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flyguys.net Ice Off 2015 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2015 Fishing Reports post!

… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! 😯

As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2015 fishing & ice off reports.

Please try to include:

  • the name of the lake or the general area πŸ˜‰ (NOT Mandatory)
  • what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
  • a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!

If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!

Use the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! πŸ™‚

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!

And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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495 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2015 Fishing Reports

  1. coho chaser says:

    Thanks Rob,
    looking for anyone that is willing to share a picture or recipe of a zucchini or zuke, anyone? Keep hearing about these things!!

    Cheers and thanks

  2. Avatar photo Evan says:

    Hey Guys can someone please explain to me what exactly these black bumps/spots are…never noticed it at the lake. Some had a just a few spots and this one had lot’s. Never came across it before or noticed them before

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      A closer look…

    • The Force says:

      I’m not a biologist though looks like “black spot” to me. Is a type of parasite, or trematode, which burrows into fish as a secondary host. If you fillet the fish and take the skin off you should be able to see a black hard cyst like structure, kind of like a large piece of sand. I’ve noticed it in Campbell as well. There is not supposed to be any risk to humans as long as fish is cooked properly. Anyway, here’s a reference- http://www.maine.gov/ifw/fishing/health/vol2issue8.htm.
      May be worth notifying the local biologists just as a FYI … ? Someone with more experience can comment.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Black spot disease. Parisitc flat worms. Not harmful to humans … clean and cook as normal.

      • Avatar photo Evan says:

        Thanks for the replies…would hate to waste a good fish…might have to cook a little longer, fish are from Red btw and was fishing good…tons of cronies poppin all sizes and colors even some bombers…did best fishing with Robs “producers”

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          Ahhh the producer. A PITA to tie but worth the time! Here’s a version perfect for when the Red lake bombers start coming off! πŸ˜‰

  3. fishaholic says:

    Hey does anyone have information on blue lake its by peterhope and glimpse, I was there april 3rd and it was frozen right over, is there any winter kill? And is the ice off the lake by may?
    Any info would help

    • Avatar photo Adam B says:

      Considering I fished Plateau on April 18th and the water was 48F I guarantee you that Blue has iced off! I don’t think it kills in a significant way very often but it has been getting VERY heavily fished for several years now and it’s not exactly a peaceful experience. Way more people chasing way smaller fish…

  4. Mark Y says:

    Trying to decide between Courtney, Stump, or Jacko this Saturday. Would love to get some chironi action. What news from the Shire?

  5. Bryan Linde says:

    has anyone heard how sheridan lake has been fishing. Heading up there after may long weekend

  6. Dawn says:

    Hi flyguys and girls!  Anyone been out to Roche lately?  Got a week long trip coming up and haven't been there in two years….saw some nice pics from the resort, but they may be few and far between.  Would really like to go back, but still a bit nervous after the big kill.  Any help greatly appreciated.  TIAsmiley” style=”height:23px; width:23px” title=”smiley” />

    • Jesse says:

      Hey Dawn

      Roche has been fishing well. been out there a few times. caught lots every time. Lots of smaller fish 8-14 inches with a few nicer fish mixed in up to 5lbs. Fishing where there are lots of fish rising or jumping seems to be working well. Hope this helps.

      • Dawn says:

        Thank you Jesse!  Much appreciated.  Mind telling what flies were working?  Thanks!smiley” style=”height:23px; width:23px” title=”smiley” />

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Hey Dawn,

      As Jesse mentioned Roche is fishing well. As for flies cronies are peaking there right now and, as pretty much always at Roche, the good old black leech will get you some πŸ™‚

    • arkaydee says:

      Fished Roche today. Plenty of action on brown #12-14 ice cream cone chironomids. Depths varied depending on location. Most fish were in or around weed beds biggest probably 4-5 lbs. I put her back for next time. Good luck and tight lines.

  7. Dragon Fly says:

    Anyone know someone in the general Kamloops area that handles Spratley Boats?  Looking for a 10'.  Any contact info would be appreciated.

    • Steve P D says:

      Coquitlam Fly and Takle has good prices but you'll have to pick it up.

