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Kickin the Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids - Sheridan Sunrise

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids | BC Full Sink Fly Fishing Fun

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Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids …

So what to do in June for Chironomid fishing?

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My May was not filled with chronie fishing anywhere near as much as I would have liked so Rob and I had to make a plan. We hit a couple local lakes and each time we drove we discussed a trip somewhere. The ideas would fly and after whittling it down to just a few Rob left it to me to make the final decision. My previous experiences at Sheridan are limited to waiting most of the day for just one or two fish with the chance that one of those may be a pig, but with the chronie season winding down around the Loops area lakes that prospect didn’t sound so bad … so Sheridan deep water chironomids it was!

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids - Sheridan Lake Resort

Sheridan Lake Resort

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids | Sheridan Lake Resort:

Typically overnight trips to Sheridan mean hauling the camper up to the Sheridan Lake Resort where I have become accustomed to Resort amenities and the hospitality that Dave and Becky provide to all their guests. Due to several other obligations which we both had however, Rob and I decided it would just be a two day \ one night trip, not really not worth loading the camper for,  so it was agreed we would rent a cabin at the resort.

So with all that 6:00 AM came early and we were off to try our luck on the big water …….

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Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids | Fishing Tips …

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids - a 7.5 Sheridan Lake Rainbow Trout!Deep water Chironomid fishing requires long anchor rope(100 ft), finding the right spot, putting a small Chironimid on a sinking line and waiting, hoping, that a big lunker will find your offering appealing. So I found my spot and hunkered down. There were four of us out in a small group. I was fishing out by the big island and trying different depth in the water column. Lots of time to sit, relax, drink coffee and wait … or so I thought. The reel suddenly starts to howl as the rod tips dives into the water and a beautiful Rainbow dances on the surface. I struggle to keep him from running me too far into my backing. I eventually land my personal best Pennask Rainbow weighing 7 lbs 8 oz. My friends shout and Rob captures the moment with a picture.

And it didn’t end there! I then caught a 4lb, a 3, a 7lb 2oz and another couple small fish almost all back to back! And then, like chironomid fishing often does, it was 2- 3 hours of nothing as if someone hit the off switch.

Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids - a 9.2 pound Sheridan Lake Rainbow Trout!Noticing that fewer bugs were hatching than before I relocate to water 12 feet shallower where they seemed more abundant. Turns out is was a good move as the switch went back on and I proceeded to catch a beautiful 7lb and 4.5 lb. bow almost immediately after anchoring.  I also lost several fish, one of which pulled like freight train! I clearly was in the right spot as my friends and I were sharing information and they struggled to catch the same size of fish that I was lucky enough to be sitting on top of.

The next day was slower fishing with my first fish being less than 2 pounds but at this point I was still so ecstatic from the previous day that I really didn’t care. The next fish that was fooled came in at 5lbs. … better. I patiently waited some more and was rewarded with my biggest pennask to date, a 9lb 2oz hog! I ended day two with one more fish just under three pounds and lost four others of indeterminate size.

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Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids | Fly Patterns …

Kromie Chironomid FlyHot Chocolate Chironomid FlyThe fly of the trip was krazy’s Kromie Black Rib followed closely by the Hot Chocolate, both sizes #12 & #14 were working well.

Most of the fish were taken close to the bottom with a static presentation but on the retrieve occasionally worked during the slower periods.

This was definitely my best Sheridan Deep Water Chironomids fishing experience. I am ready to go back at least once more this season and only the fish will decide if this was a once in a lifetime adventure and two days of fishing that I will spend my life trying to equal …I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime here’s a video with some highlights from the trip …….

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About JFM

... weeding out the competition!
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