So this year we wanted to try to keep all of the ice off reports in one post. We decided that the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this was to use the comments / reply section at the end of the post. Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! 😉
* Subscribe to the comments of this post below and be notified of any followup comments via e-mail. You don’t even have to comment to subscribe!
* To visually keep on top of the ice off situation heck out our BC lakes, rivers & highways webcams page!
Thanks & come on ice off!
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Had to drive by Monte Lake today while working and noticed some changes from the March 29th post. The edgrs are now open 10-15′ around the lake and several places have opened 4-6′ wide right across. The outfall end has about 100 yards of open water, probably pushed by the wind.
Thanks Ted!
Thanks Flyguys and community for this post!!! I am predicting quite a healthy aluminum ‘hatch’ this weekend at Six Mile and Morgan.
Tight Lines to all!
Don’t forget Stump! Usually ices off simultaneously with Monte, and although the lake has not been “hot” the last few years, there is still some fishing to be had for above average sized rainbows. I have not ventured that way yet, but might this weekend and will give a report if I do.
Thanks Benny … I forgot about Stump!
Hello Flyguys,
I went up to six mile today for some April 1st fishing (no jokes I swear 🙂 ) and took a few pictures while I was out that I thought you might like to use on the ice of report post or the website!
Have a great weekend!
Very nice thank you Ryan!!! I was beginning to think I was going to have to admit I was wrong about an April 1 fish! 😉 Stay tuned … our next predictions are Beaton lake within a week and Jacko, Stump, Paul & Monte lakes within 10 days! (thanks for the reminder Benny!)
Hey Rob here a few pics of Morgan, not sure if this weekend it will be ready. Also a photo of the first fish of the season with my new rod. Thanks for the forum ……. Ken
Six Mile (Pat) lake – April 1, 2011 – First fish with new rod!!

” alt=”Six Mile Lake April 1, 2011 – First Fish with New Rod!” />
Morgan Lake – April 1, 2011 – Still Frozen!!

” alt=”Morgan Lake – April 1, 2011 – Still Frozen!!” />
Just finished fishing 6 mile. Caught some nice ones. Morgan still has ice, albeit thin, not sure if it will be ready for the weekend. I’ll send pics to Rob.
The season is on, make sure to renew your licenses.
Pics are up – thanks Ken!!!
Stay tuned guys cause I’m working on getting a forum up and running to make participation easier! 🙂
Nice work Ken!
I was there as well and caught a few! Missed a bunch because I had two rods out trying different things constantly. Had most of my hits with 6 and 9 feet of line under an indicator with a red micro leech and a black micro leech on the end. (I was fishing near the north ‘rock bluffs’ out in 20′ of water). Found many large dragonfly nymphs in one as well as an assortment of blood worms and glass worms. Tried a bluedun with silver rib size 18 chironi down at about 22′ and had one hit hard at the end of the day but I lost it due to day dreaming!
Didn’t try out a dragonfly nymph pattern.
White leech pattern had no luck.
They were excited enough to hit my red indicator 3 times in a 1 hour period!
Good luck this weekend boys! You’re sure to see some nice aluminum on H2O!
Heading for the Aluminum Hatch today and depending on how crazy… tomorrow as well! See you there! 🙂
Good luck Ryan! I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it out this weekend but I’ve got Monday off so fingers crossed!
Had a change of plans last minute and ended up doing work around the house instead.. Bummer I know!
I’ll be out tomorrow for sure and probably monday afternoon, around 1. Hope to see you there with tight lines!
Went out today Morgan is still iced, about 10 feet around MOST edges arn’t and a bit bigger patch of water at the west end boat launch, Definitely not fishable in a boat… Continued onto six mile which was 100% ice free. Was pretty windy so did some shore casting with a spinning rod, turned up a fiesty 1.5 lber before to long.
OK so here’s the Kamloops area lakes that we know are ice off and fishable so far …
I’m sure there’s a few more but I’ve only listed those that have been confirmed to us. Please post and let us know if you know of any others we can add to the list.
At Morgan Lake today. Large black leech doing well early and later micro leeches, black particularily with red bead head was doing best. Produced trolling, retrieve and the odd one with no movement.
Decent fishing for sure! Nothing big on my end though.
Should be 100% ice free by now I believe.
Can’t wait for some more lakes to open up 🙂
Not wanting to be part of a shore to shore aluminum hatch at Six Mile I decided to check out a few other low elevation lakes on Sunday.
A friend and I went for a hike around Jacko to the mine site. The mine is planning to build a berm out into the lake making mine bay part of the mine … that bay is very productive aquatic insect and bird habitat so I expect the mine owners will have a fight with wildlife and fishing enthusiasts.
A few snowflakes were falling as we reached the old Afton pit and the lake showed few signs of melting. There were only a couple small open spots along the shore covered by a skiff of ice that had formed over night. The remaining ice was still hard and thick. I would estimate that Jacko is two weeks away from going ice free unless the weather warms up in a hurry.
Ice Breaking at Jacko Sunday April 3, 2011

” alt=”Ice Breaking at Jacko Lake Kamloops – April 4, 2011 –” />
We also drove up to Paul Lake. The provincial park gate was closed and the road down to the park still had patches of ice and snow. We drove to the end where the lake flows into Paul Creek to take a look.
From what I could see Paul Lake is further ahead than Jacko. There were larger patches of open water along the shoreline and slushier ice.
Paul Lake – April 3, 2011

” alt=”Paul Lake – April 4, 2011 –” />
I would guess it will be another week until the ice comes off Paul.
Was out on stump on Saturday… got blown around pretty good but caught some nice fish in skinny water…. everything was on microleeches….
Hey thanks Steve! Which end of the lake were you fishing if you don’t mind me asking?
caught fish at both… got blown off the north and so went to south after…. all in pretty skinny water… under 10 feet.
Thanks you guys, the info is excellent and encouraging.
Hey guys check out Ron W’s update in the post … looks like Jacko’s a ways off yet 🙁
Thanks for the update Ron!
Tried Morgan on the 04th and was very slow. 6 mile is producing well with shrimp. Anybody know if White Lake is open to camping yet? Thanks for the update on Paul Lake, apparently the gates open when all the snow is off the roads.