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flyguys.net Ice Off 2013 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2013 Fishing Reports post!

… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! 😯

As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2013 fishing & ice off reports.

Please try to include:

  • the name of the lake or the general area πŸ˜‰ (NOT Mandatory)
  • what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
  • a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!

If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!

We suggest that you utilize the subscription options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! πŸ™‚

For those of you that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story here! If you would rather us post the information for you please forward the details with images, video links etc. to [email protected].

And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our 2013 fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks! 2012 was great but 2013 is going to be spectacular! Tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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818 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2013 Fishing Reports

  1. Avatar photo Adam says:

    Well took a drive out to 6 Mile and Morgan today after work. Managed to drag out the Flyguys gnome for his debut!

    As you can see both lakes are still frozen with about 15 feet of open water exposed in some areas on both lakes

    Well, all I can say is that this ice is bull sh*t! πŸ˜‰

    Back to the home we go. Let the warm weather come and the strong winds blow!

  2. Shay says:

    Does anyone know if Ernest was stocked last year and with size/amount? I’m hoping fishing picks up there again in the future.

  3. kevin says:

    Hi there, was wondering if any one has any idea about white lake ice off?

  4. Rob says:

    tweeted to bcflyguys earlier today …

  5. Chris Lofgren says:

    Heading down south to Kamloops for a week on the 22nd hoping to get the fly rod out you guys think 6 mile, Morgan and stump will be fishable by then?

  6. Don says:

    Hi Rob. Is the road to 6 mile open at the Tobiano turn off.

  7. Darryl says:

    International Fly Fishing Film Festival coming to Kamloops May 4th, Clock Tower, TRU. For info and tickets go to http://flyfilmfest.com/IF4/festival-schedule/ and scroll to bottom of the page.



  8. Lance says:

    Went for some browsing at Herby’s today, chatted with a very friendly and knowledgeable guy called Mo …….

    … Mr. Bradley deserves his own thread so I moved the discussion here: https://flyguys.net/blog/forum/flyguys-net-discussion-board-group1/everything-fishing-forum9/mo-bradley-thread47 πŸ™‚

  9. fishinchicken says:

    anyone check the statis of morgan 6 mile or stump this weekend?

    • Rob says:

      Just got back from checking out Stump lake …



      Check out all the rocks … obviously others had the same idea as us πŸ™‚


      • DonB says:

        That was me! I was heading to Vernon from the coast and went by Stump in the dark. With the truck headlights on the lake the ice looked to be very thin. I grabbed a big rock and threw it out to the ice and was very disappointed when it just landed with a thud. I was just going to post the same pictures as you Rob but they are almost identical. I’m guessing another two weeks before we can fish much of the lake.
        On my way back to the coast I went via 5A to Princeton and guys were fishing Allison Lake at the north end. I don’t know that lake but it goes to show you, we (fisherpeople) will throw a line into any water that doesn’t have ice on it at this time of the year. Here’s hoping for high temperatures and winds until the ice is off and then high temps only. Cheers.

  10. Evan says:

    Ice and fishing is still good up at Red! As you can see there’s a little melt starting around the edges of the island, but not much. Still Solid! Every Fish we seen today was just below the ice, Some were basically scraping their backs up against it (probably could have caught more fish with a spear as opposed to a rod lol). I’ve never seen it quite like that before, even stranger thing is, We were seeing lot’s, fishing in the deeper water, 15-20ft (twice my usual preferred depth.) Others we met were fishing the shallows since first light and seen nothing all morning, and were about to leave, then decided to come over next to us and hammered two right away. Lot’s of Big Brook 2lbs and up, didn’t see many small ones at all, which was nice (Of course I’m always better at losing the trophies and hooking smaller ones but oh well, still had a decent day). “Gulp” Leeches on any basic jig working the best, worms not so much (got us a couple sniffs and one hooked), shrimp not at all. And a couple good hit’s experimenting with various different flies. πŸ™‚

    Kamloops Lake has been hit or miss depending on the day and seems to be getting really busy with the warmer weather…

    (weird, I couldn’t uplaod a second pic, the site says I did already? oh well, no big deal)Tightlines Everybody!

    • Art Vandelay says:

      The fish being that shallow likely indicates that the oxygen levels beneath the ice are very low and the top of the water column is the only place that the fish can survive. This is not uncommon at Red in the late winter. Hopefully that ice starts moving soon…

      • Discussed this with the regional biologist and remember we have the Aerator working now. He feels because fish are also biting in the deep waters, that the ones on the top touching ice are feeding on zooplankton and shrimp. Lets get the ice off regardless, I can wait to try some of Krazy’s flies!!!

  11. MARK says:

    I heard white lake iced off today! Can anyone confirm??

  12. Rob says:

    Morgan / Six Mile today …


    … looks like the turn in the weather slowed progress down a bit! Come on sunshine!

  13. MARK says:

    just went out to white lake to confirm ice off, no ice, fished for an hour and a half and picked up 3 (17 ish), weather wasn’t great but felt great to feel that tug again. Had many other bites, all on black micro leeches

  14. Rob says:

    Six mile over 50% open water today! I predict an aluminum hatch there tomorrow and Sunday! πŸ˜‰

    • Darryl says:

      Hey Rob, just wondering if you saw how Morgan was doing. Last simulator prediction for complete ice-off at 6 Mile was the 27th and Morgan the 28th, although for a long time it was the 23rd and 25th, respectively. Do you still think it may take 5 days from today (Friday) for 6 Mile to be completely ice-free? Also, if anyone can let me know the date it does in fact become ice free that would be great as I can not get up there until late next week due to work / family obligations. If I know the date of full ice-off I can work on correcting the simulator for better predictions next year. Thanks in advance.



      • Rob says:

        Got this from Adam today. He said Morgan looked quite a ways behind. Heard it was going to minus 13 over the weekend (WTF!) so I think you’re going to be close. I plan to take a trip tomorrow or Sunday again so will let you know.

        • Darryl says:

          Rob, Thank you so much for your update. My understanding is the low this weekend for Kamloops is minus 4, so about minus 5.5 to – 6 at 6 mile and Morgan. By the way there is a great weather site that provides the same data Environment Canada uses by in my opinion it is much better than the government site. It is called Spotwx. If you click on it either let it find your location or type in Kamloops. Then scroll down. Environment Canada, and the best models, are the 12 h scribe, the the two at the very bottom, the short-term and long-term meteocode. Provides very usufull graphs of temperature, precipi, and wind. The link is http://spotwx.com/


          • Darryl says:

            Sorry for my sentence(s) above. Just want to be clear, the links to the models that give the best forecasts for Kamloops are the 12 Hour Scribe Nowcast (middle of page), the Shortterm Meteocode (second last link) and the Longterm meteocode (last link).



      • Avatar photo Christian says:

        Hi Darryl,
        What is the simulator saying for Stump? I’m going to be in that area on the 1st of April and I’m hoping to spend the day on the lake. Do you expect that the ice will be off the north end at least by that date?

  15. Steve says:

    Ive been fishing White lake since the ice came off a few days ago but no luck …….

    Topic moved here: https://flyguys.net/blog/forum/flyguys-net-discussion-board-group1/everything-fishing-forum9/help-fishing-white-lake-thread48#postid-190

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