Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Just got back from a trip to Big Bar Lake near Clinton. I’d never been before, but I will definitely be returning. The fish are big and hard fighting, if you can find them. Caught most on #16 dark green/black chirons with a red butt fishing in about 12 to 15 feet of water at about 5 to 8 feet deep. The shoals right around the Provincial Park were the most productive. Here is a shot of a little hog I landed on Monday that went well into my backing.
Tight lines!
Heading up to Roche for the weekend. Anyone know the status of of The lake?
Us, too!!! Dk green GMC stepside, 12′ Lowe with a chocolate Lab. Say hi if you see us!
Just got back from rampart excellent fishing biggest was 3lbs.
Lost a few big ones looked to be in 6lbs. range. Hundreds of mayflies
and caddis hatching all day. I never seen such at that lake.
Best fly was black micro leech with little red in tail.
Any word on how Red has been fishing. Might head up this weekend if rain stays away.
been really really slow for most people up at red.
Any one fished Scuitto or Campbell lately?
Jacko been slow, Bulman is winter killed , Mcconnel been slower then normal as well…What the lake to go to this time of the year?
First I’ve heard of Bulman being winterkilled this year. Do you mind me asking what leads you to this conclusion?
Looking to spend a week in the Knuff, Community area – have they been producing and on what? Any other leakes or ponds in in that areas I should plan to visit?
Try badger and devick (don’t forget spooney)Good luck!
If you do hit Knouff anchor and cast on the sunken islands. Should be productive
Heading up to Hathaway this weekend. How is the lake, or other lakes in the area, with all the rain? Is it clear? Can anybody pass on what to use? Fly or troll.
just came back froma weekm off hyway24 lots of fish quanitity but bothing bigger than 2lbs stayed with a marron micro leach 70+ fish between 2 of us WET WET WET
Sounds like fun! Thanks for the report! 🙂
Taking family up to Leighton on Tues. How is the fishing.
Anybody know if you can get into Dominic from west side.
Appreciate your advice and any info. You’ d share.
June 26 Report from the lodge:
A weekend of unsettled weather with lots of rain! What a wet season so far!
The majority of our guest were out fishing a “Loche” style tournament over at HVC. Other Guests who took advantage of the breaks in the weather at Tunkwa got into fish. Again, trolling seemed to be the best presentation, with hardware doing the trick. Gang Trolls ahead of wedding bands, Perch coloured HotShots or Kwikfsih, or Watermelon coloured Apex’s, all accounted for fish. Wet fly patterns, like Caddis Emergers, K-Marts, and Pumpkinheads, provided hook ups as well. Some guests hit fish on chironomids, but they had to find actively feeding fish, copper or yellowish brown(carrot) colours seemed to be the best bet.
Mixed reports from guests day tripping to area lakes….Leighton has been kinda hit and miss the past few days. Logan Lake has had a couple flurries of action, but shutting down as quick as it started. Mayfly hatches at a couple of the lakes, just down the road, has petered off a bit.
When some stable weather hits the region, we should see fishing get more consistent all over, and Tunkwa will be producing more of the giant rainbows that are in there waiting.
went visit Lac Le jeune, Paska(first time) and Logan today, super windy, lots and lots of fish jumping at Paska even though the wind was so brutal, but the size is around the length your finger, saw a couple “big” ones, probably around 10-12′, yet, i hope they were a little closer to my feet, lol.
A guy told me worms under a barber is more effective at Paska, and he also pointed a good spot which is at the eastern corner after walking on a trail for 5-10 min from the rec site. Whoever he is, I’m thankful for the info.
anyone knows any area lakes that are less wind affective and offering OK fishing at this time of the year?
Just spent a week at Roche, and yes, algae is still in the water, but clearing a bit more each day. A lot of disappointed people, as the sedge hatch was just not happening as anticipated. There were fish being caught…tiny green chronies were coming off in large numbers, and bigger black/grey ones to a smaller degree, but the weather went from one extreme to the other, which didn’t help at all. Sunny and windy one minute, then cloudy and gloomy the next. We did pretty good, considering. Will post pics as soon as I get them off the camera.
Thx for the update dawn. Heading up there for a week starting this Friday. Gonna set home base at Roche west and tour around for the week an try to hit as many lakes as possible. Just gotta get through two more days of work. 🙁
Is the fishin chicken gonna be there crayon? 2 days bro……
not sure. ill give him a call and see. he could teach you a thing or two!!
Roche Lake June 24-July 2 Had a wonderful week at Roche. Weather was not as co-operative as we would have liked, sedge hatch was sparse, and chronies hatching were tiny green size 20’s, too small for these eyes! Saw a few dragonfly nymphs, and found lots of cased caddis. We caught less, but much bigger fish than our trip last month. Lots in the 3-4 lb range, with a 5-6 lb and two 7+ lbs, one each for Bob and I. The weights are just a guess as we don’t have an accurate scale, but both the big fish were 26″. Caught all our big fish on leeches, and all when the sky was looking quite ominous. Fish trying to feed up before the storm, perhaps?
Met a few fellow Flyguy followers, Erik and Steve, and told lots more about the site. Campground wasn’t near as full as we thought it should be for the long weekend. I’m sure the weather was a contributing factor there.
Our stay at the resort was WONDERFUL!! Very comfy beds and great food! Would love to be able to do it again sometime. Many thanks to our gracious hosts at Roche Lake Resort and the Flyguys!!!
Here’s a couple of pics of our big fish. And no comments on the insulated coveralls! I called last month “June-uary”!!! lol
Dawn as long as your catching fish like that you could be wearing a suit of armour and no one would notice, Nice fish guys.
Hahaha!!!! Thanks Gord! Yep, we were pretty happy campers. My biggest trout to date!
Anyone have info on the dairy lakes area? Would like to try a day trip. Thanks.
Went to Onion Lake a week ago. Fishing wasn’t amazing (for the larger fish) but definitely plentiful. Best fishing was in about 13 ft of water dangling micro leeches and pheasant tails around 10ft. Caught some nice fish in the sticks and weeds. There were no hatches at all and weather was a little unsettled. Fun and expensive, not sure I would do it again but glad I did.
“… fishing wasn’t amazing (for the larger fish)”
hmm … thems nothing to cry about! 😉 (Cry, Onion, get it … Ok it sounded funnier in my head!)
So save me a trip to google … where abouts this Onion lake?
Ruddocks ranch
Ahhhh … hence the fun but “expensive” … thanks.
Yes – expensive
250$ per person for two days fishing and one night in the canvas tent. If anyone stays in the tent, don’t forget to bring foam or air matress like i did! Also need to bring your own wood and make sure it will fit in the small stove heater. Like i said, if you have money to burn than it is fun and lots of aggressive fish in that lake with some big ones. Check out their video – wicked damsel hatch dry fly action – which we couldn’t get lucky enough to catch. It is a fly only, 8 rods per day, catch and release only.