Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Bye The Bye, anyone heard if Edith is producing??
Was talking about Edith with Ron from the Kamloops Fly Shop earlier today, he’s heard that they are catching them but the big guys have been elusive …
The big guys have been elusive at Edith for several years now. I am sure that there are a few swimming around in there but you are going to have to catch a pile of little ones before you get to the bigger fish. The lake is undoubtedly overstocked so it may not be the best candidate if you are looking for trophy fish.
hey anyone have any information on peterhope or glimpse? wanna head up to blue lake on the long weekend to try and hide from the riff raff!
herb… was just up that way last weekend. Peterhope is open and the ice had just come off Plateau.. fishing was hot… lake started to turnover on the sunday and things slowed off… Blue should be similar…good luck to you!
Was at Blue Lake on Monday. Over half frozen and three boats on it. I left and went to Little Blue. The road to Little Blue is a shitshow with deadfall and the creek is pouring down the entire road. I walked to the lake and it was over half off, but since I couldn’t get the truck in I hiked back and went to PeterHope. Not sure if you have been to Blue much in the last few years, but I seriously doubt you will evade the gong-show there anymore. Maybe worse since at least at the big lakes you have the space. At the little lakes you get everyone trying to escape the crowds, but no space for them all!
PeterHope was good action, but it seemed like anywhere there was good action, the fish were small. The guys fishing out off the main launch in 12-18ft apparently had caught some nice ones earlier but it was very slow for them. Both spots I fished were great but it took a lot of fish to break the 3lb mark. The first spot I couldn’t break 1.5lbs and then the second spot most were 2-2.5lbs.
Does anybody know if Blackwell has come off yet? Thanks guys
Not a clue, but Lac le Jeune and Stake came off yesterday and they are only slightly lower in elevation. If Blackwell isn’t off it will be off by Sunday given the very warm weather that is forecast.
Thanks art!
If Lac le Jeune is off, does that mean Surrey is off as well? That resort is closed until June apparently, so no web cam in operation. Kinda like that lake for a quick trip from the LM, have always done pretty good there.
It may not be off quite yet but it will be within the next few days. I sure wouldn’t head up there on Saturday morning with the expectation that it will be open though.
Thank you Art. We’re going to give Courtney a whirl this time. Never been there before, have a friend from Princeton we’re going to meet there. REALLY want to get some chronie experience in, praying it’s not windy, as our casting abilities leave a lot to be desired! lol
Courtney is a tough place to start your chironomid experience! Expect to fish water that is approaching 30 ft in depth. You can either do that with a floating line and 30+ft leader (which is a whole lot of fun to cast, particularly in a stiff breeze which is what that area is known for) or you can fish a fast sinking line straight under your boat which will certainly be the better option for ease of casting. I don’t want to discourage you from going to Courtney, but getting some chironomid experience under your belt at less difficult lakes where you will likely be fishing shallower water is the way to go. I would recommend Jacko or Stump as the fish usually are more cooperative than Courtney.
Good luck regardless of where you end up.
Thank you, Art. Appreciate your input. We’ll be going back to Harmon this weekend; just going to meet our friend at Courtney on Friday and ask for help as he has been doing fairly well there, and he hasn’t been fishing chronies very long himself. Kinda like having our own instructor that you don’t have to be embarrassed in front of! lol
Hoping Harmon is fishing a bit better this weekend….not a lot of hatching going on, should be warmer this time. Maybe we’ll catch one of those big ones we saw on the fishfinder last week!!!
Dawn drove by Surry last sunday looked to soild all over.
Thank you, Walter. Not even rotten yet??? Hmmm….what to do for the long weekend quick fish….thinking Harmon will be in turnover by then, didn’t do very well the past two days, nobody was catching much. Anybody know any place near Merritt that might do well, and won’t be packed solid with long weekend crazies??? Thanks!
Not quite Merritt Dawn (and most likely to be busy with long weekend “crazies”) but for what it’s worth most of the Roche area lakes seem to be going strong now. Was at Roche Friday and the chronies were pouring off. Also took a cruise over to Black lake – didn’t fish it but talked to a couple fellows that had a good day there. Campbell & Scuitto are producing as well. Where ever you go good luck, have fun & let us know how you make out! 🙂
Anyone know if the Ice is off at Community Lake yet. It is a few km off the road to Knouff.
we fished badger for a couple hours today picked up 2 on leeches
Any been too big ok or little ok? Never fished there and curious if it’s worth trying.
im going up to red lake for 3 weeks, anyone know if the turnover is done & how the fishing is ????
turn over at Red seems to be finished as of yesterday!
so good timing on your part!
