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flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

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... not bad for the first fish of the year!
flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports Post!

So since our flyguys.net Official 2011 Ice Off Reports post went so well we’ve decided to take the same approach with our Official 2011 Fishing Reports post!

As before, please use the comments / reply section at the end of the post to share and discuss your 2011 fishing reports. Please include the name of the lake (or at least the general area that you were in πŸ˜‰ ), what worked, what didn’t and as many other details as you care to share. A picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well! If you’ve got a question regarding a particular lake or fly pattern (or whatever) ask it here as well and hopefully someone will chime in with an answer for you!

That’s it folks! Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! πŸ˜‰

* Subscribe to the comments of this post below and be notified of any followup comments via e-mail. You don’t even have to comment to subscribe!

* For those of you that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report, please use the following link to submit your story! Entertain us and each submission will get you a chance to win a prize to be drawn at the end of the year! (prize to be determined) πŸ˜€ If you would rather us post the information for you please forward it to [email protected].

Tight lines & good luck everyone!

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... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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312 Responses to flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

  1. Rob says:

    Sockeye Slayfest … with the odd Chinook thrown in! πŸ˜€


    Water has come down a couple feet from last week and the sox are still running thick. The Chinook, however, were far and few between but we did manage to land a few over a couple of days. Added the rest of this trips pics to the bottom of our 2011 photo page … you can also check out all of our pictures here! πŸ˜‰

  2. Gord says:

    Not quite what we expected but here’s our 2011 Grand slam (attempt) report from Northern BC’s Peace river area!


    Gord (flyguys North)

    • Rob says:

      Thanks Gord! Great report and awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚ I also posted the pics on our 2011 photo page and our facebook page.

  3. Rob says:

    More fun on the Fraser with …



    and Chinooks!

    Check out all the pics on our 2011 photo page!

  4. Andy says:

    I realize this is an out of province post … just had to share my little Bull Trout I caught in my home province (Alberta) in The james River in central Alberta!


    Take care all … Andy

    • Rob says:

      Thanks Andy!

      Don’t ever worry bout posting from out of province … yes we’re based in British Columbia but we’re all fisherman and love to see fishing reports from BC & “beyond”!

      Keep em coming! πŸ™‚

    • Gord FGND says:

      Drew if you hold the fish at arms length it looks bigger. Just saying…

  5. Rob says:

    Fly fishing Pink salmon on the mighty Fraser!


    Finally got a chance to get out and get it done! Here’s a quick little how to article for those that are interested: https://flyguys.net/blog/fishing-logs/2011-fishing-log/fly-fishing-fraser-river-pinks

  6. Andy says:

    Hey Rob, its your biggest out of province fan Andy here from Central Alberta. Just a quick note…the local river here ( beautiful spot 6 km from my door ) on the beautiful Red Deer River. The “Goldeye” are running hard this time of year ( they range from about a pound to a pound and a half ) and put up a great fight on a fly rod. I tied my “Goldeye Drewhopper” and its been working great! πŸ˜€



  7. Paul says:

    Just posting to tell you how much I enjoy the site. Love browsing through all the invaluable info and stories. Thanks very much.

    So Im headed up to Roche Sept 21-22 with a few buddies for our 2nd Annual Roche Lake Fall Fishing Foray. A little friendly derby which I won the first time out. So much action we just had to come back this year..just cant wait.

    I’ll be out there with my two pups so if you see us give us a wave..:) Heres a shot of me with the winning fish from last year and a couple of my two dogs Wonder(daughter) and the mom MaryJane. They love fishing…Funny as hell when I get a fish on, Ill post a movie if I catch one next week..Ill cross my fingers! πŸ˜€




    • Rob says:

      Nice fish Paul! Hope you do as well this year as last! Your fishing partners look right at home in the boat too! That would be awesome if you could get some video while you have a fish on! If we’re in the area we’ll definitely keep an eye out for you! Thanks for posting … welcome to flyguys and don’t be a stranger! πŸ™‚

  8. LMU says:

    Has anyone out there been to Edith recently? I’m thinking of heading out after work this week. Any recent updates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.

    • Rob says:

      Haven’t been out but this is the time of year that it typically starts fishing well again. With all that feed in the lake the fish have prob gained a couple pounds too so I wouldn’t hesitate to give it a go.

