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FGN’s Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

Galloup Style Streamer Fly ... Gord's "midnight oil" streamer fly pattern!

FGN’s Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

FGN’s Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

Well the holiday season is now over and, in my case, the depths of winter have descended with a heavy thump.

We had a brief reprieve of the cold for a few days but are now back down in the 20 to 30 below range with wind chills that will freeze exposed skin within  minutes. Or as we like to say “tough fishing weather”! With four months until our lakes become ice free it’s time … lots of time, for some fly tying.

What I’m going to show you today is what I call a project fly as it takes a good chunk of an evening to round up the material and crank out a half dozen. This is a Kelly Galloup inspired, articulated streamer fly pattern designed for big meat eating fish.

Articulated fly’s have been around for quite awhile and I remember tying a few many years ago but not like these. Now Kelly Galloup by no means invented articulated streamers but I encourage you to have a look at his many streamer fly pattern designs (slideinn.com) that he ties for large Browns and Rainbows in the Madison River. I’m here to tell you they work in any river, stream or lake that has large predatory trout or char. As always there is an endless amount of colours and material that can be substituted for these fly’s but the basics remain the same. The pictures here show two hooks but where only one is allowed I snip off the front hook after tying or use a Waddington shank on the front of the fly. Well let’s get at it …….

Galloup Style Streamer Fly | Material List:

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern ... materials

  • HOOKS:
  • Main: SS18428 Straight Eye Size #2 OR Partridge Double Waddington Shank V-1B
  • Trailer: SS18428  Straight Eye Size#1
  • THREAD: Danville 210 Denier Flat Wax Nylon Olive
  • TAILS: Dark Olive Marabou
  • BODIES: Dyed UV Polar Chenille Olive/Brown | Black Schlappen
  • LEGS: Barred Sili Legs
  • WIRE: Hareline Sanyo Intruder Wire Olive
  • BEADS: Chrome Beads
  • EYES: Painted Dumbells Medium-Large
  • HEAD: Estaz Sage Green

Galloup Style Streamer Fly | Tying Instructions (Back End):

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern1) Tie a large clump of marabou for the tail. Don’t be shy lots is better.

At this point you can loop the wire over the hook and up through the eye as in this photo or do it later which makes for easier tying.

2) Tie in your Chenille and a Schlappen feather by its tip in front of the tail. Wind chenille forward to the eye secure and trim off excess.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

3) Wind the Schlappen forward secure and trim off excess.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern4) Tie some Sili legs on either side up behind the eye.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

5) If you haven’t attached the wire yet this is the time prior to attaching another large clump of marabou. Trim excess marabou, build a thread head,whip finish your thread and apply some glue to the head.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

There part one is done you’ve earned a beer! 😀

Galloup Style Streamer Fly | Tying Instructions (Front End):

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern

1) Select either a Waddington shank or a hook.

2) Tie in your eyes on the underside of the hook and cover the shank with tying thread.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - the eyes3) Slide three beads onto the trailer wire.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - beads4) Tie wire in at the back of the hook right before the bend.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - joined

5) Secure the wire with thread up the hook. Wind the wire around
the eyes and secure with thread back down to the tie in spot.
Trim off excess wire.

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - locked!

6) Repeat all the steps on the trailer hook. Marabou tail,chenille/Schlappen Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - almost done!body, legs all tied off behind the eyes. At this point secure the Estaz behind the eye and wind forward and around the eyes to build a head. Wind back behind the eye secure and trim off excess.

7) Tie another clump of marabou behind the eye,trim and
whip finish behind the eyes.

And that’s it … you’re done! … and probably need another beer or something stronger! 😉

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - all done!

Here’s one tied with rabbit strip tails:

Galloup Style Streamer Fly Pattern - a rabbit tail version!

I know these are probably not for novice tiers but if you take it slow I think anyone can crank out some and as long as they are bushy and big they will catch fish!

... flyguys.net Galloup style streamer fly pattern!

Okay I’m done … give it a go and when you do catch fish please be sure to give us a report!

Gord … FlyGuys Northern Division

*** if you’re interested in custom tied, time tested & proven effective BC Interior fly patterns, but would rather buy than tie, please Contact us for details!

*** for more effective BC stillwater fly fishing patterns be sure to check out all of flies on our BCs best fly patterns index page!

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About Gord

Fly fishing the great white north! I mainly fish the lakes, rivers and streams of North Eastern B.C. for Rainbows, Lakers, Brookies, Bulltrout and Grayling.
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