We often get asked what the simplest way is to cook salmon or trout. The method we use and are about to describe is not only simple but also delicious!
This method works best on de-boned fillets but a whole fish or fish steaks will work as well.
The recipe can be completed on the BBQ, in the oven or is perfect for over the fire while camping!
Alrighty then … here’s an extremely simple yet extremely delicious Simple Salmon & trout recipe for you:
Simple Salmon & Trout Recipe | Ingredients:
(optional from most to least important)
- salt
- pepper
- garlic powder
- butter
- onion
- white wine
Simple Salmon & Trout Recipe | The Prep:
- lay salmon on a piece of foil
- add salt, pepper, garlic powder, a pat of butter, a slice of onion & a teaspoon of white wine
- put on a layer of thinly sliced lemon
- wrap in 2 layers of tin foil shiny side in
*(substitute salt, pepper & garlic with lemon pepper seasoning if desired)
Simple Salmon & Trout Recipe | The Wrap
Think about the best wrapping method to keep the juices in while making it easy to open without the juice spilling all over the place.
Simple Salmon & Trout Recipe | The Cook:
BBQ: Place wrapped salmon in a preheated BBQ set to high with lid closed. 4-5 minutes on each side is about right for a medium sized sockeye fillet (about 1″ at thickest point).
Oven: Place wrapped salmon in preheated oven and bake at 350 for 12 minutes.
Camp Fire: Build your fire and let it burn own until you have a nice bed of hot amber coals. Place wrapped salmon on coals for 4-5 minutes for an average sockeye size fish. (about 1″ at thickest point)
That’s it … see told you it was simple! Now wait till you taste it! 😀
Hope you enjoy …….Susan
*** got a fish or wild game recipe that you would like to share on flyguys.net? Just email us the details and we’ll post it up for you!
*** for more delicious and organic BC wild fish & game recipes please view the complete list on our recipes index page!
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