… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2015 Fishing Reports post!
… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! π―
As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2015 fishing & ice off reports.
Please try to include:
- the name of the lake or the general area π (NOT Mandatory)
- what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
- a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!
If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!
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For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!
And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!
That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! π
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Red Lake opened early last week, I think on Monday the 30th. I fished it Friday. It took me 6 hours to find the fish, but I did. Only medium sized rainbows and one nice brook trout. Water is murky, maybe 18 inches of visibility. Should be really good late this week coming up or into the week after.
Ok White Lake should be humming any day now!! Any updates on White anyone?
I fished White Lake on the 18th for about 3 hrs. My son and I landed 7 and had numerous hits on black and red micro leeches. Also fished the shoals with chronies and landed a couple more. That lake is like an aquarium, you can see the fish cruising around!
I also fished White that weekend, Sunday the 19th though. Beauty day on the water, caught 18 to the boat lost a half dozen more, all 12-16″ tiddlers though. Coincidentally I tie a fly like that zuke some guys have been talking about but with wine rib and that was my go to fly that day. Black bead no gills size 14 IIRC.
Hi Folks, I was wondering if the lower lakes and Edith have turned over yet or are just starting. Or not.lol
Thanks, am going out with grandson on Sat or Sun and was just wondering.
Thanks again.
Hi Don, depends who you talk to. I’ve got reports that six mile has turned and is fishing good, Jack was turning as of last Saturday, Stump has been slow with some people attributing it to a turn yet I’ve seen a couple pics of some nice bows from this weekend, and I fished Edith last Thursday and it looked fine … did OK with micro leeches in shallow water. Hope that helps π
Thanks, That helps a lot.
fished roche Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and sunday caught probably around 50 fish overall with plenty lost. Chronies and leeches under indicators were the ticket for me, very spotty fishing though with the weather. It would clear up and I would land 10 in an hour then wouldn’t get a bite for 3.
Good to hear, Dan! Do you mind me asking how the size was and what condition the fish look to be in?
Benny the fish were all extremely healthy with the majority being caught in the 14-18 inch range with a couple 3-4 pound fish mixed in. I pumped a few of the bigger fish and they were stuffed with leeches 3-4 per fish along with tons of scuds. Hope this helps!
Can anyone recomend a good depth sounder/fish finder that will not break the bank for lake fishing, mine kicked the bucket…..
Hey coho, I run a fairly basic Lowrance x4-pro. Great depth . water temp, fish I’d. Fish alarm and a bunch of other stuff I rarely use.. think I paid $125.00 bucks, very happy. Hope that helps.
Thanks Hutch, I will have a look at it. Had a hummingbird piranha that was a good depth finder, that was about it, terrible fish id. Is the fish id good on the lowrance? Mine showed fish in clear water when there was no fish in sight!
I bought a Humminbird Fishin’ Buddy 120 last year for about $200 and I love it. It’s portable, so it’s easy to transfer between watercrafts. It also has a sidefinder that is surprisingly effective considering that this is a pretty inexpensive fishfinder. I actually really trust that this thing is marking fish and not just a depth sounder. Also, it’s pretty easy on the batteries. The only knock on this is unit is that it tends to wobble in the bracket if you have it in the water when the boat is moving (but trolling is for dorks anyway. Ha!). I highly recommend this one.
Ice off on harmond lake, Kane Valley Meritt area a little on the east shore.
Green leech, 25 feet down Black water rainbows to 2Kgs
Dang, George2342!! Fished Harmon Friday Saturday and Sunday and got SKUNKED!!! Never been skunked there before. Tried green leeches, Little Fort, Pumpkinhead, black and maroon. Maybe we just weren’t deep enough. Good for you!!!
it was decent up there on Thursday mostly small fish but one in the three lb range on chironomids fishing shallow water.
onthedry27….is all the ice gone yet? And may I ask what chronies you were using? Just so much easier for us LMLers to fish the Merritt area when we’re only going for the weekend….
Feeling a little left out after our last trip! We tried chronies just outside of the Elks Camp but nothing on those, either. Lots of fish on the finder (hubby SWEARS it’s just a graph on a wheel run by hamsters, lol) but we couldn’t get them to take anything. PLEASE, I need to catch a fish!!! lol Thanks!!
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ice was gone chironomid was black with reb ribbing and white gills size 14 got the bigger fish on that, army green and bright green patterns produced as well and i was fishing the same area on the lake as you in about 7-10 ft of water.
Could anyone tell me which local lakes in Kamloops that don’t open until May first. Thankyoim.
