Well that was an awesome year but it’s time close off 2012 and move on to 2013! Thanks to everyone that contributed reports, stories & pictures last year and we’re really hoping to see even more of you on our … 2013 Fishing Reports post!
Tight lines & good times in 2013!
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Hey guys,
Quick question hoping for a quick response! I was hoping to go to Monte Lake tomorrow (Jan 30th, Monday). I’m wondering how much ice has been on the lake and if it is covered in water after a warm day like today? Is it worth the 45min drive?
Anybody ever fly fish the river this time of year? I heard there are some midge hatches throughout the winter as well as some other hatches. Might venture out on sunday and drop some flies to the bottom of some of my fishin holes. Just wondering if anyone has had luck this time of year.
OK EDITH LK is still catching, but the fish are being picky. Brookys are smaller and the rainbows are in the 1 lb range. But you can be home in 3 hrs
Fished red with my son and daughter (11 and 9) as we walked on the ice we were told that fishing was slow, one guy mentioned that todays the day based on the so-lunar calendar, which he must of been correct. We caught and released 15 or so in around 6 hours. We had so much fun, and all we used was bare hook and dew worm,
I made a short video:
This past weekend my buddies fished all weekend and only saw one fish caught. they said they tried everything with no success (I think they were focused on drinking instead 😉 )
I cant wait for spring fishing myself, think ill look for a nice bruin this year also!
Right on Chris … thanks for sharing! Might give Red a go this weekend! If you like please feel free to post up the video on our facebook page. And for anyone interested here’s a free solunar table! 😉
PS … anyone looking for accommodations on Red lake you really need to check out the luxury cabins available through BC Lakefronts!
That was such a nice brook at 2:00, What day was that also, I can see my car in the lot haha. For sure gonna be at Red Lake this Saturday morning
Anybody still fishing Red? Havent been in a month . Heading up with the mother-in-law next weekend. Just wondering if its still worth the trip. thx
Had a good day at edith today caught many rainbows about 1lb each and a 2.5lb brookie
Thanks for the report Sam! Still lots of ice on Edith?
Like 2 feet thick
where you fishin if you dont mind me askin’?.. I always fish in the first bay by launch or along the north side shoreline
hello steve
dont know who you are asking. And no I dont mind. But what lake ??? we talking about. I do fish many lakes.
haha. was asking about Edith…
OK Ive been doing the south end, but plan on moveing soon to the east side shore line across from the camp ground. was out friday and had good luck for the rainboos , got 8 all day took home 2 and the brookys were small and a pain . Water was cloudy. GOOD LUCK
Went by Monte yesterday, and believe it or not, is still frozen… had a fresh layer of snow on it too.. Only a few parties still fishing.. Heard a rumor that the fish are hanging out in about 20 ish feet of water, but overall depth is 102 feet that the guys are in… Have fun and drive safe, I will be watching.. lol
Knouff Lk is good now, but no big ones. But lots of small one(8-10″)
Any of the Aspen Grove lakes ever ice off before April? Trying to plan some trips before baby #2 arrives. . . While its still possible. : )
I think most of those are higher elevation than Kamloop so I’m going with not usually … 🙁
Umm late April mid Mayish usually
try kamloos lake,, big bull trouts right now…. fishon.
Where are the bulls? Is casting from shore a possibility on open water on the lake right now?
Sounds fun! Can you give us a bit more info Robbo?
Hey guys, any tips on where the fishings been hot? looking to head out today or tomorrow. seems like a lot of lakes have slowed down…anywhere worth chekin out?
well tried gardom lake 16 inches of ice one fish throw back ….and well was fun regardless…then following weekend tried my luck at pillar lake 2 foot thick plus ice nice day …no luck as well as joyce……oh well spring will a cometh real soon….
Well, tried to fish Campbell lake Sunday, made it there but to avoid getting stuck in the dark, didnt fish, and headed back to town to fish edith, if your going to campbell, 4wd and maybe even chains a must! was a tough chew up to the lake. Anyways we did get a couple hours in at edith and did very well! a nice 18″ rainbow, and a pan fry football shaped brookie, and another little bow. All on a green jig head tipped with worm, about 7′ below the surface.
Thanks for the heads up on Campbell & the report on Edith Nick! Might have to bring the kids up to Edith this weekend!
I have fished Monte the last 2 Thursdays and heading there again tomorrow. I fish just down from the truck stop. Lots of guys fishing way out this year, I don’t know why, must be the sheep effect.
I fish about 150 yards from shore in about 120 feet of water. I catch the majority of my fish in the 15 foot range but have caught them as high as 6 feet. Make sure you use a large silver flasher about 18 inches from your hook. The Kokanee seem to like red, so I always use a red glow hook with a small mealworm. Maggotts also work well. Also you have to jig continuously, I have never had a bite when my line is sitting still. The Kokanee will grab it just after your flasher stops sinking after a jig. The bites are usually very light and extremely easy to miss. The times they have been only 6 feet down it was very interesting to watch them attack the lure. They move very quickly but hit the lure very gently. Every day is different but they seem to bite almost any time of day. Last Thursday around 9:30 the bite was on and was continuously getting bites for about an hour then it really slowed down. Good luck to anyone who gives it a try.
Great report Jet!
Went to Edith today. Was barely set up when I noticed my bobber going south rapidly. Tied on to a nice 2 pound Bow. Caught a couple more and went home at 10 a.m. with 2 nice Bows for the frying pan.