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flyguys.net Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports post!

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As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2017 fishing reports, ice off reports, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, or whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!

Stay up to date by utilizing the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private!

For those that would like to share a little more than just 2017 fishing reports we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!

And new for this year our …….

Historic (& Live for 2017) BC Interior Ice Off Chart

Keep providing ice off info in the comments below and we will update the 2017 column! Big thanks to Lando, Tom & Darryl! πŸ˜€


That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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456 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2017 Fishing Reports

  1. Mike Green says:

    Hey fellas. Anybody have any reports on Forest Lake ? The one before Williams Lake

  2. Tyler Andrew says:

    Popped up to Marquart today and fished it, the ice was about 70% off when we got there and about 50% off by the time we packed up, it should be completely clear in the next day or two!

    • Tyler Andrew says:

      Also Lundbom was about 25% ice free, with a long narrow strip running down the side closest to the campsite but it looked to be clearing up quickly too.

  3. Avatar photo fog says:

    Went up to a lake near merrit and ended up catching about 30 fish from 9 till around 1500 yesterday. Managed to pull out an 8 pounder. Then, I felt something wet on my face and it ended being my dogs tongue.

  4. Kaledog says:

    Anyone know if Tunkwa is off now?

  5. lando says:

    Anyone know if Gardom has started turning yet?

  6. 5A Flyfisher says:

    Peter Hope lake iced off today,,,heading up tommrro after work.

    • drock31 says:

      Was there Thursday night till today. Ice came off late Friday. The weather unstable but when I got on the water the fish we willing biters . Landed most of mine on black and maroon balanced leech and a couple on small chironomid during the day. Good luck

      • 5A Flyfisher says:

        Thanks Drock, had a beautiful Monday Tuesday fishing there,,,,black leech with red rib and black uv ice dub collar killed it!!! Kept getting size twenty chromie cronies in the throat samples, but leech was working so well didnt feel the need for a change.

  7. Avatar photo fog says:

    Hello everyone!
    Does anybody know if jacko has finished turning over yet?

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      It’s clearing up from what it was or so I was told by others…but…still very murky, lot’s of floating vegetation. Alot of fishing going on but not much catching. Should be done very soon. Wish I could say fishing through the downpour of slush, hail and rain was worth it. But you know what they about a bad day’s fishing…

      • Avatar photo fog says:

        Thanks! Waiting to see if Don will let me know which lake he would consider fishing in about a week from now. Hopefully he pulls through ??

  8. Adfin says:

    A buddy went to Roche on Friday. South end still locked up but the main lake was ice free. Fish were moving but he only got into 4-5 fish.

    Took my son out on Sunday to Tunkwa. Ice almost entirely off. People fishing that morning had done fairly well. We hooked about a half dozen 1 pounders.But the wind really got going by the afternoon and it looked like it might be starting to turn. No fish jumping or moving and water looked pretty turbid.

    Leighton ice free at the camp ground but the majority of the lake still locked up. Ocassional rise but no active feeding.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Fished the shallows Saturday. Started off a bit slow but soon tuned into what they were interested in (the good old Triple F & UV Leeches) and it was pretty steady action. Lots of little guys but once in a while an older age class would move through. All Pennasks for us but did see one chunky FV landed. Good fun!

  9. Avatar photo NymphOManiac says:

    Hey guys.
    Does anybody know how the other smaller lakes near Roche are coming along?
    So far the forecast out that way is mostly dry this weekend, so hoping to make the trip.
    Or should we wait another week for turnover to run it’s course?
    Great forum/info here.

  10. heffleyjack says:

    Little Heffley is completely ice free. Heffley Lake probably will be mostly clear in a couple of days, certainly by the weekend.

  11. maplewiede says:

    Hi Guys,

    I just joined this group and I’m looking at a trip to the Kamloops Merritt next week. Any good suggestions as to what lakes my work.

    I appreciate any help.


    • Rubifish says:

      Hi Bob,

      I was at Morgan Saturday for about 3 hours. It was windy but still managed to pull out a couple nice ones, lost a few as well. With the wind I just troll up and drifted back down. Green leach and pumpkin head both worked. I wanted to explore so only fished for a little while. I saw one guy anchored near the north laugh doing well…

      Good luck,


  12. Avatar photo Drawn to Scale says:

    How realistic does it sound to add the date that turnover is complete each year going forward, for those of us with a long drive to the good spots ya know!?

    • analfin says:

      I think that would be tough, every ones opinion on start and finish would vary, some lakes don’t even show much of a turn over and some just fish well right through it. Some things we have to see for ourselves on the water. Best plan is to have some back plans if the lake you hit is off.

  13. phil says:

    fished roche sunday afternoon steady action nothing big , 10 fish , vampire leech under indicator in 6 ft water . wind picked up around 5pm went totally dead , was awesome getting out that seemed like a long winter !

  14. normt says:

    Would like to fish Roche soon, how does it look to get a 16 ft Starcraft in the water. Tried Monte last week but water is to low.

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