Somebody can correct me, but I’m certain the May 1st Reg for opening on lakes hasn’t applied for a few years now. It was superseded and the opening day for ice fished banned lakes is as soon as ice off.
Corey is correct that is an obsolete regulation in Region 3; all lakes that have a winter closure are now open as soon as the ice is gone. Which is the way it always should have been!
Any info on Hihium? Good to hear Roche has some fish!
Fished White Lake Wednesday & Thursday during the nice weather! Lots of smaller fish in the 15-18 inch range. Just around the the Fire Department in water under 20 on Chronies size 18 … Pumped fish contained some 20’s and afew 16’s that were black/Dk Gray. some larger bombers hatching but nothing on them when fished.. Hatch activity was better Wednesday than Thursday but not heavy… Micro leaches in Maroon seemed to be the the most consistant producer, under an indicater or on the the retrive. Beautiful lake and the fish are some of the chromest specimens ever!!! I can only imagine how hot a 4# would be out of white!
Has anyone been to Pass lately?
I fished pass today it’s doing good.
Hey Wayne, you usually have a pretty good idea about how the koke’s are doing. How do they fish in the spring (it always seems to be July before I dig out the Kokanee gear)? Planning to head out to Monte if the wind ever dies down around here. Thanks.
Not sure how kokanee fishing in the spring would be? Never tried it on Monte or stump. I just fish them in the hotter months. Typically I wait till mid June and the weather and water has settled out! Sorry I could be of more help.
Thanks Wayne, yeah same boat as me…haha
Pass is ice off and ready, was up there on weds.
Has anyone drove into Hosli yet? I am planning a day trip Friday, I just want to make sure the road is decent and not worse than previous years? Would hate to get stuck if we are the only vehicle heading in. The last few years I have been fine taking the older traditional route in at ice off…
Hi Tim,
Same old road. Can be OK one day and then crappy after one night of rain. I took a drive through all the roads back there a few weeks ago and was fine with just 4×4 occasionally needed. 4×4 a must and I always recommend recovery gear … I’ve only had to use mine a few times over many years but not having it could turn an inconvenience into a a damn miserable night in the bush π
Was up there yesterday and the road was very soft and very wet, was sinking in at some spots. Be aware of the weather this week and do bring some sort of recovery gear as a fallback.
Hey guys, after a few years of being limited access to many lakes, I finally got another 4×4 to get out and explore many unknown back roads in search of better lakes with less pressure and bigger fish, any tips or advice such as items to have on hand would be greatly appreciated I will be doing a lot of fishing alone and want to be best prepared.
I’d recommend spending some money and buying yourself a recovery kit from a 4×4 shop, they’re fairly inexpensive and will save you from some sticky situations. Other then that I always have a shovel, quality rope, and a small camp axe as my bare necessities. It never hurts to be over prepared let someone know where you’re going, approx. time of return, and have a good accurate map.
Thanks danflyfish16 for the reply! Any others input welcomed and appreciated. Thanks
Basic recovery kit that got me out of many jams without having to drop a grand on a winch or pack gas for a chainsaw … mind you I was younger then, today I have a winch & chainsaw π
100′ cable & a few nylon straps
2 snatch blocks (size to fit cable)
Bow saw
Collapsible shovel
Rubber boots (you’ll be happy you have these when the mud is deep)
A few tarps
In addition …
First aid kit (with fire starter, water purifier & pocket knife)
Small tool kit
Flashlight with extra batteries
Extra old winter jacket/toque/gloves (in case you have to spend the night)
Optonal …
Bottled water
Non perishable snacks
* And like danflyfish16 said, let someone know where you are going so if you don’t make it back someone will know where to send help. I just tell my wife the name of the lake and she knows that any of my fishing buddies will prob know exactly where on route I’m likely to be stuck π
Thanks for the list! Hopefully I won’t be needing to use that stuff anytime too soon
Excellent post… a come-along and couple snatch blocks can be a life saver!
For folks in the Okanagan area, lots of the lakes below 1200 meters are ice off now, Browne, Idabell, Minnow, Hydraulic are clear, Oyama is clear now, Lambly (Bear) is only at 1100m so should be clear now, Jackpine should be clear soon as it is around 1300m. Dee lakes chain may be a bit longer. Osprey is reported to be clear and Headwaters will not be far behind.
Hello everyone
I know I’m a bit late this year for the big hatch at sawmill lake .
Has anyone been out there yet and can tell me how the fishing conditions are???
i heard a rumour that the airator froze up and there was a winter kill ???
Any input would be great
Haven’t been myself but reports I heard was that the winterkill was only a partial kill and the fishing has been good.
Thanks a lot