So this year we wanted to try to keep all of the ice off reports in one post. We decided that the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this was to use the comments / reply section at the end of the post. Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! 😉
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* To visually keep on top of the ice off situation heck out our BC lakes, rivers & highways webcams page!
Thanks & come on ice off!
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hey guys ..not only did we beat the kamloops wolves in there spring howler tourny..i stayed an extra day and fished 6 mile ..or morgan..the west lake..was far to windy to my 9 year old and I played cards until dusk..the wind slowed and we casted a few times…2 fish..few lbs each….my son was mad that he lost both at the that fish with the green bead head leach, and the other with the black micro leach in its mouth are my sons ..thnx for the info on 6 son and i had an awsome time roche open in april? will head there for the long weekend…if anyone has heard anything about thailia lake ice off ,please post…we like to fish the surounding lakes there..cheers.and tight lines…
Well … even though you beat Kamloops I’m still glad you and your son had a good time at Morgan! 😉
Good to here you and your son had a good trip. From my understanding, the regs were changed a few years ago. Lakes are now open at ice off.
Great to hear your son had a good time at 6 Mile. Roche is technically open in April; however, as to whether or not the ice will be off before the Easter weekend is anybody’s guess. My guess is that it may come off over the Easter weekend (or even just after) but not before.
Hey guys the Roche lake resort is now offering ice off updates on their website. Here’s a picture from April 11, 2011 … check em out! 🙂
If you going to catch any numbers out of six mile or morgan hang # 18 green blood worms 4 to 6 feet under indicator with a swivel and move it fairly quick. Most of the fish are 1.5 to 3.0 lbs with a few going to 7+lbs. Also I heard beaton,may be dead according to rumors iv’e heard.
this is the bloodworm. remember their are no secret flies on the lake share info because everyone wants to catch fish.their seems to be to many egoes on the water lately.
Picture didn’t come through fish pimp … remember jpgs only … email it to me ( [email protected] ) if you can’t get it to work and i’ll post it for ya 😉
Posting for fishpimp:
5 strands crystal flash trimmed short for the tail. 5 strands flashabou for the body. Extra fine red wire for the rib and artificial Mayfly tails back over the body. Hook of choice.
I can’t find either six mile or Morgan lakes on my maps. Can anyone help??
hey guys ..if roche is still iced up for easter weekend ….where else should i go? i know horseshoe is there but a few boats will clog that puddle right…
Fished Pat today – several nice fish in the net and lost probably same number. Started with chronomid but no takes, switched to black leech under the indicator which took all fish but one when I changed back to #16 chrono. Nice to see swallows working the lake, Cold stiff breeze, surface temp. 43 deg.F.
Go Canucks Go!!!
How’s Heffley coming along Jack?
Hi Guys,
Got out yesterday with my family for a day of fishing at White Lake. Crystal clear water with suspended chunks of the bottom still throughout the water column from turnover. We fished the east corner of the lake off the large triangle shoal for half the day and spent the other half down by the firehall. Too many fish to keep track of between the three rods in the boat. The majority of the fish were 15-18″ with a half dozen over 20″. All fish were caught on chironomids and a Type 7 sinking line fished vertically in 45-60 feet of water. Tons of swallows picking the bugs off the surface throughout the day. The temperature was steady around 6 degrees the entire day with a stiff wind blowing. Water temperature was 44 degrees on the fish finder. Should be another week or two before all the crap settles from turnover and the fish are at a depth where a strike indicator and floating line will be the way to go! Almost forgot, we were using #6 – #8 3X bloodworms tied with a black bead head, copper rib and red crystal flash body with a few strands of red marabou for a tail with the whole body coated with epoxy. All three lines were fished vertical, one foot of the bottom with zero movement except a quick one foot strip when a few fish would show up on the sounder!
Go Canucks!!
Chironomid fishing was HOT yesterday on Six Mile. I just followed the birds, and usually had a bite within a minute of dropping my indicator. Biggest fish was probably close to 4 pounds, lots in the 2-3 pound range.
Can anyone tell me when the ice’ll be off Campbell? REALLY trying to get in there May 12-15, but can’t book off until I know. Thanks!
There is never a guarantee but I’m quite sure it will be off by then.
Thanks, Rob. I’ll be watching here for further updates. Got ourselves a little travel trailer and a new boat…can’t wait!
I see there’s two ways to get in there from Barnhartvale….never been before….Robins Range Road or around Scuitto Lake? Looking for the easiest route for the trailer…
Also, what should we be using that early in the season? We’re new at the ice off fishing thing….Thanks!!!
