Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Fished Red Lake today. Slow in the morning, but once the rain stopped the brook trout were biting. Caught all of them in about 4 feet of water along the shore slowly trolling black and red wolly buggers, size 8. The lake appears to be just going into to turnover so things may slow down over the next week or so if you are planning on going out there.
Anyone go out to hoslie this year??
I know it’s a bit outta the Kamloops area, but does anyone know if Surrey Lake is ice off yet? Thanks!
It’s way up at 1400m, so almost certainly no. Here’s a link to the Stake Lake webcam, which is nearby and only slighty lower in attitude: http://www.overlanderskiclub.com/webcam.htm. When Stake melts, Surrey won’t be far behind.
Dang. Thanks Christian. Just looking for a quick fish trip for the weekend from the LM. Trying to do the early ice off thing is hard when you’re working 6 days a week! Maybe Lundbom again this weekend….a two hour trip and a spot for the trailer. Any other suggestions more than welcome! 🙂
Any news on kane valley lakes?
I’d love to hear about this area too. I’m considering Harmon for Saturday. I’m fairly sure it will be ice-free, but I’m not sure about the turnover status. Any pointers from you Merrittites out there would be greatly appreciated.
Hubby talked to an old hardware troller in Chilliwack today. He said Harmon was slow, caught three at Upper and Lower Kane. Not sure where that leaves us for the weekend…:-(
Are you in the ‘Wack too?
Was wondering if anybody has been up at Red in the past few days? Last comment said it was starting to turn? Is it worth going up there still? I was going to head up tomorrow morning.
I would fish Red even if it is turning…the brook trout seem to be holding in very shallow water along the shore where ever there are reeds. Wolly buggers seem to be a good searching pattern. Try black or burgundy coloured buggers or leech patterns and black chironies. If you go, let us know how it was.
Made it up to Red today. Was slow, and wet and cold, but managed to hook up three fish. One rainbow and two brook trout. Stayed fishing in along the reed beds, pulling leeches. Not a bad morning on the lake.
Ya, Red seems to be hard to fish when the weather is not nice. Glad to hear you got a rainbow…first rainbow I have heard of out of Red for a long time (since December, I think?). Hope you can make it up there again soon, the weather is supposed to be nice from Saturday onwards with a high of 17 on Saturday and highs in the low to mid 20’s the rest of the week. My guess is that will turn up the fishing quite a bit. Unfortunately I will be away from Kamloops for a week starting Sunday 🙁
Went to Bulman lk this morning, Watter level high and very dirty looking with temp. 41 degrees, didnt see any fish jumping seen quite a few on fish finder bun not a bite all day….:(
Ouch. That’s a ways to go for a skunking. Better luck next time. Used to have a lot of luck there years ago, but we’d usually start fishing it later in May. Anyone been to Frisken?
Hi guys, I’m considering heading to black lake this weekend, does anyone know how it’s doing as far as ice off / turnover. THANKS!!!
Well it will definitely be iced off, but turnover is a big unknown. A lot of days you can still get fish during turnover so I wouldn’t let that discourage you from fishing a lake. If you want to go to Black, go to Black; if the fishing is terrible you can always hop over to another lake as there are so many to choose from in that area.
Anybody been out to kidd lake lately? I know ice was off around over a week ago and im hoping to go there this weekend if it hasnt turned over yet.
would like to know any info on Glimpse lake
I too would like info on glimpse.
Word on the Pinantans or Paul? wondering if I should just play it safe and stick with Jacko this weekend…
There both Open and paul is fishing well
For sure thawed and Paul should be starting to be be good about now. Usually by May-long it is in full swing, but you can certainly do well before that.
Just wondering if anybody has any updates on Courtney’s status. Pre turn, in turn or what’s going on? Thanks in advance, any info is greatly appreciated!
Turn is done from what I’ve heard. Ready to roll.
has anyone been to scutto this week? any info on turnover would be greatly appreciated!
I was wondering if anyone has fished Pass lake this week??? Thinking of going on Sunday, Thanks
Haven’t fished it but have been keeping my ears open and I’ve yet to hear of a fish being caught there 🙁 Hopefully someone has a better report?
Whats the word on Roche…hopefully not in turnover…
Last Sunday couldn’t see 2 feet in the water. Fishing was slow then, So s/b be clearing up.
A buddy and I are heading out from Chilliwack tomorrow early. Depending on what we decide on the way, we might hit any of Courtney (I’m leading toward this, because I’m told it’s done turning), Kidd, Lundbom, Marquart, or Harmon. If we feel adventurous, we may even try something a bit closer that I’ve never tried before, like Gillis or Shea. If anyone has any info that might help me make my decision (or maybe eliminate one of these options), please let me know.
Thanks everyone!
Friend of mine did OK on chronies at Lundbom a few days ago …