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Candied Brook Trout Recipe

Candied Brook Trout Recipe

Catch em up – Candy em up!

Candied Brook Trout Recipe

Here’s a quick & easy candied brook trout recipe that you’re going to love! The recipe will work with all types of fish but my preference is brook trout as it seems to firm up real nice! Thicker pieces are better so try to use fillets from 3lb+ fish. If that means more fishing to acquire such specimens then so be it! 😉 Eight filets should fill up one whole rack in oven.

Here’s how ya do it … 😎

  1. filet fish and remove all pin bones with pliers.
  2. take skin off filets and cut into strips about 5 to 6″ long and 3/4″ wide.
  3. mix 1/2 cup of coarse salt into 1 cup of maple syrup. Stir until most of the salt is dissolved.
  4. in a large mixing bowl, pour in the maple syrup/salt mixture and then add 3/4 bottle of Roger’s Golden syrup. Stir
  5. add all of the strips to the mixture and mix well. Place in fridge for 24 hrs.
  6. once brined for 24 hrs, take fish out of fridge and prep for drying.
  7.  put aluminum foil down on bottom rack of oven to catch all drippings. Place strips on top rack.
  8. turn oven to 170 degrees and use the remaining 1/4 of the bottle of Roger Golden syrup to brush onto the strips every 20 to 30 mins.
  9. after 2 hours the fish is ready to come out (if thicker pieces leave a little longer). Once out of oven, brush them one more time with syrup and crush black pepper on top (or whatever else you like as a topping). I like to add a little honey, brown sugar and even spritz on some rum as well.
  10. let cool so that the fish firms up and then eat!

Delicious Candied Brook Trout Recipe

That’s it, enjoy!

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About Adam B

Adam Beattie was born and raised in Vancouver and has been fishing in one form or another his whole life. At the age of 20 he had his first taste of fly fishing and immediately knew he had found a life-long passion. Adam enjoys all aspects of fly fishing rivers and lakes but over the past decade has had an insatiable desire to chase BC's stillwater rainbows with a floating line, a long leader, and a chironomid.
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