Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Any word on the fishing at Scuitto or Heffley yesterday or today? Or Red for that matter. Thanks in advance.
I fished Red today for about 4 hours. Got one early, but it got off…it was small anyway. A couple of hours later I got one rainbow….small for Red, just shy of 13″. So, pretty slow for me. I talk to a few others on the water. One guy got three…two small ones (didn’t say if they were brooks or bows) and a bow about 1 1/2 lbs, and two other boats got nothing. There were a group of about four younger guys in a boat. I was quite a ways from them, but it seemed and heard like one of them hooked into a big one, but apparently it snapped the guys line. So Red was fairly slow for Red standards. Looks like it is still in a bit of a turn over phase. Might have to wait for a week or so before the action picks up. If anyone had better like, please do tell.
That was my buddies and I who lost that fish, managed to land quite a few good sized fish throughout the day thou
Hey Brent, how did you guys make out camping there on the weekend? any big bruiser bows this time?! was it still turned over then as well?? how big was this beast you guys were hoopin and hollerin about?!
Lake was still pretty soupy but it didn’t matter cuz we were nailin em! I got one big bow that was pushin 6 then lots of Brooks with 5 at 4 pounds. Also snapped off what Im sure was another big bow out in the middle of the lake. All in all a good weekend
Thats excellent buddy good to hear you guys still did well…we should plana camp trip there next month 🙂
Fished Pinantan Lake today. Still in tirn-over..partner got 3 and I got 1.
my and my wife fished pinantan the other day on the way bcak from scouting some higher lakes. we couldnt keep the fish off a knouff lake special. lots of little guys
Red lake was slow today. One guy caught one little rainbow in 6 hours.
That was probably me. I was the guy in the grey and blue pontoon boat. Yup, it was slow. Note: See my comment below Kelly’s above.
Hyas was not accessable today due to a fallen tree. Saul lake is still frozen.
Heading up to heffley, any one got any info on turnover or fishing? Thanks in advance -Jordan
Hey Jordan sorry I have no info on Heffley turnover but check out the flats and if chronies are coming of here fish them! Please post a report when you get back.
any one have news on hoslie or scuitto turnover? Does a guy drive into hosli through barnhartvale or bleeker? Will a mini van make it lol? thanks
I’m thinking scuitto would be done turning.
There is no good way to get to Hosli! Here’s a pic of what used to be the “best” way in …
… not sure a mini van would have helped! 😉
thanks. That sure made my mind up in a hurry lol. Any info on a good spot to fish scuitto ill be in a float tube?
I fishes scuitto on sat. water was still a bit cloudy but managed to catch a few
did you end up making it in to hoslie rob?
Sorry LT I should have mentioned that picture is from last year …… just showing it as an example of the road.
Anyone been to Roche?? Turnover winding down yet??
My brother & I fished Roche today. Water still cloudy but clearing. Lots of boats but not lots of fish. My brother got one about 3 lb’s. We were fishing a weed bed in no motor zone & 2 fols beside us had 4 doubles and about 12 fish in 20 minutes!!!! Only one of 4 boats in same area to catch any…Go Figure, but guess thats why they call it “fishin’ not Catchin”. LOL. beautifull day tho…
Oh The lady got the last fish….About 7 lb’s. And thats FOLKS NOT FOLS.lol
Sounds like Campbell had a partial winter kill Im I right or was that false alarm
You are right on that, but I’ve talked to guys who’ve had decent action there this spring despite the partial kill. It had too many fish in it to begin with, so the kill will bring numbers closer to where they should be to get a few nice fish growing.
anybody know if Murray lake is iced off and the road passable from vancouver side yet?
Went to Red yesterday lots of nice fat brookies
Campbell fished well saturday cought 1 lost 3 in 2hrs was realy windy and turning hard very murky,,,talked to one guy who got 4 in 45mins friday night so thats right up to speed if not realy good considering the turn happening ,,,,,,fished black lake water is realy clear but cold fishing on lake was slow we were out for 4hrs i got one nice 3lb rainbow fought like crazy no one else on lake was getting anything but camper said it fishes better after noon he said the action was non stop Road into hoslie wasnt bad threw bleaker stock 4×4 with 31″ tires will get you there
Fished Harmon Sunday and Monday. About a half dozen boats there at any one time…locals coming in and out, a few campers that left Sunday. Ice has only been off since Tuesday, heavy frosts overnight, water temp finally hit 45 today. Tiny chronies hatching Sunday, but too windy to try and fish them. Times to fish were first light, then 11:00 – 12:00. Absolutely nothing in between both days, not even any bites. Caught 4 fish in 20 mins. Sunday right at noon on a tiny black nymph, including a nice fat two lb., then nothing for the rest of the day, right up until dark. Nothing hatching Monday, even though the water was warmer. Another real nice two lb Sunday at 11:00, damned loon tried to steal it. Not sure who I was fighting, the fish or the loon!!! No bites at all after that, so packed up at 2:00 and came home.
Oooops…I meant the loon tried to eat the one I caught today (Monday). We had to bring that one home…didn’t want to let the loon get him. Here’s his pic…
Went to Heffley Yesterday with my Dad and brother, fly fished from noon until about 8. Had a fish on within minutes of launching the boat, about 3 lbs or so. it got off about 3 feet away from the boat(long distance release). just slammed micro leeches until we left. mostly little 3/4 lb bullets that fought like no others! My bro hooked into a really nice Bow that was pushing about 3lbs. only a few boats out fishing. i was using a black micro leech with a red glass bead. my bro was using a micro blood leech and my Dad swithced over to the black micro leech with a red glass bead head on as well and we started to get doubles and triple headers! good day on the water, can hardly wait until next weekend! even though they weren’t huge fish it was a good day none the none. better than being skunked at either Red, Stump or Jacko right now…which i have fished the last couple weekends with little or no luck! tight lines folks.
read in the paper that someone was reading some fish at pass on his finder.wondering if anyone else has read anything on their finder.sure would be nice to have alittle good news on this lake.
I have heard reports of others marking fish on finders at Pass as well … unfortunately, with my low level of trust in fish finders to actually find fish I still don’t feel any more optimistic about the situation. Sure wish someone could actually tell me they caught a fish or at least saw fish moving.
In response to people seeing fish on their fishfinders at Pass I would say that Fish finders pick up dead fish too. I saw the same situation at Bleeker last spring. After talking with a dozen fishermen who had not caught a fish all weekend and seeing at least 10 bald eagles scavenging I concluded the lake was winterkilled. I also knew the oxygen readings had been really bad. Yet people kept telling me they were picking up fish on the finder. I’m sure they were picking up dead ones on the bottom and ones the were partially suspended in the water column. You can’t be sure if a lake still has live fish unless you actually see some rising or see some caught.
I tend to agree with you Ron, but I also think that you can determine dead fish when you are anchored. You get the same indication on each sweep of the sonar…I don’t think many fisherpersons actually take the time to study that sort of finder info. I know I don’t but use mine mainly for depth, but the beeper does entertain one tho when the bites are slow…LOL
Im heading up to fish courtney lake tomorow it will be my first time fishing courtney
any words of advice from anybody that nows the lake.
Thanks and tight lines
Black to green micro leeches under indicator unless chironomids are hatching. When that isn’t working, intermediate with same leeches trolled or stripped on drop off and shoal straight across from boat launch.
Thanks Ken is there a standard chironomid patern that works ?
Thanks again for the info