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flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports post!

… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! 😯

As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2014 fishing & ice off reports.

Please try to include:

  • the name of the lake or the general area πŸ˜‰ (NOT Mandatory)
  • what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
  • a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!

If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!

Use the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! πŸ™‚

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!

And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our 2014 fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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623 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

  1. Avatar photo Steve41 says:

    Hi guys, great forum here. I am looking forward to contributing when I can. Dose anyone know if Lundbom winter kills and when ice off might be? I will be heading there or to Roche May 14-20th. Any advise would be great. Ice off for Roche?

    • Art Vandelay says:

      No Lundbom does not normally winterkill, although I believe the lake has suffered from high pH levels in the past which does have an impact on fish. Lundbom should be ice-free within the next few days if it isn’t already.

      Roche will likely be ice-free by the end of April. May 14th to 2oth should be primetime at either of those lakes. Best of luck!

  2. Avatar photo Pirate says:

    We fished stump saturday everywhere and anywhere. Only area we had any luck was at the north end with small chrons. Managed to land a handful in between wind gusts.

  3. Jayman says:

    Does anyone know when Vinson lake ice’s off. I have a buddy who loves that lake and I want to put it on my bucket list this year. I’m really pumped to get out on the lakes this spring. Tying like crazy to kill the pain of not being on the water. I should just move out of the LML to merritt or kamloops, I’m in the area every weekend anyways.

    • Gabe Carter says:

      I would guess that Vinson is still frozen, its kind of tucked in and at about 1400 meters. Probably a couple weeks away. it’s better to hit in June or July.

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Funny, all the LML’ers dreaming of their days fishing the interior this year and here I am dreaming of the days I’ll be fishing the LML this year! (…Though I don’t miss some of the crowd’s) πŸ˜•

      …on another note,
      I can’t confirm but I heard from an acquaintance I know that a camera was put under the ice at Pass recently and it wasn’t looking too good, could be a bs story but I doubt it, hope I’m wrong

      • Darryl says:


        Not sure about the camera, but there was a post on here that listed Pass as winter-killed, so perhaps it is not BS.



  4. fishinchicken says:

    Anyone been up to peterhope this week? Sure would be nice to see an ice free lake by this weekend.

  5. Darryl says:

    Hi everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone has any reports about how the fishing has been at Six Mile or Morgan and if these lakes are starting to turn? Thanks so much in advance.



    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Can’t speak for 6mile or Morgan but Jacko went from clear to extremely murky within just a few short days after ice off. Between sunday afternoon and monday evening was like night and day, but there were also some extremely windy days up there stirring it up. I’m wondering if it will be cleared up sometime this weekend?

      Any turnover info on 6mile,Morgan, Stump,Jacko and of course ice off/winterkill info for our other surrounding lakes is very much appreciated. Thanks to everyone for all the useful posts!

      Not sure if anyone said Gardom was off yet or not I know some people were asking about it, it’s been open for a couple days now. Tightlines

      • Art Vandelay says:

        Jacko is almost always really dirty immediately after ice off. I swear I have seen that lake turnover twice during the same spring. The good news is that you can always still catch fish there during turnover.

      • deesee says:

        Logan Lake is about 1/2 ice free, so hopefully some of the other higher lakes will thaw soon too. Don’t have a photo, but teach in Logan Lake and pass the lake every day (not math though so don’t quote me on the precision of the fraction

  6. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    It’s that time of year when the ice fisherman really need to be careful! This story from M. Dean …….

    A friend of mine dropped by on Sunday, he said him and a few friends went to Red Lake last week ice fishing for Eastern Brook Trout, they caught some real nice ones! But, the one guy that fell through the ice didn’t have a fun day! I guess they were using a plank of sorts to get them over the thin shore ice, but this guy must have made a wrong move, and down he went, right up to his arm pits … twice!! He took off his wet clothes and my buddy lent him his snow mobile suit, cold but OK! Red Lakes pretty high up, so I’d be real leery to go out on any lake this time of year, planks or no planks!!!

  7. Troovdaddy17 says:

    Anyone know if ice is off Joyce or Phillips lake? was hoping to go to one of those two this weekend but wont waist my time if not.

  8. Jac Timber says:

    How is the road to Campbell?? Fully open no snow??

    • dave says:

      There was a bit of snow just before the lake yesterday but nothing to worry about 2 wheel drive didnt spin a tire

  9. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:


    • Avatar photo Steve41 says:

      Thanks for the picture of Roche! How much longer do you think until it is ice free? How soon does a lake turn over after ice off? How long will it take for a lake to stabilize after turn over?

      • Jayman says:

        Hey steve41. I think your the same guy that I was talking to at the abby store. How was the pabst blue ribbon at Jacko? Any luck.

