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Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly … by Christian Lodders

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly Pattern

“… it has military colours but a little too much bling for a simple enlisted man so I call it … the Major General ASB chironomid pupa fly!

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly | Material List:

  • Hook: Scud #12
  • Bead: Magic Brown 3/32
  • Rib: Copper Brown (Small)
  • Body: Olive 8/0
  • Overbody: Thin strip of antistatic bag
  • Gills: White Antron
  • Thorax: Peacock Herl

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly | Tying Instructions:

Place the bead on the hook with the wider opening toward the hook eye. Place the hook in the vise with the bead down at the hook bend.

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Tie in a small tuft of antron near the hook eye. Whip finish and trim antron to an appropriate gill length. Move the bead into its proper position.

Major General ASB Chironomid FlyTie in the wire and antistatic bag strip and wrap as thinly and uniformly as possible down to the hook bend. Wrap the thread back to the eye, forming a thin, even taper.

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Major General ASB Chironomid FlyWrap the antistatic bag strip forward, making sure not to over lap each wrap too much (if you overlap excessively you won’t be able to see the thread body colour). Tie off at the bead.Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

Counter wrap the wire rib forward and tie off at the bead.

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly
Tie in a single thin strand of peacock herl near the bead. Wrap 3 times to form the thorax. Tie off and whip finish.

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly
Apply two coats of super glue to the body and head of the fly.

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

and voila …….

Major General ASB Chironomid Fly ... another sure to be trout killer chronie!

The Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

That’s my Major General ASB Chironomid fly and I’m fishing it ……. Christian!

*** if you’re interested in custom tied, time tested & proven effective BC Interior fly patterns, but would rather buy than tie, please Contact us for details!

*** for more effective BC stillwater fly fishing patterns be sure to check out all of flies on our BCs best fly patterns index page!

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About Christian

I’m 39, a teacher, a husband, and a dad to two wonderful little girls. In my meager spare time, I chase trout. In the winter, it’s Fraser Valley cutties close to home. The rest of the year, I make the short hop to the Merritt and Kamloops areas to hunt Pennasks, FVs, and Blackwaters. My preferred technique is whatever is working at the moment, but I generally alternate between ripping leeches on a fast sink line and staring at indicators.
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3 Responses to Major General ASB Chironomid Fly

  1. Rob says:

    Great job Christian! Thanks for sharing! I know this pattern is going to be a killer! 😉

  2. Avatar photo Christian says:

    Great performance on the inaugural mission! Three cutties on the first three casts. Hopefully it will perform just as well on rainbows when the ice melts.

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