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So since our flyguys.net Official 2011 Ice Off Reports post went so well we’ve decided to take the same approach with our Official 2011 Fishing Reports post!
As before, please use the comments / reply section at the end of the post to share and discuss your 2011 fishing reports. Please include the name of the lake (or at least the general area that you were in π ), what worked, what didn’t and as many other details as you care to share. A picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well! If you’ve got a question regarding a particular lake or fly pattern (or whatever) ask it here as well and hopefully someone will chime in with an answer for you!
That’s it folks! Might work, might not but weβll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! π
* Subscribe to the comments of this post below and be notified of any followup comments via e-mail. You donβt even have to comment to subscribe!
* For those of you that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report, please use the following link to submit your story! Entertain us and each submission will get you a chance to win a prize to be drawn at the end of the year! (prize to be determined) π If you would rather us post the information for you please forward it to [email protected].
Tight lines & good luck everyone!
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anyone fished red lake recently?
Not personally but a couple of buds went last week and said the bloom is getting very thick. They couldn’t hook up on any anchored but did get a few trolling around. I would think the damsels should be starting to move pretty good there right about now.
Canada Day Rainbows: A father / daughter fly fishing adventure!
Full story coming soon …. here’s the video!
Hi Rob!!! Leaving Friday for Roche, etc…got told to try Frisken as well, but heard that it may have been winter-killed. Anyone been there lately, or know anything about this lake? Thanks!!!
Hey Dawn I don’t think it totally killed but it was super slow when I fished it about a week and a half ago. Good luck & let us know how you make out.
fished frisken on friday.. windy as hell in 4.5h got one fish 4lb…. very slow.. not going back
any time soon…
Oh my….not exactly promising….hopefully Horseshoe, Black and Tulip will keep us occupied!!! Anyone been to any of those lately? We’re coming loaded with sedges and mayfly/damselfly nymphs…guessing it’s been warm enough for those to start coming off. If not, it’s back to good ol’ leeches for us! Any helpful info greatly appreciated. I LOVE this site!!! Thanks!!!
I spent a couple days on Black Lake last month with nothing but small fish, about 12″ average and fingerlings (see picture above). Black, gold-head leach was working well. Didn’t see any large fish.
I didn’t have any luck at Horshoe the one morning I was there, but saw a few nice ones swimming around. Maybe others have had better luck on these lakes this year?
Hmm….well. we’ll give it a go and see what happens.
If anyone else has hit these lakes in the past week or so, please let me know! Any and all comments much appreciated, and thanks to Rob for this helpful site!!!
Hey Dawn your welcome but the site wouldn’t be what it is with out everyone’s help so thanks to everyone that participates with a story, report, picture, question, etc!
Heading to Lac Le Jeune this weekend with some friends and their sons. Anybody fish there recently. We have never fished and could use advice on flies and where to go.
Was at Mcconnell Lake (only a few minutes down the road from Lac Le Juene) last night for a few hours. There were no signs of a hatch, but the fish were biting well on an olive green wolly bugger.
thnks grant
fished Plateau LK. on long weekend. Had some party people there but not more than a couple of fisherman there. Fishing was great, lots of 16-18 inchers and a couple of lunkers. Had a 5# and 8# landed to the boat on sedge nymphs. Heading to Westbank next weekend. can anyone suggest a close place for me to take my nephew fishing for a day. Mostly to troll with full sink lines and have good numbers to the boat. any info would be greatly appriciated.
Good news re plateau lake poge! Just spoke to a bud from kelowna and he recommends penask lake for your nephew.
Thanks Rob I considered this lake just never have been there so wasn’t sure. Is it crowded during the week at all. Is the action consistant.
Can’t comment first hand on the action or the crowds Poge … my bud just said it was a good lake to take a beginner so I assumed that meant lots of fish and easy to catch.
Take Glenrosa road up towards Crystal Mountain, turn right onto the gravel road that goes toward Jackpine Lake. There are several good fishing lakes up in the area off of Bear Lake FSR. Bear Lake (aka Lambly Lake), and Jackpine are the two larger lakes, however the smaller lakes in the area will fish well also. The furthest of these lakes is ~45 minutes from Westbank.
