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flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

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... not bad for the first fish of the year!
flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports Post!

So since our flyguys.net Official 2011 Ice Off Reports post went so well we’ve decided to take the same approach with our Official 2011 Fishing Reports post!

As before, please use the comments / reply section at the end of the post to share and discuss your 2011 fishing reports. Please include the name of the lake (or at least the general area that you were in πŸ˜‰ ), what worked, what didn’t and as many other details as you care to share. A picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well! If you’ve got a question regarding a particular lake or fly pattern (or whatever) ask it here as well and hopefully someone will chime in with an answer for you!

That’s it folks! Might work, might not but we’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Check it out below! πŸ˜‰

* Subscribe to the comments of this post below and be notified of any followup comments via e-mail. You don’t even have to comment to subscribe!

* For those of you that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report, please use the following link to submit your story! Entertain us and each submission will get you a chance to win a prize to be drawn at the end of the year! (prize to be determined) πŸ˜€ If you would rather us post the information for you please forward it to [email protected].

Tight lines & good luck everyone!

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... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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312 Responses to flyguys.net Official 2011 Fishing Reports

  1. Ken says:

    Fished Pass today. Half dozen or so to the boat but the lake is in the beginning of turn over. The southwest side is where all the debris is collecting.
    Heading to Tunkwa/Leighton on the 13th, anybody know if they have turned over yet?

    • Rob says:

      Tunkwa just iced off on the 5th … I’d say 10 – 14 days to turn but this is a weird year so who knows. Lots of talk about lakes starting to turn while the ice was still on. I’d keep my eye on the Tunkwa Lake Resorts report page and see how it’s fishing closer to your fishing date.

  2. Poge says:

    Does anyone have any info on Red lakes status.

    • mike says:

      I fished it today from noon until 3 caught 2 brookies on 4 bites. I was trolling leech flies biggest was 3.6 other was 3.2 very nice fish, fat and tastey. Long slow day though, calm waters and not many bugs on the lake

  3. Jayme says:


    Was at Red on Friday – pretty quiet on the lake, no sign of turn over. Fish jumping and calm waters. Was a balmy 8 degrees!! Caught a 1 pound rainbow and a few smaller fish.

    Fish on!

  4. Rob says:

    Roche Lake baby! You got to luv it! πŸ˜€

    [img]https://flyguys.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/RocheLake Spring2011-flyguys.net.JPG[/img]

    Full story here!

  5. gord says:

    Good report on Roche. Any guess as to when the lake will begin the turnover ?

    • Rob says:

      From the colour of the water I’d say it’s already turned. I fished it again today and it was a bit cleaner than yesterday (and the fish were a bit more active πŸ™‚ ) so I’d say it’s already starting to clean up.

    • Rob says:

      Fished Roche again this morning. Water was still murky but less so than yesterday so I think it’s starting to clean up from the turn. The fishing was better as well with at least a dozen hooked in the short time I was there. All fish today were taken on a micro leech – didn’t see any chronies hatching but was gone by noon so may have missed it. Overall a great morning and it’s only gunna get better! πŸ™‚

  6. Brian says:

    hello there, has anyone fished Marquart lately? I’ve heard water levels have really gone down in the last little bit. Can you still launch a boat off a trailer there?


  7. Dawn says:

    Hi Guys! Wow…some really nice fish being caught….any new reports on Scuitto regarding turnover? Heading up tomorrow bright and early for four days….SO EXCITED….sure hope I have pictures like the ones above to show off when I get back! Thanks!!


    • Rob says:

      Hey Dawn I haven’t heard any actual reports but given how long it’s been since ice off I’m confident saying that it has already turned and fishing should be picking up. Look for the chironie hatches and match them as best as possible. Experiment with depths till you hit fish and then use your throat pump to sample and fine tune from there. Good luck and we’re expecting pictures and a report! πŸ˜‰

      • Dawn says:

        Hey Rob!
        Had an absolutely wonderful five days at Scuitto! Great weather, great neighbours that were extremely helpful, and terrific fishing! Caught fish everyday, most in the two pound plus range, all caught trolling different leeches and nymphs. Too many chironomid fishers for us to embarrass myself in front of, so stuck to what we knew how to do. I’m fairly certain we had just as much luck as they did, and maybe a bit more! A lot of people said it was slow….geez, I don’t know if I could handle it if it were much better! I’ve been to a few places where we didn’t do half as well, and one where we got skunked altogether, so I thought it was absolutely wonderful. Can’t wait to go back!! Pics to follow as soon as I can get my son to help me get them off the new camera!!! lol

        • Rob says:

          Right on Dawn! πŸ˜€ Glad to hear you guys had a good time and caught lots of fish! Can’t wait to see some pics!