    • nailknot85 says:

      Trout waters in Kelowna is a dealer, they don't hold any inventory though, the boats are made to order in New West and Trout waters will pick them up for a fee. I ordered through them and picked up myself. Very happy with my new 12'er. I think all dealers charge the same price. I ended up at about $2400 all in with two seat brackets.

      • Dragon Fly says:

        Great.  Thanks for the info.  Tight lines.

      • Steve P D says:

        I bought mine right from them. Called MJ Metals in Burnaby.
        Picked it up myself. They have all the boat accessories in stock
        even trays and cup holders custom made for Spratlys. I got mine with seats moved a little wider and no plug put in.

  8. Nicole says:

    Hey all,
    Little late posting but fished Sugar a couple weeks ago. Got a few bites but only caught this one. Three other boats on the lake that day. One guy was reeling in decent sized fish one right after another.

  9. Avatar photo Armadillo says:

    ants are out …I was fishing May 10th….ants and sedges on surface…1 fish had a stomach full of ants

    • Art Vandelay says:

      Yeah I noticed a whole pile of them around my house on the weekend…hopefully the fish are too zoned into the chiro hatch to care…

  10. Don says:

    Hi folks. Was wondering if anyone fished Edith on the weekend and if so how was or was any action?

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Hey Don I’ve fished Edith just recently and it was fishing very well with chironomids (size or color didnt much make a difference) and ruby eyed leeches in the late evening biggest fish for me was 23″ pennask approaching five pounds, and also seen others caught approximately same size. Average catches are still small but lots of action and some decent ones mixed in. Hope this helps

  11. praktikal says:

    Anyone been fishing at Knouff lately with all the warm weather have the fish gone deep heading there this weekend and haven’t been in a few years, small fish last time any size to speak of lately thanks.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      I think you’ll find size similar to your last visit Praktikal. Not sure if they’ll be deep or not but the weather is supposed to be nice so they should be cooperating if you can find them. πŸ™‚ Have fun!!

  12. Chris K says:

    Edith was stellar today. Landed a dozen and lost another half in three hours. Constant action with the Type 6 full sink, 25-35 feet of water, 1 foot off the bottom. Best producers were size 14 black/red with a white bead head and size 14 silver/black with a black bead head. Lots of guys hooking fish on dry line indicator setups too in slightly shallower water. I even saw the trollers pulling in a few πŸ™‚

  13. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    I thought I’d seen it all and then yesterday I saw these popcorn twist like coloured thingamadoodles on the water (sorry for the crappy cell phone pic) … and the chronies weren’t popping like they should have been, and the fishing sucked, and it must have been because of these things πŸ˜‰ … but I would really like to know what they are??? Hey AARRRRRTTTTTTT …….

    • praktikal says:

      You should have tried the rare but effective cheeto pattern lol πŸ˜‰

    • Steve P D says:

      It’s those kids treats for little guys. Seen my grandson eating them.

    • Avatar photo Joe says:

      C’mon Art, we gotta know….

    • Don says:

      Ask Brian Chan, He will know and will answer you!!

    • Art Vandelay says:

      This one is a puzzler…I was there that day with Rob and it was very unusual. Some people are correct in that they look like larval tubes similar to caddis. We broke one open and there is no insect inside; in addition, some of these things were 3+” in length. It literally looked like goose poop scattered around the lake all over the surface. I did see a similar sight in one of the bays at White Lake during turnover several years ago. My best guess is that these were either some sort of agglomeration of algae or marl-like material being pulled up off the bottom during turnover that was again stirred up by a wind event. I am leaning towards the latter explanation as I can’t find any algae in my books that resembles it.

  14. Brad Klammer says:

    Just a heads up that Sawmill is currently experiencing a pretty bad algae bloom. Fishing was spotty last night…

  15. Chris K says:

    Went to Edith again today. Nothing out deep with the full sink lines but great action in 12-15′ with indicators. My wife and I had a few dozen fish in three hours. Kindergarten was in session today though with the biggest fish being about 14″ or so. Off to try our luck at Gladstone tomorrow πŸ™‚

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Thanks Chris K! I know there’s some big fish in there but I also know it’s hard to move to look for them when you’re catchin fish where you are πŸ˜‰

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