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flyguys.net Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports post!

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As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2017 fishing reports, ice off reports, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, or whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!

Stay up to date by utilizing the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private!

For those that would like to share a little more than just 2017 fishing reports we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!

And new for this year our …….

Historic (& Live for 2017) BC Interior Ice Off Chart

Keep providing ice off info in the comments below and we will update the 2017 column! Big thanks to Lando, Tom & Darryl! πŸ˜€


That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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456 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports

  1. Greg Plummer says:

    Hey everyone, I know that ice out is a ways away yet………… but I was looking for information on ice out dates over the last 4-5 years for popular lakes in the Kamloops area if anyone has been keeping track it would be greatly appreciated. I live on the Island and I am trying to plan my annual trip in may. Any info is appreciated!


    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Hey Greg thanks for reminding me, one of our members (thanks Tom!) actually sent me a spread sheet containing ice off info over the last few years. He’s got some info going all the way back to 2009. I’ll try to get it out over the weekend … unless he beats me to it πŸ˜‰

    • Greg Plummer says:

      Awesome, Thanks Rob!

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Hoping this works. If it does elevations are in Meters and more to come πŸ™‚ …….

      • deesee says:

        This is cool. Thanks for sharing. Have trouble believing some of the data though. 2012 for example Morgan ice-free 25 days BEFORE Six Mile??? Can’t see how this would happen.

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          hahaha damn I must be a bit dyslexic lol … should be 3.30 for Morgan not 3.03 … I’ll edit and repost when I get some time πŸ™‚

      • lando says:

        Is there any chance you can email me the spreadsheet of this? Id love to add to it and keep a copy handy on my computer.

        If so, my email is [email protected]

        If not, no worries! Figured I’d ask.


      • Greg Plummer says:

        any idea what happened to the ice off chart??? It seems to have disappeared…..

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          Ya it disappeared when my uploader plugin bit the dirt! Long story! But don’t despair cause I am just working out the details on how to post a chart at the top of this post which will show historic ice off dates PLUS be consistently updated with this years data as it comes in! I hope to have it going today. πŸ™‚

  2. doug gosling says:

    Don’t know why but I couldn’t read the list above…too small. I’m wondering about the usual time ice-off occcurs on Lac Le Jeune?

  3. paul says:

    Any winter kill out their yet? I know of one lake in cache creek that’s toast. Wondering about pass and Roche?

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Unofficially, all testing so far has gone very well except for Tulip and Englishman. Heard through the grapevine that early tests on Roche were positive πŸ™‚

      Take this all with a grain of salt because it’s not a fool proof science, and by the looks of it Mother Nature is Bipolar this year and we still may have a ways to go πŸ™

  4. coastlogger says:

    Hey flyguys
    I’ve been tying up chronomids all winter waiting for the ice to come off, I am very interested in your screaming viking fly maybe a new tying video ? anyway awesome site keep it up

  5. Tom says:

    Hi Rob,
    Just now checked on this ice-off site. I have not been getting any new posts by email !
    Don’t want to miss out on anything – please see that I am on the list – thanks

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Hi Tom, and everyone else, there are a couple check boxes below the “post comments” button that you should select to ensure receiving notification of new posts and topics. Also, check your spam/junk folders as sometimes things are filtered there until you mark them as not junk. We’ve been having a few issues that we are trying hard to fix and I’m hoping this isn’t one of them so please give me some feedback here on this one. Thanks guys & gals! πŸ™‚

      • Tom says:

        Hi Back atcha,
        It seems that making a comment AND checking the two comment boxes took me to the site that should allow me follow this thread. I will confirm that this works or not.

  6. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Could someone please reply to this comment and try to up-load a small image … I’m trying to troubleshoot the failed image upload feature. Thank you …

  7. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Having trouble with the image uploader so in the meantime here’s an embed from the FB page …….

    Six Mile & Morgan … TODAY! Come On Ice Off!!!!!!!

  8. zane says:

    I think that winter is here for a while yet, much more of a normal winter. Unless we get a really warm spell, I’m thinking that the last week of April for the higher lakes.

    • deesee says:

      I agree that this will be more of a “normal” year. With that said, late April would be EARLY for many of the higher lakes in the region by normal standards. If I recall, historically lakes like Dairy, Norman, Gump, Big OK, Community, etc usually ice off well into May. If they are clear in April this year, that would be fantastic!!

  9. lando says:

    Does anyone have experience when lakes in the 1300-1400m range generally hit ice-off? (I know it varies with size/wind exposure) I know a few people have been running spreadsheets over the years so maybe one of them can chime in. Thanks

    • analfin says:

      Usually into may for sure, sometimes even mid to late may.

    • Art Vandelay says:

      Average ice-off at that elevation would be early May. An extremely early ice-off would be April 15th and late would be after May 15th.

  10. Greg Plummer says:

    I usually come over from the island in the second week of May, looks like I wont be up until June with the ice reports, agghhhhhhhhh!!! Come on already!

    • Art Vandelay says:

      Are you kidding? It will be just fine the second week of May for all but the highest elevation lakes around here. I think the lower mainlanders/islanders are under a bit of a misconception of how severe the winter was in the interior. On a later year such as this the second week of May should be primetime for lakes below 1200 m (4,000 ft) elevation.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Was just in the process of posting pretty much the same thing as Art as his post came in. We were spoiled with a couple back to back early ice offs, which I know makes it seem like we are sooooo far behind but in reality we’re pretty much just back to a normal season.

      • Greg Plummer says:

        Hey guys, I was born and raised in Kamloops and I know this is a normal year. Just frustrated being stuck on the island and having to plan holidays early this year, not going to be able to hit a couple of my favorite lakes at higher elevation….


  11. Chris Depper says:

    Flying home today any good news yet?

  12. paul says:

    Things are a bit backwards this year. Morgan should be ice free by the middle of next week and 6 mile will be behind by a week as it looks right now. As it stands Jacko and stump should be off by Easter break. Red is usually off just slightly ahead of Edith and I think they’ll be close to off near the 3 week of April. Roche area just after that. Just a rough estimate of course. Heavy winds can drive 2 feet of ice off fairly fast.

  13. deesee says:

    Anyone out there have any reports on the current ice status of White Lake??
    Any info would be most appreciated.

  14. 5A Flyfisher says:

    Whats the good word on Nicola Lake? Is it ice off and what is the fishing like there? Always just drive by on my way to Plateau, Peter hope, and Stump. Being a fair sized lake, where would i start on a body of water like that?

    • Avatar photo Christian says:

      My friend just came back from his cabin at Nicola. He says that it’s iced over everywhere except inflows and the ice is fairly thick still over most of the lake.

  15. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Happy dance! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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