… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2015 Fishing Reports post!
… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! π―
As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2015 fishing & ice off reports.
Please try to include:
- the name of the lake or the general area π (NOT Mandatory)
- what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
- a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!
If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!
Use the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you donβt even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! π
For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!
And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!
That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! π
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Planning a trip this wknd, do you think Blue is iced off? (near Glimpse)
No chance in hell Blue is ready for this weekend. That lake is at 4100 feet in elevation and normally doesn’t ice-off until early May. That being said, this is an early year and it will certainly be way ahead of average. If you are making a trip that way Peter Hope is open and I would suspect that Glimpse will be ready for this weekend (just barely).
Thanks Art, heading to Roche, will post some pics if we get any big ones π
hello everyone I am new to this site, well not new to the site just new to posting. I have been following this site for years and it is by far the best site for fly fishing in the interior! I was looking through previous years ice off reports and after going through many pages was not able to find the ice off dates for the last couple of years for the following lakes, can anyone help?
Red, roche, peterhope, lac le jeune, knouff
Thank you
Hi coho chaser,
I don’t think we ever compiled a list so going through the old posts would prob be the best way to figure it out. You might not get the exact dates but you should be able to get close. I’ll look thorough my info and see what I can find for the lakes you listed.
Hi Coho Chaser, this is what I have found – but no guarantees as to accuracy. If any one wants to make any additions and/or corrections they would be welcomed.
Red Lake (950M): April 24, 2014; April 19, 2013; April 25, 2012; May 2, 2011
Peter Hope (1095M): Mar 22, 2015; Apr 25, 2014; ?? ??, 2013; May 10, 2012 ??; May 10, 2011 ??
Roche Lake (1146M): Apr 18, 2014
Knouff Lake (1146M): ? ? ? ?
Lac Le Jeune (1273M): May 4, 2014; May 2, 2013; May 8, 2012; May 14, 2011; April 30, 2010
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Tom
Good morning BCFlyguys,
TYVM for editing my post above ( copy and paste did a terrible job )
No prob Tom … thanks for putting the list together!
any word on any of the lakes in the Kane Valley?
Given that Lundbom and Marquart are just opening up I would think the Kane Valley should be quite similar.
Drove past Kane valley lakes today and they are getting close but still iced on.
Fished Roche and with the weather changing fishing was very slow.
OK sorry fly guys but yes I have meet alot of people over the years. And yes many types of fisherman/ladys of all types of fishing. I am well know by many old school people some have passed. Im not here to say ive got every fresh water fish known in BC , but I have. I do catch fish when I go fishing my passion was fly fishing . And yes tyed my own , and for many places in kamloops,and taught many people thro out BC.
Off that Web Cams come in handy for me as I live on a disability pension so I don’t go out much. cohochaser some of the lakes your asking about have webcams.
As for information I tell all,why keep it.Yes cronnies,half backs shrimp,leeches,mayflys,boatmans,sedges,full backs, and many more to list. Its funny I give good Info to every one that fishes and where ever there at or going if I know So over the years Ive had good patterns that work. Kamloops was where I started and here now.
Sure my 4lb fish could be 3lb thats to bring in the new fishing people and I dont pack a camera all the time but I and my partner do get fish. And that Big one I did catch it was seen and a pic was taken of it. It probably never got on here as back ground is and always will be a clue. I did put a pic of pass lake as it was starting to ice off. it was on here and fishaholics who knows where it went on here. Me and technology have problems . I say now ask or pass info to others as it does help out.
Thanks Ollie … we always appreciate the experience and information you share on the site! π
Heading up to the kane valley lakes tomorrow, if they’re iced im heading up to peter hope and roche. I’ll leave a report for you guys on Monday.
Thanks! I’m very interested to hear if some of my faves up the Kane Valley are liquid yet. If they aren’t, I’m sure that they’re close.
Christian, of all the kane valley lakes lower and upper second had the most available water but they were still over 50% frozen. Chicken Ranch was still completely ice, harmon the first 10 feet from shore was open the rest ice, the upper and lower kane were still completely covered except for the inflow and the shallow shoals. Englishmen was about 30% open but the ice was thinning and looked close
Was on the water at roche by 10 this morning and was met by brutal winds and whitecaps for the ensuing three hours before I decided to pack it in. I fished the north end and lost two fish off scuds wind drifting under an indictor about 5 feet down. The amount of scuds or freshwater shrimp (whatever they are) in the water was pretty surprising and they were quite larger then I expected approx. size 8-10 tan in colour with a red orange hot spot that was very visible. Saw a couple other guys fishing under indicators with no luck before everyone finally had enough of the wind. Im hoping to get back up there Wednesday evening and Thursday morning so I will leave another report after that.
Hope you all experienced better luck than I this weekend. Tight Lines.
Hi guys,
Love the site lots of great info and debates. I was wondering if anyone has fished edith in the last few days and how the fishing was. Planning on heading up on Sunday and Monday.
Sorry for the late reply. Fished it the other day and it was OK. Fish were full of daphnia but was still getting them on the UV Leech. Even saw a fairly strong chirony hatch happen for about an our … too bad I left my #20’s at home!
Hi Guys,
Great site – lots of great info.
Does anyone know how Campbell lake is coming along with ice?
Was up on Hwy 24 on the weekend – Fawn had about 40-50 ft of open water at the boat launch and in front of the resort – should be open any time!
Scuitto was ice free as of sunday. A few fish taken but slow
A few of us are heading up Merritt way this Friday.
Looking at trying to fish Kidd or Englishmen. Any news on ice-off or how they are fishing is much appreciated. I know Englishmen was 30% off – any new news? Haven’t heard anything about Kidd. Has anyone seen Courtney or Corbett? Should be same as Kidd.
How’d you make out Mark?
Lived up to its reputation. Very tough day of fishing, snow, rain, and wind. Only a couple smaller bows thrown in. Not the monsters we were hoping for. Nice to get out though. Should have went to Lundbum:)
Just spoke with Gloria at Knouff lake and the ice came off as of yesterday!
Hey Benny, check your facebook messages
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What am I looking for, Coho chaser?
The wife and I fished Campbell today – we were the only boat on the lake – water temp was 45-46 *F – fishing was spotty in the morning – fish here or there – then bugs started coming off about 11:30 and fishing was quite good until 2:30… lots of fish – nothing big – 18″ about the best – but really nice to be out and have a lake like this this to ourselves!!! – well other than the folks at their cabin playing ABA tunes loud enough for all… haha π
anyone heard if red is open yet?
should be long gone, ice was breaking up over a week ago…………
Yes Red it is open.
Anyone know what Dragon Lake is looking like, in the Quesnel area?
Is the ice off?