>>> Nymphs <<<
The next two proven BC Interior Still water Fly Patterns are nymphs. Specifically, the Mayfly Nymph and the Damselfly Nymph. The mayfly is more of a seasonal fly pattern used mostly when trout key in on them during a hatch. The Damsefly hatch out as well, but are also on the menu, as nymphs, through out the open water season and seem to get the trouts attention anytime not much else is happening.
– 10 Proven BC Still Water Fly Patterns –
The Krystal Flash Mayfly Nymph
Traditional Mayfly Nymph ties, such as the PTN (Pheasant tail Nymph) or Hares Ear Nymph, are certainly effective BC Still Water Fly patterns. Their durability however leaves much to be desired; especially when the hatch is on and you really don’t want to stop fishing to change up your worn out fly! Years ago we started to work on durability with the introduction of the flyguy mayfly. The Krystal Flash Mayfly steps it up a notch with the inclusion of improved body materials and the proven Togens Cool Brown Magic bead!
– 10 Proven BC Still Water Fly Patterns –
The Icy Damsel(fly) Nymph
This spot was originally reserved for a leech pattern but after a bit of deliberation the ICY Damsel edged it out. There is no doubt that a leech pattern would have fit the bill as a proven BC Interior Still Water Fly pattern, but we already have a lot of them on the site and this Damsel is one kewl critter! Tie a couple up and wind drift them on a floater in the spring before any hatches have occurred … it won’t take you long to understand why it deserves a spot in this post! 😉
You can find more detailed information about Mayfly on our everything Mayfly page and about Damselfly on our everything damselfly page. 😉
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