        • Avatar photo Steve41 says:

          Hi Jayman, dont think it was me. I fish out of a painted green 10 ft. Harborcraft with the word Froggy on the side. Mainly just fish Roche when I can.

      • Darryl says:

        From the picture and the forecast I would say Roche would be good to go in a week or so. As for turnover, it depends on the size of the lake, wind, and temperature, but it usually hits 7 to 10 days after ice-off and last about 7 – 10 days. Some lakes still fish well during turnover (Morgan, Red), while others it is just a waste of time to try (Edith). Of course, this is my experience, but do not rule out all lakes just becuase of turnover. That being said, there are enough lakes starting to open that you will have a choice not to fish a lake turning over if you want to. My experience is that a lake fishes best about 3 weeks after ice off (i.e., just after things stabalize). Oxygen levels are up and fish are hungry!!

  10. Darryl says:

    Ok, so for what it is worth, here is a summary of the ice off simulator. Did not do great this year, but will continue working on it.

    6 Mile – Final Predicition = Apr 4, actual = Apr 8
    Morgan – Final Prediction = Apr 7, actual = Apr 10
    Stump – Final Prediciton = Apr 12, actual = Apr 7
    Jacko – Final Predicition = Apr 13, actual – april 13 (wierd, this lake is usually the hardest to predicit).

    Edith – Current Prediction = Apr 23
    Red – Current Predicition = Apr 30

    Does anyone know if the Ministry posts the oxygen levels they take from the lakes before ice-off? Alberta lists lakes likely killed and those killed, but it seems like in BC we rely on friends of friends who know someone at the Ministry. Frustrating. Trying to get a better handle on the winter-kill situation.

  11. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    • Darryl says:

      Incredible. The strangest year ever. Who can remember Roche becoming ice free before Edith and only 10 days after Six Mile? And Stump coming off before Six Mile? Strange all around. I hope the fish are not to dazed and confused πŸ™‚

    • DonB says:

      Anyone know if the reports about winter kill at Roche are true? FlyBC has a thread that says someone reported hundreds of fish are dead on the shore and the eagles are having a feast. I’ve never heard of this at Roche before, anyone know for sure?

      • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

        Hey Don, the fellow with the cabin at Roche just commented on our Facebook page. He says he saw 6 dead fish at the dock and a fisherman told him he saw a lot of dead fish … no numbers though so I’m not sure where the hundreds came from. I asked if he would keep his eyes open for moving fish and keep us posted. He’s going to go out with his fish finder tomorrow and take a look. I was thinking of checking it out tomorrow myself as well. It’s a big lake with lots of fish, creeks/springs and depth so I’m staying optimistic that if anything we’re looking at a minor partial kill. Stay tuned …

        • DonB says:

          Yeah, that sounds a little more reasonable. I think it is inevitable that the lake gives up a few fish every winter and that is probably a good thing. there would have to be something really strange going on for a lake like Roche to have a significant winter kill.

          Thanks for the info. Rob, I look forward to hearing about what is found tomorrow with the help of a fish finder.

  12. Fly Dragger says:

    Does anyone know if Edith Lake is ice free?

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Oops, sorry recalling that last update re Edith still ice on. Just got an email from an individual that was there today. Like Roche it seems the ice came off fast and Edith is now fishable! πŸ™‚

    • dnelsy says:

      Small amount of ice in the far corner of Edith

    • Jesse says:

      Had a good afternoon at Edith yesterday fishing with my dad using leeches close to shore. A mix of little ones and nicer ones and a couple decent bookies.

  13. Mark Y says:

    Hoping to get out on Monday
    Anyone been up to Courtney or Kidd yet? Has the ice come off that area? Lund/Marq/Kane?
    Is Murray lake road in passable yet?
    How about any reports from Jacko sat or sun.
    As you can see we don’t know which way to turn this Monday and looking for a little direction. Its a long drive from the LML for a day trip, want to make it worth it

    • Gabe Carter says:

      Courtney, Kidd, Lundbom, and Marquart are all good to go. We were at Lundbom on Friday, WINDY ! Fishing was slow, managed one 3 1/2 pounder. Kane might be ice free by Monday, there was about 10′ of open water at the edge on Friday.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Jacko is fishing, well, like Jacko usually fishes this time of year. Find the fish and you should be OK. And you always have a chance at a lunker there. Here’s a pic that a guy posted to the FB page from his Friday afternoon fish …


  14. Avatar photo TKB says:

    Dragon Lake: Now showing 4 Feet of water around the edge. Still experiencing cold nights in the Central Interior. Warmer temps and some rain coming this week should help to get rid of the ice! And we wait!

  15. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Tunkwa lake web cam now showing a lot of open water! Also got an email from a fellow in Logan lake confirming ice off there as well! The options are growing! πŸ™‚

    Happy Easter everyone!

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