flyguys Five Favourite Fall Fly Fishing Facsimiles
5 Proven Fall Fly Patterns
– All Dressed ASB Cronie –
Although chironomid pupae can be available to trout at any time of the year, they most typically are targeted, by trout and fly fishers alike, in the first hatches of spring. However, we had so much fun fly fishing them this fall (2018) that we thought we’d throw in a cronie pupa fly pattern as a bonus to the original flyguys Five Favourite fall Fly Fishing facsimiles series!
Not much to say about the chironomid pupa fly that hasn’t already been said; but with respect to fall, if you find them hatching you should probably stop what you’re doing and fish them. In general fish seem to like the latest “new” food source that becomes available, and that in it’s self is plenty reason to tie on a cronie pupa fly when you see them hatching. Couple that with the fact that the trout’s instinct is to pile on the calories pre hard water and it becomes a no brainer to twist one on.
As usual the cronie game consists of finding the fish, which of course is typically where the chironomid hatch is at its thickest, and then getting a representative pattern in front of their noses. If you can figure that out the rest is usually just a matter of fine tuning … 1) size, 2) profile, and 3) colour … in that order. The last thing we’ll say on the topic of fall fly fishing patterns and chironomid pupae flies is that we’ve often been able to pick up the pace this time of the year with slightly flashier, dressed up versions of our standard cronie pupa fly patterns. Is that always the case? No. But often enough that it is worth mentioning, and reinforced this fall with the testing of the “All Dressed ASB” cronie.
OK enough said, here’s how to tie the All Dressed ASB Chironomid Pupa Fly …….
You can find more detailed information about Chironomid larvae (bloodworms) on our everything Chironomid page. 😉
BW2 Bloodworm | Status Quo Scud | WMD Blended Blood Leech | Flip Flop Damsel | Flashy Boatman | All Dressed ASB Cronie
That’s all folks! Hope you enjoyed reading/watching the fall fly patterns series as much as we enjoyed making it! Tight lines and cya on the water ……. 🙂
*** if you’re interested in custom tied, time tested & proven effective BC Interior fly patterns, but would rather buy than tie, please Contact us for details!
*** for more effective BC stillwater fly fishing patterns be sure to check out all of flies on our BCs best fly patterns index page!
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