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flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports post!

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As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2016 fishing, ice off, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, orΒ whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!

Stay up to date by utilizing the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private!

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!

And last, but definitely not least, a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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814 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

  1. Avatar photo Armadillo says:

    Monte Lake today …partially ice free

  2. Avatar photo Armadillo says:

    speaking of Nisconlith …I was there yesterday and drove in from the Chase side…..decided to check out the rest of the road/lake and there was a good flow of water coming down the road….since I did not know what the road ahead was like I turned around and went out the way I came in….would like a separate vehicle for fishing….short wheel base and lifted up a bit

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Came to the same conclusion … this fixed it! πŸ˜€

      • The Force says:

        Love your tracker! I’m running the same model on 31’s, great in the bush. Can you post a couple pics of your roof rack? I need to put something together for mine… Want a rear roller that extends past the back hatch for ease of loading, any ideas appreciated.

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          Thanks Force. I will take some pics as soon as I can.

        • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

          Here you go Force: Made from 1″ aluminum tubing. It extends approx. 1′ at the back to allow for one man boat loading and approx. 1′ at the front to balance the load. πŸ™‚

          • The Force says:

            Nice job on the rack, I like the integration of a cargo rack. Do you feel that the two stock attachment points to the roof are strong enough? I was considering pulling the stock rails and adding an additional anchor/ support point.

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      You could get into niskonlith from chase with a minivan no problem, the road in is always in good shape, I’ve even seen volkswagen bug’s in there. Nice place to camp, very small fish.

  3. trouthunta says:

    snowing and -2 last night, what the heck, putting a bit of a damper on things!

  4. Avatar photo slashhunter says:

    Any word on Lundbom lake?

  5. deesee says:

    Fellow FlyGuys,

    Hopefully it is OK to throw out this type of request on this blog. I am a school teacher at Logan Lake Secondary, and in December I was approached by my principal asking if I would be interested in instructing an Outdoor Ed. Course with an emphasis on fly fishing. After exactly 0.5 seconds of careful consideration, I accepted his offer. The past few months have been very busy, finding tools, vises, materials, etc, but the program is up and running an the kids are off to a fantastic start. They have learned some entomology, boat safety and etiquette, how to use bathymetric maps, and are currently working on their 7th fly pattern. The kids are really getting pumped to try their flies on the water. I would like to get them out as much as possible once the ice melts on some of the lakes surrounding town. The problem is that most do not have rods, so I am looking to see if anyone has any old fly rods or fly lines that they would not likely use again and that you would be willing to donate to the school. Between myself and two of my generous neighbours, we were able to come up with 6 rods and 15 fly reels. A few of the reels have a floating or a sinking line on them, but most need lines and rods to be useful. These kids are super stoked to test their flies, learn to cast, etc.; however, our school budget simply will not allow me to buy full set-ups for them – (even really cheap sets). If you are able to help, or know of anyone who may be willing, please let me know. I have a fantastic group of kids, and they would really appreciate it.



    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Sounds awesome, if they had programs like that when I was in high school I just might’ve stayed out of a whole lot of trouble (maybe). I don’t have much to offer but would be willing to donate a couple items. Maybe leave an email/some contact info for anyone interested in helping.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      No problem at all Deesee, glad to help. I’ll look through my stuff … I don’t think I have any rods but might have some old (but still usable) fly lines around.

    • deesee says:

      Thanks gentlemen. Anything that you have lying around will certainly be put to good use – and be greatly appreciated. If you manage to find anything, and want to fire me an email, I can be reached at [email protected]

      Thanks Again.

    • nailknot85 says:

      I have an older Abu Garcia 5/6 rod that’s been collecting dust for quite a while if you’re ever in the Kelowna area.

      • deesee says:


        That would be outstanding! Thanks for yhe response. I may be in Kelowna over spring break visiting relatives. Any chance you could provide contact info to my email address at [email protected]

        Thanks Again,


  6. onthedry27 says:

    Hey all, any word on the kane valley lakes at this time?

  7. fishinchicken says:

    Anyone been up to have a look at jackos progress?

    • Jesse says:

      I heard through a friend of a friend that it was off today. Seems a bit early to me but you never know. I think it was off around the 17th last year.

  8. Avatar photo fog says:

    Hello fello anglers ! What’s the winter kill been like at Roche this year ?

  9. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Monte Lake = Ice Off

  10. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    Dragon lake open on the edges … Robert’s Roost report linked below …

  11. Will Hays says:

    Hey guys I have a quick question. Being a university student I do not have the luxury of having a boat. I was wondering which lakes were best for shore fishing.

    Thanks, Will

  12. Kevin Turner says:

    Hey everyone, fished Pat on Friday. Ice is totally off. Does anyone know if the ice is off Edith Lake yet?

  13. Gardom Lake? Anyone know if the ice is off

    • Art Vandelay says:

      I would guess that it won’t be off yet. Gardom tends to ice-off more slowly than others lake at that elevation.

    • Tom says:

      My son-in-law’s cousin, who lives right close reports – – –
      As of this morn he said it was looking really rotten. And said he would keep us informed.
      He said talking to some of the neighbors that if the ice goes off in the next week or so, that it would be the earliest that anybody in the area knew of ever.

  14. wayne says:

    I heard that Beaton only has 2 feet of murkey water left in it and has probably killed. Can anyone else confirm this? To bad if that’s the case.

    • Benny S says:

      Friend fished it on Sunday. Said it was half iced off and only a meter deep a most. Said he didn’t see dead fish, but with half the lake still covered they may have been lying on bottom elsewhere. When I went by there a week ago, I remember definitely thinking that was the lowest I’d ever seen it.

  15. coastlogger says:

    Stopped by Courtney lake last night on my way home the edges are soft but still very frozen

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