Fishing at Red was slow but managed to pick up a few yesterday, I’m sure with the nicer weather coming you will get into some nice ones. Good luck!
Hi all fished Pass lake today, fish finder picked up alot of little guys between 23 and 27 feet bottom was at 31 feet. Five boats out there no one caught anything but now for the good news I saw a 16 incher jump,, so some fish survived albeit on the small scale,,but atleast not a full winter kill. Just need some bugs to hatch hehe.
Good to hear Todd! Thanks for the report!
Hi Rob, Question for you. Do you know if the Fishery’s will stock Pass this month??? Or do you have any contacts that would know??? If they do and put in catchables at least there would be some nice 2 to 3 Lb’ers in the fall. Well here’s hopein’ Thanks, and bye the way I think this is the best fishing info site I have ever found on the net. Keep up the REALLY good work. Thanks again.
Hey Don no sorry I have no information on how they will stock it but hopefully someone else who does will see this and answer.
As for stocking Pass with FV catchables, well, I have mixed feelings about that. Sure it’s nice to be able to get in on some fatso’s the very next year after the kill but, call it nostalgia or whatever, but I kinda liked having to work for the fussy Pennasks that I grew up with at Pass.
PS … thanks for the kind words re the site! 🙂
UPDATE: Just received this information from Craig at Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC …
Hey Rob,
I just received word Pass was a “total” winter kill. and so was bleeker. were sending some spring Catchables up any day now. 500 for pass and 1000 for bleeker which also winterkilled. That’s in addition to the regular yearlings they receive to try and jump start the lakes. I was hoping to get to them before the long weekend but with this heat it looks like our creeks are running and we need to do a brood take on Friday. I will be getting Catchables to Kentucky and Alleyne in time for the long weekend though.
Once the Catchables are in they will show up on our web site that night so it’s pretty quick uploading.
Fish On’
Thanks for the update Craig!
thanks for the heads up on pass and bleeker Rob, i was going to head up to Pass after work just to cast a line and see for myself! just saved me a few hours and some gas money! You Rock!
Switzer, I would like to invite you to my pants party.
Hey everyone headed up to knouff lake this weekend for the first time any tips or word on the fishing would be greatly appreciated
with some of the winterkill that has happened this year has anyone fished frisken with sucess
Anyone even see fish surface at Frisken??
any one been to blue lake yet. heard some feed back from benny last week and he said the lake was still half frozen. heading up there thursday and would love to hear some feed back before i go.
Got a report from a friend who was camped there about a week ago, only days after ice-off. Although he reported seeing the odd decent fish on the shoal, most were very small. They caught mostly fish from 15-19″. He was very disappointed and reported much the same last year. He also said the lake got very busy on the Thursday, and that after fishing the morning and seeing a dozen boats produce 1 fish, he split.
I was at Blue May 10 – 12. The ice was completely off. I heard it came off the Monday before. There were lots of boats on the water at first, but action was slow and most people had left by Sunday. The lake is getting more and more popular, and I think it is starting to impact the fishing. The biggest fish I caught was a 22″ little hog, but it was nothing like the huge lunkers that I’m used to in that lake.
We decided a change in venue was needed and headed up to Plateau Lake for Sunday and Monday. There was a massive chironomid hatch and we slayed them in the shallows. Had the lake all to our ourselves and fished passed dark. Glorious!
Here is a picture of the 22″ little hog…
Nice little piggy SW! Thanks for sharing!
Heading up to Roche for the long weekend with a few guys.
What news from the Lake!
Hey Mark hopefully not too late but was up there Monday and the chironies were pouring off so I think you’ll have fun! Good luck & let us know how you make out when you get back!
thanks a lot guys. ive been fishing blue and little blue for years and have noticed the increasing traffic that fishes those lakes. i remember going up there may long and not even seeing a person all week end. its a shame. well im gonna give it a whirl anyways but if it dont produce i might have to find a new hide away. good luck to all this weekend. one more day of work……
Any reports from Frisken or Dardenelles? Heading up in a week and was interested to see what’s happening. Thanks.
Frisken was reported to have had very low O2 readings over winter. Of course, you have to go to really know for sure, but if your outing is precious you may want to consider that.