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flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports post!

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As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2016 fishing, ice off, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, or whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!

Stay up to date by utilizing the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private!

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!

And last, but definitely not least, a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! 😀

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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814 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

  1. Avatar photo Evan says:

    Looking for some suggestions…I might have to go out to Kelowna this weekend and if so, I would like to incorporate some fishing on the way there or coming back somewhere not too far out of the way. Not really interested in stopping at Monte…What are my best options???

  2. hacklejockey says:

    Water temperature in both Six Mile and Morgan has not risen above 44 and the fish are suspended and not feeding. Until water temp hits around 50, fishing will not pick up. The same situation – low overnight temps has slowed ice off on other lakes.

    • Avatar photo mooseman250 says:

      Some fish comming out of six mile area

      • Mark Y says:

        The 18th was about as dead as it gets. Came up from the lower mainland on the 17th and did a little shore fishing before going to the hotel. Caught 15 between two of us on micro leeches under the indicator (uv leeches and ruby eye leeches). We went to bed thinking we were in for a great day. Next morning we excitedly went to Morgan…. nothing. So we jumped over to Six thinking we are going to slay them there….. nothing but a chill and windy! Only one each so we left by 4:30.

        • Mark Y says:

          By the way… can anyone explain why, in a span of 4 hours, two fish decide to bite almost simultaneously on two different sides of the lake?

          • Avatar photo slashhunter says:

            I hear ya…. I fished both lakes in on the 18th. Threw everything and be kitchen sink at them and didn’t get a nibble. First trip of the year for me forgot the fish finder and a net…. Rookie move. Didn’t need the net anyway. Morgan seemed to be turning over when I was there.

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          Pat/Morgan ice off MO seems to be fairly typical every year … ice off = good fishing with a slow decline to flat line at turnover. The fish also seem to be very localized pre turn, which explains why someone can do OK while no one else is catching anything. Throw in daily weather variables like barometric pressure and wind (getting/staying in the zone) and it’s anyone’s guess. Probably a silly question but did you try fishing as tight to shore day 2 as you were from shore the day before?

  3. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Lunbum yesterday (Thanks Alex!)

  4. trouthunta says:

    round lake by Princeton today

  5. Avatar photo mooseman250 says:

    Fish seem to be feeding on dragon fly nymph’s ( I believe ) just getting into fly fishing kept a couple last few days including this morning and all had these guys in them

  6. Avatar photo Christian says:

    A friend and I are heading out on Thursday for our first interior trip of the year. Do we have confirmation that Stump is open? Someone said it was breaking up a few days ago, but I haven’t seen any photos or 100% yes on any of the sites I follow. Also, other than Pat and Morgan, which are a pretty long day trip for me, are there any other options?

    • wayne says:

      The North end of stump is open but I didn’t fish the south end has lots of ice yet and I wasn’t about to get jammed in by ice bergs. Should be 100% by Friday

      • Avatar photo Christian says:

        Thanks very much, Wayne. We’ll decide on the day whether Jacko or Stump will be our destination.

        • danflyfish16 says:

          Its been very windy as of late in kamloops which I’m assuming will eat ice at stump. We’ve fished jacko a few times from shore and only managed a few fish, nothing pushing more then 16 inches.

    • wayne says:

      However I did fish jacko today

  7. Avatar photo Christian says:

    My dad drove back from his friend’s cabin on 5A near Kidd today. He reported that Kidd, Courtney, and Corbett are all solid still with no signs of opening up any time soon.

  8. gchatte says:

    Drove to Jacko today open around shkre about 30-49 feet out and channel opening in the middle. Couple guys fishing of shore and two on pontoon boats some nice fish surfacing while i was there

  9. Jesse says:

    Fished Jacko yesterday from shore. Did fairly well with leeches. Fish were 12-19 inches. The ice was fairly soft looking so shouldn’t be more then a few days for it to break up.

  10. Benny S says:

    Fished the North end of Stump Friday for a few hours in the howling wind and then again this morning under calm conditions. Friday was terrible but this morning was very good overall. Largest fish was almost 27″ but dark. Smallest fish was 22″. On Friday we just squeezed back into the launch at the end of the day before a huge slab came in and blocked off the boat launch. The launch remained clear today but there is only a small channel getting you past the ice and into the open water. Any significant amount of wind is going to block the launch again. I chanced it today given how calm it was.

    The lake is frozen from just north of the middle launch with the picnic tables southward, so if the north end launch gets blocked you’re screwed!

  11. Avatar photo fog says:

    Hello fello anglers! Can anybody give me a list of what they would consider to be lower elevation lakes in the Thompson-nicola region?

  12. Glenn says:

    Was able to ride up to Harper Lake just outside of Chase for the first time this year. Wasn’t too surprised to see it still iced over, but it is starting to change at the shoreline.

  13. Glenn says:

    Harper Lake

    • Benny S says:

      Thanks for update, Glenn! Wow, can’t believe it is that frozen still considering it’s only 100m or so higher in elevation than Phillips and that’s been iced off over a week. I guess a bit of elevation goes a long way at this time of year.

  14. tack243 says:

    Out for a look at Peter Hope on the 21st of march 2016. Looking for warmer weather yet.

  15. Mike Green says:

    Hey fellas.. Might be heading to Salmon Arm this weekend for a fish.. anyone know what lakes are ice free? Thought about White lake but i heard it generally doesnt produce large fish. I heard Phillips is good? How about the Adams river.. is it open?

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