fish on a size 12 Brown with red rib Chironomid. Then Saturday morning at about 8:30-11:30 i got 6 fish in the net and lost about 4, the hot Chironomid this time was size 12 black and red ice cream cone. After 11:30 on saturday i didnt touch a fish until sunday at 1:30 after cycling through many different patterns i picked up a 3lber on a size 10 anti static bag red rib and i throat sampled him to find an anti static bag with black rib chironomid in him, so i quickly changed my second rod to that pattern and was rewarded next cast with a fish. Some of the other insects i saw in throat samples were red bloodworms, Green bloodworms, Red and green bloodworms, some brown chironomids with red rib. The one thing i was amazed with this weekend was seeing a clear example of how the chironomids can change colour and even size quite fast and how the fish truely wouldnt take your fly unless it was relatively close to the natural.
Shea thankyou for the info appriciate it.
It sounds like the bomber bloodworms
are starting.
Just returned from 6 days at Leighton with my 2 sons, 10 & 16 years old.
The boys landed 25 fish over the 6 days, 1-2.5 lbers.
As Shea said up above, the fish were / are very specific, with Brown / Red rib / copper bead catching majority of our fish.
Red bloodworms worked for the first few evenings then the fish became rude and would not touch these again.
One eveneing, we Saw one gentleman fall into the water as he tried to catch his rod that a large fish had pulled in. Fortunately he got in his boat OK, but the rod is lost.
I am in a wheelchair and am needing some advice on shoreline fishing on either Thompson river close to Kamloops ..i know fishing secrets are more prized than recipes but you don’t have to post here EMAIL ME … I promise not to spill the Row
My Email is [email protected]
LacleJeune has a wheelchair accessible dock. The fishing is hit and miss but should improve once things cool down.
The only spot on the Thompson that would work with a wheelchair that I know is the pier in Riverside Park.
Yeah. 🙁 looks like i am just going to have to wait for things to cool down…Has the water always been shallow near the dock? i know you do not need much water to catch nice fish but its the water that warms the fastest too:( Trying to fish and be in a wheelchair is quit a challenge gotta figure out a way to get out on the lake without a whole bunch of expense
Maybe one of those Pontoon Belly boat.If you have any ideas suggestions please let me know
Can’t see why a pontoon boat wouldn’t work for you. Not a belly boat, as you have to step into them one foot at a time, and use your legs to move around. You could just slide into a pontoon boat, as they’re open in the front and it’s a chair, not like the web seat of a belly boat. You use paddles to move around in the pontoon boat. Watch craigslist or Kijiji in your area at the end of the season for good deals, if you don’t want to buy new.
Hope this helps!
Sure does i think this will be what i am looking for..Thanks
Fished Community Lake today. 8 degrees as I arrived at 8:30 am.
Landed 4 small fish on dark green chiro. In 20′, lots of fish on finder, just being rude.
Can Anyone pass on a report of recent water temps at Ten Mile or Dugan Lake?
Thanks CS
hows the fishing in the merrit /kamloops area. im live in the fraser valley and just wandering about water temps. Are the fish awake yet? was thinking maybe blue lake due to the higher elevation? Any suggestions?