Dawn, where are you coming from, cambell and scuitto lakes are my favourite lakes to fly fish and maybe i could give you the easiest route!
I’m coming from Chilliwack. Google maps says take the Coq to the Trans Canada/ Okanagan Hwy (#1/#97) to Barhartvale Rd, right at Robins Range, then right at Campbell Range. Follow to Campbell Lake. It also shows another route that goes along the edge of Scuitto Lake on Scuitto Lake Forest Road off Campbell Range Road. We don’t have a lot of clearance on the trailer (it’s an oldie but a goodie) so I’m a bit concerned about bottoming out if the roads are rough.
And micro leeches! Yahoo! Under an indicator? This’ll be a first for us as well! Thanks, Brandon!
I don’t think you’d get a trailer in via the Roche lake side. And dito on the micro leeches! 😉
Alright my personal opinion take the scuitto lake forest road and then follow that to cambell if going the other way you’ll have to go on a road that say no trespassing and usally has a fence up….Comin from scuitto lake way the road is kinda rough no to bad just a little rocky. You’d be able to make it there with a trailer no problem!!!… and yues under an indicator works great but i prefer micrp leeches with a a very slow troll or even a drift!!! Good luck and I’m sure you’ll do well…I’m headed up there this weekend probably sunday and I’ll give you another udate to what is producing the most trout!
Any news on Jacko?
Still not totally ice free but on my last trip there were a couple of guys fishing the open edges from shore! My guess is total ice off by next weekend.
oh and I like using micro leeches black or red in early spring fishing, never let me down and always land fish ranging from 2-5lbs and the occaisonal 6-7lbs!!! good luck!
Hey guys,
Thinking of taking someone new to fishing out for a troll tomorrow. Wondering if Six Mile and/or Morgan are fishable still or are they turning???
Any other suggestions just to get him into some fish?
Been out of the country so I haven’t been out at all the last week and a bit!
Ryan check out Neil’s April 14 post above … I’m guessing six mile will be peaking this weekend! 😉
Thanks Rob! You made my evening 🙂
I’ll be there slaying!
Hi I was wondering if there were any lakes around 100 mile (Sheridan, bridge, valentine lake) that either have ice off or close to it because I am heading up there 1st of May and wondering if it is worth it to fish.
Hey Brookboy I don’t mean to discourage you but its been my experience that the HWY 24 lakes typically come off a bit later than the Kamloops area lakes and this year they seem to be taking their time! Roche is about the same elevation as Sheridan and my guess is (fingers crossed) that it will be open by the end of the Easter weekend. If I’m right that only leaves a week to May 1 for Sheridan … you might be cutting it close. You can keep your eye on it, and others, on our webcams page!
Thanks for the heads up Rob, we may have to reroute our trip this year to the Kamloops area then, but ill keep looking at the webcams!
Niskonlith Lake is completely iced off. Campbell is still solid but Scuitto Lake has about 15 feet ice free around the edges.
Good news on Niskonlith – thanks! I would have thought that Campbell would at least have started on the edges by now though! 😮 What a weird year! I’m hoping for Scuitto by Friday. Thanks for the report! 😀
Hey Guys went to Beaton Lake last weekend> Unfortunately looks like the winter took its toll on the fish. Smelled really fishy when we got there but decided to throw the pontoons in , trolled for hours with several different micro leeches not a bite, rowed to the other side of the lake and the bottom is littered with bodies WINTER KILL. Will take another look today just to make sure
This is now the second report I’ve heard of no fish being caught at Beaton lake but only the first with sightings of dead fish. Sounds pretty dim but very rarely do lakes suffer complete kills so I wouldn’t rule out a lunker or two from Beaton this year yet. 😉
……. anyone have any info on oxygen levels for other suspect Kamloops area lakes??? (ie. Bleeker, Red, Black, Scuitto, etc.)?
I hiked up to Beaton on the weekend and talked with a well known fishing guide who was fishing with a friend. He was catching small fish, 12 inches or less. He said that the pond (around 5 feet deep) completely killed last summer because it got down to 2 feet deep. Either the dam was leaking or the ranchers used up the water. He said it was restocked in the fall and some of those fish survived the winter. The only chance of seeing a lunker would be if it comes down the creek from Duffy. If Beaton doesn’t fill up with water it will likely kill again this year.
O2 levels are low in Bleeker but hopefully it will only be a partial kill.
Thanks Ron! 🙂