There are also several good lakes above Peachland (take Princeton Avenue up from the highway). Glen Lake (off Headwaters Road) has brookies and rainbows and a boat launch. Spring lake is also close by. I’ve never fished Peachland Lake or Headwaters, but they are the two larger lakes in that area. These are 30-40 minutes from Westbank.
Check out Google maps and you’ll better see where these lakes are and how to get to them.
Thanks Grant. This is also good info and was looking at all of these as well. Just thought I would try to find a slam dunk lake. Good Luck on the water.
Took advantage of a very generous offer to tag along on the first few days of Ryan & his Dad’s ocean fishing trip in Prince Rupert! We had two goals … get into as many different species as we could and to try and utilize the fly rod as much as possible. Although we didn’t get into any monsters I think we did OK (especially given that the weather pretty much wiped out a day & a half of our window of opportunity) with action on Crab, Flounder, Halibut, Chinook, Coho, Pink and a few different types of Cod. It was all great but we especially enjoyed fly fishing black rock cod (sea bass) with bucktails and an epic battle (which we lost π ) with a Spring salmon on an 8 weight fly rod sporting a bucktail as well π― ! This was my first trip to Rupert and all I can say is if you haven’t experienced ocean fishing and can find a way to do so I highly recommend that you try it at least once!
Here’s a video with what I have for now but Ryan & his pops are still up there so I’m sure it’s going to have to be edited to add in some more of the sure to be spectacular footage from the week to come! Thanks again for the opportunity guys! π
haha … well that didn’t take long! Here’s Ryan’s 32 lb spring!
Stay tuned folks!
nice fish dude
Super-duper cool, Rob. Glad you had a good time! Might be the first of many salt trips for ya!
Went for a 3 day fish at Face Lake (Mile High Resort) July 19 to 21st. using a sinking fly line we dropped a Knouff Lake Special and a red Doc Spratley and had two fish on instantly. We also used the Mile high special with huge success. Lost a couple of 4-5 pounders but the fish we did land were of a good size and we ate trout every nite of our stay. The fish would jump at certain times clearing the water at 3-4 ft. unbelievable site. The accomodations were above expectations , weather sucked but it sucked everywhere, the alternative was to saty home and work.
Highly recommended and if you have young ones the chances of success are great and they will certainly remember their outing. Get a map of the good spots and troll them at slow speed and you will succed..
Hey thanks for the report Gunars! Just might have to bring the kids up there and give it a go! By the way … what is a “mile high special”? Got any pics?
Well a couple of the boys from the north had a day free while in town so they reported into the south central head office where they were teamed up with a couple local senior members and assigned the task of catching some fish! So they did! π
Nice job Gord & Timbre! Beauty bows! All the pictures aren’t in yet but you can check out what we have so far on our 2011 photo page.
Stay tuned cause the full report’s coming soon … in the meantime you might want to tie up some Cactus Muddlers! π
As promised … here’s the full story! (thanks Gord!)
Had a chance to fish Roche this past weekend. Can be best described as really slow, had to put in a lot of hours to get a few hookups. The lake had a lot of particulate floating in it and visibilty was maybe 2 feet. Not quite sure if it is a algae bloom or the lake has seen a summer turnover ? Apparently the lake has been like this for the past couple weeks but from reports I heard it is improving by the day. Did not see much in the way of any hatches going on. Maybe somebody here has some knowledge about the green cloudy conditions in the lake. Is this due to the cool conditions we have been seeing so far this summer ?
Hi Gord,
The lake has no summer turnover. It is a bloom and I would be surprised if it were gone before the water cools come September. Not sure whether it’s about the same or worse than other summers at Roche, but it’s a normal phenomenon. It was very thick when I was there last – a few weeks back, but the fishing was actually quite good despite it. We were fishing the bay to the east of the EMO island, sometimes as shallow as 4′. Even though for the most part the hatches were non-existent on the lake, thart area had strong hatches of small, bright green chiros (our size 16s were bigger than the naturals). Things may very well be different now as opposed to 3 weeks ago, but the bloom was bad even then and nonetheless the fishing was OK when you found fish concentrated.
Algae/phytoplankton photosynthesize (produce oxygen) during the day, but they respire (consuming oxygen) at night in the abscence of sunlight. When algal blooms are exceptionally thick, the nighttime respiration period actually removes a significant amount of oxygen from the water. In the upper portion of the water column where the algae is present, this fluctuation can adversely impact fish. In response to the changing conditions, fish can ge stressed and/or and become quite lethargic and difficult to coax into taking a free meal. Persistent anglers seem to do best.