          • Dawn says:

            Here’s a couple of pics as promised. A big thanks to all my cyber friends that helped us have a wonderful weekend. I plan to make Scuitto my early trip every year!

          • Rob says:

            Very nice! Thanks for sharing!

  8. lyle says:

    went to bleeker may 11th looks like may have winter killed there was acouple guys there from ministry said oxygen levels got down to1.7 never seen any fish moving all of the people there nobody caught nothing dont look good

  9. JFM says:

    Went fishing today at a Kamloops area lake at 3300 ft. The lake that has been ice off for 12 days. Variable weather with rain and it was windy! Water temp ranged from 47-50 degrees F. There were a few chironies coming off but mainly shrimp in the throat samples. The fly of the day was a black micro leech either trolled or under indicator being retrieved. The Results were ……… 1 58cm Rainbow (6 pounds 12 ounces), 1 52 cm rainbow (about 5.5pounds), 1 62cm Rainbow (about 7 pounds), 1 rainbow about 1.5 pounds & 1 rainbow just under a pound.



    … sorry for pics not being better, hard to fight fish and take pics at same time! πŸ™‚

    • Rob says:

      hmmm …. I think you got “horseshoes” up you butt!!! πŸ˜‰

      Beauty bows JFM – thanks for the report! And by the way the 62 cm’r is probably closer to 8 pounds than 7! Good job!

  10. Mark Y says:

    Fished Lundbom on Wed. Very slow. Only a couple here and there in the morning and nothing all afternoon until about 4:00pm by the boat launch – only place we could fish as the wind was howling. The fish would follow our flies to the boat then hang around right under us. We had 4 – 8 fish at a time right under the boat in about7 ft of water but couldn’t get them to commit. They were interested/follow/nip but not bite. The fish we did hook were further away from the boat and i suppose less wary. Most of the fish were caught on the Bulldog(sfotf). Some were even caught on the Bulldog under the indicator! Biggest fish were (2) about 18″ and the rest were around 14 – 16″. Tried using pheasant tails, microleeches, boatman, chironi, bloodworms and had quick nibbles but they only commit to the Bulldog, one on a pheasant tail and one on a gomphus. I imagine the terrible weather didn’t help (it snowed on the coq on the way back to the lower mainland).

  11. Rob says:

    Well you might not have thunk it by the weather but today turned into a great day of fishing in the Roche lake area! Today’s key to success was persistence! Unfortunately, for them, we watched many people leave the lake early even though chironomids were hatching. For those that stayed the fish finally started keying in on them and then it was back to back action with countless double headers!

    Here’s what they were taking …………

    and here’s one of the little piggies …….

    It’s that time of year folks so get out there! πŸ™‚

  12. Randy says:

    Hello, I fished Edith lake with my brother in law from switzerland today. We caught quite a few fatsows in the 2-3 pound range. The fish were willingly taking a pumpkin head leach and a static bac chronie. We had our best success in 5-8 feet of water. I thought we might hook into a Edith lake lunker but the wind kicked up and blew us off the lake. Edith is definitely worth a fish if the wind isn’t blowing. Good luck to all that try.


    Also I have a week off of work and was thinking of driving to quesnel to give Dragon Lake a try, anythoughts would be appreciated thanks.

  13. Gary says:

    Lucky Friday 13 at Heffley Lake!

    Fished Big Heffley today, at the shallows, apx 12 ft of water, floating line, red/black chrony, apx 9′ under 1/2″ Rowley indicator, 1st fish barely fit in my net 😯 3 others not quite as big, but only till 11:00 am or so … do they have watches?? LOL. Great day, considering the date and all!

  14. Rob says:

    Another May day … another Kamloops area lake … another little piggy Kamloops Rainbow trout! Put away the micro leeches folks cause their on Chironomids strong with the KKK by far the biggest producer of the day! πŸ˜‰


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