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flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports post!

… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! 😯

As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2014 fishing & ice off reports.

Please try to include:

  • the name of the lake or the general area πŸ˜‰ (NOT Mandatory)
  • what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
  • a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!

If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!

Use the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! πŸ™‚

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!

And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our 2014 fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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623 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

  1. freshfisher says:

    Anyone know if the lakes near Falkland are thawed (Joyce Lake, Pillar Lake, Pinaus Lake, Square Lake…)?

    • Art Vandelay says:

      Not a chance. If White and 6 Mile aren’t open there is no way those lakes are open.

  2. Jim Isaac says:

    Anyone know if lakes around 800 meters would be ice off yet

  3. Darryl says:

    Latest from the Ice-Off simulator:
    Full Ice Off
    Six Mile – April 5 (however, based on art’s recent report, it looks like the simulator might be off a bit)

    Morgan – April 8

    Stump – April 12

    Jacko – April 14

    Edith – April 24

    Red – April 30th
    This is the latest ice off since 2009. Oh, and Jim, the following lakes: Morgan, Six Mile and Stump, are all below 800 m, as they sit at 600 and change to 700 and change, and they are still ice on, so I doubt anything is open at the 800 m mark. I feel you pain. I thought I would be out on Six Mile and Morgan by now. Now I am out of the country for the next 10 days, so will miss these two lakes opening, but shoul dbe back for Stump…I hope.



  4. AdamD says:

    Here’s a picture from today at deep Lake. About a foot of clear around perimeter of the lake. Gives a good idea of what other lakes at that elevation look like!

    • Art Vandelay says:

      Deep is a bit of a weird one though as the little valley that it lies within keeps it more sheltered from the wind and sun than 6 Mile and Morgan so it tends to ice-off a bit later than those lakes even though it is actually 50 m lower in elevation.

      Even so, the really warm weather this coming week will strip that ice off by next week without a doubt.

  5. Avatar photo Christian says:

    Gofishbc just posted in Facebook that Stump is ice free. Just passing along their report. Can anyone confirm? It seems highly unlikely to me, but they seem like they would know.

  6. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Heard from a couple fellows today that Barnes lake has iced off. Can anyone confirm?

    • Avatar photo Christian says:

      Huh, Barnes and Stump iced off before Morgan and Six Mile. Funny year.

    • Avatar photo Christian says:

      Someone on FlyBC said that he went to Barnes today and it still had lots of ice and he didn’t feel like it would be iced off for at least a week. Who’s got the legit info?

      • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

        I was a bit reluctant to post this as I had not seen it with my own eyes but the guys who reported it (like the guy on flybc) said they were there. hmm, may have to start requiring picture proof πŸ˜• In hind sight I should have worded the report differently … I will edit.

      • pauld says:

        That was me at Barnes on Saturday. Did’nt think of taking a picture till i was half way home, ice off at least a week maybe more.


  7. Went to Six mile and Morgan a few days ago. Still plenty of ice and very little water showing along the edges.


  8. Avatar photo Evan says:

    Jacko and 6 Mile as of today…



  9. Stuart Dickinson says:

    Fished Yellow Lake today for a couple of hours. Ice free along most of the Northern shore from 50-100 feet out. Should be off entirely in a few days I would think.

  10. Darryl says:

    Well, so much for the simulator. Those that doubted were right to doubt. I had Six Mile coming off yesterday. That did not happen, and Stump was not suppose to come off until the 11th or 12th. Looks like it will be off much, much sooner than than. Stump before Six Mile and Morgan…weird. I have never seen that before. Sorry the predictions were off this year. I thought I had something going here given that last year it seemed to be working just fine. Good news is that Six Mile, Morgan, Stump and a few other will be ice fee with this upcoming warmth. πŸ™‚



    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Weird year for sure but I don’t think you’re as far off as you think. Remember your times are based on full ice off. I suspect Six Mile and Morgan are mere days if not hours away. I’m thinking you will be right on the money or VERY close with Morgan. And Stump is only open on the north end … again if the south end takes a few days to a week to come off you will have been right in the ball park! Time will tell but I think you will be close on Jacko, Edith & Red as well. Thanks for running the simulator again this year … right or wrong it’s very interesting to watch how it unfolds!

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      No worries Darryl, I think I speak for many when I say, Thank you for sharing the ice off simulator with us again this year and sure hope to see it again next year.

    • Goldmember says:

      The simulator is great! Gets a guy anticipating the ice off, and got me tying flies like crazy! Now when it happens I’m stocked up.

    • Darryl says:

      Thanks everyone. I thought I was going to be booed off the stage. Who knows, maybe it will be close. And yes, I will run the simulator and share it next year again. Now, however, it is time to fish!!



    • Tom says:

      Darryl – No “Boos” from me! And I look forward to your next “simulator” and any other comments you may care to share.

      The Rest of You – Please continue to post the full ice off dates for any and all lakes for the benefit of the Rest of Us! I have been compiling a year to year list of these dates, hit and miss as it may be, for future reference. Thanks All.


  11. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Jacko 24 hours after Evan’s post above:


    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      😯 Almost brings tears of joy to my eyes lol

      • Mark Y says:

        All that being said
        With the warm weather this week, is there a chance Jacko will be ice free by this sat?
        Keep us lower mainlanders updated
        Would love to head out on Sat

  12. Brad Klammer says:

    Did anyone check out Sawmill last week?

  13. Avatar photo Burnzi says:

    I am looking for reports for the Nicola Valley region and can’t seem to find anything on-line. Anybody here been around the area at all?
    Thalia, Kump, Hornet, Hook Lakes particularly… Kane Valley.
    Hook being at almost 1300 meters, I doubt it’ll be ready to fish for another couple of weeks, but I am hoping some of the others will ice-off this week.
    Any feedback would be great.

  14. JER says:

    A friend and I went up to 6 Mile last Friday to check out how the ice off was coming and when we rolled up we saw black smoke in the air. I took this picture when we arrived and spots on far end of the lake were on fire. At first we thought these were controlled burns but did not see anyone and then another gentleman stopped and told us someone was up earlier, setting these fires, then drove off as soon as this gentleman arrived. He also mentioned the area is a duck / bird habitat / sanctuary and no reason for the fires.

    Just wanted to pass this onto the Flyguys community to see if anyone would know if they were controlled burns or not?

  15. Mario DeStefano says:

    Lac le juene still got ice. http://www.laclejeune.ca/webcam2.html

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