Have fun!
Great response, thanks for the info Ben !!
Thanks Benny! π
Hello flyguys!
I thought I better send you some pix of an amazing fish my bf caught late last year at a Kamloops Area Lake. I believe it was the end of August 2010. It took him 45+ mins to bring him in and he said his life is complete now and doesn’t care if he ever catches another like that. lol. Anyhow, we were using a sinking tip on a 9′ Sage 6weight rod. He had a 6lb test on and the fish ran 3 times, which I had to chase after him all three ’cause we almost ran out of backing. He never jumped out of the water/surfaced, so we had no idea how big he was…we just knew he had to be around 8-10lbs. Finally, when Lee (bf) brought him close enough to net, I couldn’t believe my eyes…he was HUGE! And bent our metal net!!! Needless to say, we fed our family trout for Thanksgiving that year. This beautiful trout fed 13 people! And there were still leftovers! He wouldn’t fit in the oven, so we had to cut his head & tail off to fit him on our relatives deluxe bbq. Amazing!! One day, I’M gonna be the one who catches the big one, and Lee’s gonna be driving the boat. lol. Take care flyguys.net. I hope there are many more stories like this to be had. Happy fishing!!!! π
Hey Kelly thanks for the story and the picture! That is an amazing rainbow! I expect to see you holding one up in your next report! π
Fraser River Chinook (Spring) Salmon Report:
Fished the river Sunday evening and it was quite good. Rob and I caught one chinook each – almost twins – bright doe in the high teens. Sockeye fishing was ridiculous at times and lots are very big – very few fish showing any color.
The river is very high still. We were lucky enough that a good old standby bar was just showing, but otherwise, there’s still not much. Steeper reaches of the stream are still ripping. The stretch just down from Jones Bar before the river hits the mountain is full of standing waves, the worst of which are close to a couple of feet high. That made for an interesting ride back in our 14′. It’s sketchy running (with a prop) too close to the outside where the waves dissipate because depths were showing to be less than 6′, and because you have to hit it at full throttle that doesn’t leave a lot of room in case bottom comes up quick. Small boats be careful out there still.
Here’s a picture of a bar that is usally well exposed this time of year …
… as you can see none of the gravel is even showing yet!
The river is definitley full of salmon though but as Benny says be careful if you decide to give it a go.
Fraser River Sturgeon Fishing Report:
With the river still a bit too high for our likeing in our usual salmon holes we decided to try for white sturgeon on the Fraser river near Lillooet BC. Although not the fastest pace fishing we’ve experienced the opportunities were there and we did manage to get Mio into his first ever sturgeon!
Anisa was also happy to be part of the action as it was also her first encounter with these anciant dinosaurs!
And of course there’s always the story of the big one that got away … which will be coming soon! In the meantime be sure to check out the rest of the pic in our 2011 photos page!
Rob, got up to Makwa lake and changed my fly rod line to a full sink line, loaded the float tube and all the other good stuff and headed out to Exner lake. I only had a couple of hrs of sunlight left to work with so I planned to fish using your Gomphus Nyphm. Casting it in 16 ft working it towards the shallows(As per your tech tips). I worked the Area for about 40 min and got a hit and miss, the Tiger came back in seconds and fish on. Good fighter Measured out at 18″!
Hope to try again soon with your dubbed hair dragon!
Awesome Leonard! Glad the flies are working out for you! From what I can see looks like a nice fish too! Keep us posted ……
Hi Thereβ¦Andy here (my son Lee and I sent you a story couple of years ago β¦ big Rainbow, small creek down south near the Kettle) β¦ Anyhoo β¦ My son and friends drove down Lytton way β¦ jumped in a river boat β¦ found a nice sand bar and caught 3 sturgeon. My son (Lee Collins) had the biggest at approx. 6 feet long β¦ YIKES!
Take care β¦ Andy
PS β¦ Lee is far left in the pic
Very nice Andy … thanks for sharing! I was looking forward to seeing the picture but unfortunately it doesn’t look like it came through. Try emailing it to me ([email protected]) and I’ll get it posted up for you.
* Picture received and added … very nice Lee!!!
Atta boy Lee-Bob you now have caught a fish way bigger than any your Uncle Gord has!