  9. Gord says:

    Peace River British Columbia Fall 2011 Rainbow & Bull Trout fishing report!


    Momma Loves Rainbows!

  10. Poge says:

    Heading up to Merrit/Kamloops area on Tuesday for some lake action. I have been to quite a few lakes in this area and I’m looking to try a new one or two that has been putting out good size fish this season. Any help would be great. I know crowds are down and there is plenty of fish and water for all so a inside tip would be great.

    • Rob says:

      My fall 2011 hit list (in no particular order): Stump (mainly for those big Kokanee), Peterhope, Pass, Warren, Cambell/Scuitto, Horseshoe, Community, Badger, Jacko (got high hopes for this one!), Roche, Wyse, and, if I can pull it off, a trip up to Sheridan. I probably forgot a few and I’ll be amazed if I can even pull off what I listed but I’m going to give it my best shot! πŸ˜‰

      Come on guys, what are some other good bets for fall 2011?

  11. Poge says:

    I had some great luck at Plateau lake in the spring and may try it again. What about Stake lake? Jacko could be good as well. Any reports on calling lake this year. I had alot of nice fish there last season.

    • krazy says:

      Good news on Plateau! Might be worth a try this fall!

      I think Stake has been over stocked so although it might be good for number of fish caught I don’t think the size would be there.

      I’ve already heard some real good things about Jacko … definitley going to put some time in there!

      Lots of reprots that Calling lake killed over the winter but did get a few reports of some lunkers coming out of it so whatever survived must be doing well! Don’t think I’ll get a chance to find out first hand but would luv a report if you go!

      • Poge says:

        I’ve fished calling and Island alot over the last 15 years and never have I seen a lack of fish there. So Jacko has some nice fish this year. Never have fished it but looks like an easy option. how about knoff? Never have fished it as well. I’m kinda looking to fish new water but sometimes it’s hard not to stick with what you know.

  12. LMU says:

    I am still hoping to get out to Edith before the snow flies. I never did go a couple weeks ago. For whatever reason it got very windy in Kamloops so we went to Pass instead. Got on the lake just in time to turn around and leave due to darkness. No bites or fish seen.

    Question – my family and I are in the process of moving to Kamloops from Salmon Arm. Does anyone know if there is still a fly club there? I know there used to be.

    • Rob says:

      Kamloops Fly Fishers Association
      PO Box 554
      Kamloops BC, V2C 5L2

      President – Len Piggin (851 -0073)
      Vice Pres – Don Goddard (374-4903)

      Next General Membership should be in the last part of October … will post time & place as soon as it is confirmed.

      • LMU says:

        Thanks Rob. Much appreciated.

        • Rob says:

          NP. Here’s some more info from Ron Newman (KFF Bulletin Editor)

          The KFF always meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (except Dec) so that will be Oct 18 this month. Meetings are at Desert Gardens. If you’re interested in a meal ($13) be there at 5:30. If not, the meeting itself starts around 6:30 or so (after dinner) with entertainment following. We are usually finished by 8pm depending on what’s for entertainment.

  13. Mark Y says:

    Went to Jacko on Fri in the wind. Fished the shallows and hooked 30+ fish (me and a friend together). Definitely some nice size fish jumping and caught some in the 19 – 20″ range most were smaller. Wow was it windy!

  14. Mark Y says:


    Jacko lake 18″ but FAT! caught on a micro leech under an indicator near the end of the day when the wind finally stopped!

  15. Kevin says:

    Sturgeon fishing was fantastic again this year! 23 sturgeon caught to the boat & all released – largest was 6′ 6″ weighing in at an estimated 180lbs! All sturgeon caught this year were generally larger than in past years. We were using fresh roe & stinking week old seasoned pink chunks. Water was really high due to all the rain and there were lots of pink salmon in the river so the sturgeon bellies were full! It rained all day but was great fun with our guide Ryan putting us on the fish as usual!

    Just 1 picture … mostly just bring the fish to the back of the boat & release. The big one we caught we couldn’t get on the boat because it was too heavy & we didn’t want to waste too much time going to the beach for a picture … quick release & get the lines back in the water & catch more … that’s what we want! πŸ˜€


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