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flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

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... not bad for the first fish of the year!
flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports Post!

So since our flyguys.net Official 2011 Ice Off Reports post went so well we’ve decided to take the same approach with our Official 2011 Fishing Reports post!

As before, please use the comments / reply section at the end of the post to share and discuss your 2011 fishing reports. Please include the name of the lake (or at least the general area that you were in πŸ˜‰ ), what worked, what didn’t and as many other details as you care to share. A picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well! If you’ve got a question regarding a particular lake or fly pattern (or whatever) ask it here as well and hopefully someone will chime in with an answer for you!

That’s it folks! Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! πŸ˜‰

* Subscribe to the comments of this post below and be notified of any followup comments via e-mail. You don’t even have to comment to subscribe!

* For those of you that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report, please use the following link to submit your story! Entertain us and each submission will get you a chance to win a prize to be drawn at the end of the year! (prize to be determined) πŸ˜€ If you would rather us post the information for you please forward it to [email protected].

Tight lines & good luck everyone!

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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312 Responses to flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

  1. steve says:

    Has anyone ever fished mcconnel through ice. thought it might be a good place to bring the kids

    • steve says:

      Went to Red this morning. caught 2 nice brookies and about six little guys. Slowest i’ve ever seen it this time of year

    • Ken says:

      Yup, Try about 30-40 ft straight south of launch, its a little deeper there. Remember they are very soft lipped and even when chronimiding in the spring they are light takers. Have a great time.

  2. Rob says:

    A 2011 Okanagan fishing season wrap up report and video submitted by David Roskam!


    Thanks David! 8)

  3. Ryan Booth says:

    Hey guys,

    I’ve been fishing Red Lake the last few days. It’s been fishing decently with a lot of brooky movement in the shallows early morning. 5-10′ of water being where we’ve been focusing most of our efforts and choosing a mossy looking bottom primarily. I’ve been picking most of my brookies up half way down when fishing like this, not the normal bottom 12″ of water.

    I like to use a strong hook, gamagatsu or sometimes a straight shanked hook that can hold up against the big rainbows when they decide to cruise the shallows. My bait of choice is a krill or pre cooked shrimp soaked in krill juice.

    Here are some pictures of the last few days:

    4lb 6oz Brooky:

    His Appetite:

    3lb 1oz Brooky:

    Another 3lb 1oz Brooky:

    These were all caught between December 18th and 20th among many many others! Happy Fishing folks!

  4. Rob says:

    Just in from Gord & the boys at flyguys Northern division … Late season Peace river fishing report “Storm in the Eye of the Peace“! Good effort boys! πŸ™‚

  5. dawn says:

    Hi Flyguys!
    Anybody heard any reports about Tunkwa/Leighton lately? Still trying to convince hubby to go..weather seems good, not too cold. Sure would like to give it a try!

    • Rob says:

      From the TLR website: πŸ™
      “Ice conditions are good on both Tunkwa and Leighton lake, withΒ  8″+ of ice.Β  No snow on the ice right now, so it is slippery out there! Fishing pressure has been very light, with no one out on Tunkwa, that we’ve seen. Leighton has been fishing good at times, but the fish can be moody under the ice, and can just turn on all of a sudden. Worms continue to be the best presentation right now, fished about a foot of the bottom. Early in the day the feeding tout are shallow, but move deeper as the day progresses, with some good action coming out of the 19-20′ depths mid day. It is very sunny up here, so be prepared with sunglasses, chap stick and even sunscreen if you burn easy.”

      • outlawdot says:

        Were up at Tunkwa friday water real murky ,small ones pushing the hook around. Good luck to all that go up there.

        • dawn says:

          So, you didn’t catch ANYTHING? Wow, not very promising…..did you give Leighton a try? Not sure where those people in the Tunkwa pic got all theirs, but they had a few nice ones. Waiting for my tent to show up before I go, hope to hear a better report before then!
          Happy New Year, everyone!

  6. Lance says:

    fishing is slow:-(went to mcconnell this morning,got nothing. then tried stake lk at around 12:00,had 2 little guys around half pound,let them go. fishing near the southeast end around 2-5 feet above the bottom while and depth is around 10-12 feet , started using big red shrimps, didn’t even have a bite. then tried using small orange cooked shrimps, got that 2 little guys in a short time, but the bites were very soft, thank god didn’t use a bobber. however, the wind wasnt friendly at all, snow was blown all over the lake and almost burried my tackle box, the hole that was drilled disappeared in 10 minutes. finally had enough and left. Any ideas about the lakes that worked well these days?

  7. wade says:

    Haven’t had good ice fishing the few times i went late in December, hope it picks up ,,Wade

    • Rob says:

      I’m finding the same thing this year! Got the big

      [img][/img] today!

      Oh well hoping for bigger & better things next year (AKA tomorrow!) πŸ˜‰

  8. steve says:

    Happy New Year everybody! Good luck fishin in the new year and thx to the fly guys for making an awesome site for all us crazy fisherman who can’t get enough of the great fishin in this awesome province!

  9. Rob says:

    So long 2011 … Hello 2012! Here’s a video of some of the years highlights to close out this post!

    Thanks to everyone for your support! Tomorrow I’ll lock down this post and open a new 2012 Reports post so we can start all over again! πŸ™‚

    Happy new year everyone!

  10. Rob says:

    OK that’s it for 2011! Comments are now closed. Thanks to everyone for your contributions & support in 2011! πŸ™‚

    Please continue with 2012 ice off/on and general fishing reports on our 2012 Fishing Reports post! πŸ˜‰

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