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flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports post!

… and hopefully we don’t have to add a winter kill section this year! 😯

As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2014 fishing & ice off reports.

Please try to include:

  • the name of the lake or the general area 😉 (NOT Mandatory)
  • what worked, what didn’t work, & as many other details as you care to share.
  • a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one or two as well!

If you have a question regarding a particular lake, fly pattern or whatever, feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer!

Use the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private! 🙂

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll post it up for ya!

And last, but definitely not least … a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our 2014 fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! 😀

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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623 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2014 Fishing Reports

  1. Nicole says:

    New to fishing in the area. I noticed there’s a small pond between Allie and Semlin on the Deadman Vidette road. Does anybody know what this is called and if there’s fish in it? We stopped last year and there were shrimp along the edge but no sign of fish.

    • Benny says:

      Hi Nicole,

      Although I can’t say for sure, I’m quite certain that it does not hold fish. I know there are a bunch of lakes in that area that cannot seem to overwinter fish, mostly because of depth (lack of ) I presume.

  2. tziggy says:

    Just moved from Kamloops to Prince George was pretty sad to leave my favorite lakes behind . But hey P.G. , Not so bad after all ????




  3. AJ Decker says:

    anyone been to plateau lake this year. Just wondering if it was winter killed. Hope to do some caddis fishing next week.



    • AJ Decker says:

      Went to plateau lake on Canada day. Caught some smaller bows trolling casddis pupae and pumpkin heads. Some small sedges flying around but trout were not keying on them. 🙁 Timing is off again!! Road along power lines is rougher than hell. Beautiful day and wind wasnt an issue for once.

  4. Joe Steward says:

    commenting in regards of bull and lake trout fishing in the peace reach area of Williston lake, hoping to get my first bull trout and lake trout ever. Any tips? Good methods to use? Also any tips for fishing the Pine, or Black Water, Crooked and the Cottonwood Rivers? Thanks

  5. Dawn says:

    Just got back from a ten day tour. Fished three lakes. Started at Edith…lovely little lake, nice campground. Weather was terrific and the fishing was pretty good too! Caught quite a few, even through the algae bloom. Nothing too big, but lots of fun. Would love to head back there in the spring.
    Next stop was Peterhope. Got blown off for the first couple days, decided the little lake was the way to go. Headed to the back and caught lots on different chronies. Actually had hubby convinced we knew what we were doing! lol The nicest fish were caught in the big lake at sunset, two on my favorite chronie, the “zucchini”. Thanks Rob!!! lol Chronies at sunset, you say??? You betcha!!! Worked AWESOME in only 10 ft of water!!!
    Last lake we visited was a lake I’m not allowed to mention.. Had been there before in September about 8 or 9 years ago, didn’t know much and didn’t catch a thing. Been sitting in the back of my mind for awhile, and even though that road shook the living daylights out of my little trailer, we made it to the rec site and managed to grab a spot. Weather was off….rain, thunder, wind…..and didn’t catch many. Nothing much hatching and no birds to follow. But the ones we did catch sure hit like freight trains and cleared the water by 6 ft or more. Got shook off more times than I care to mention! Hubby got a monster that the lake is know for right at dark our last night there….took him into his backing….and despite my best boat maneuvering, he lost it. Very sad as it would have been the best fish of the trip. Not double digits, but I’m sure it was getting close.
    All in all a great 10 days, wish it could have been 10 more. Maybe in the fall….. 🙂
    Sorry, no pics as my camera lens cover decided it wasn’t going to open. Time for a new one. 🙁

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      That’s awesome Dawn thanks for the report! You guys have come quite a ways … if I recall correctly you only just really started with the chronies a couple years ago. The zucchini is definitely a proven pattern but I think it’s your persistence and knowledge that is making the difference! Cheers … Rob

      • Dawn says:

        Rob, this was actually our first trip where we seriously sat and decided to give chronies a real honest try for more than just a half hour. And being somewhere that we didn’t have to use 25 ft leaders was a huge plus. We were intimidated by all the crowds at Roche, as our casting abilities were limited then, and we didn’t want to embarrass ourselves. We HAVE come a long way, and even though our casting still leaves something to be desired, we never could have gotten to where we are now without your helpful hints and words of encouragement. It really is tons of fun, and I don’t have to worry about running over Bob’s line. (Yes, I did it AGAIN!!! lol)
        Plus, my Dragonfly Kamloops rod and reel combo from Surplus Herbie’s really does make casting easier, I think. It’s now in the boat at all times instead of just once in a while. Something else I can thank you for!!! Flyguy friends, I can’t recommend this combo enough. Great combo, wonderful warranty, and a good looking case as well! Terrific value for the price. Get one if you can!

  6. fishinchicken says:

    Can anyone confirm if island (big ok) was infact winter killed? I thought I read somewhere it was hit.

    • Art Vandelay says:

      My understanding of the situation is that Island was completely nuked this past winter. Of course, there is always the chance that people are lying about it to deter other anglers…

  7. gunner says:

    Just got another boat and it didn’t come with any specs but I see a lot of the guys on this site have the same one. Was just looking for some advice on hp for motor and size for anchors!! It’s and 11ft harbercraft fly fisher. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Score! Very nice boats but damn rare! JFM has one and when on the bigger lakes, where his electric just won’t cut it, he uses a 7.5 Outboard with no issues. As for anchors I’d go with a #15 on the front and #10 – #12 on the back.

  8. DayneS. says:

    fished peterhope and plateau lake this passed week fishing was spotty but managed some decent fish .. Peterhope was very windy but despite there were being fish caught in the back bay on the drop off ,mixed size of fish but did hook into a solid 6lb fish which busted tippet off at the boat. they weren’t keying in on size or colour as # 12 to 14 black and red chirno and same size chromie with red rib were producing in the mornings until about 1 pm fishing would stay consistent. we were getting the larger fish in the 15-25 ft of water as we did not see the bigger ones cruising in the shallows.

    as for plateau it took a big of figuring out but once we did the fishing was decent but not hot ..dry line and traveller sedge patters were working as well as smaller sedge pupa patterns in brown and dark olive. most of the fish were under 20” but did see some decent fish cruising if it survives this winter it could be a solid fishery next year.

    -Dayne S.

  9. freshfisher says:

    I am heading to the North Thompson river for the first time this weekend. We are going to be fishing the stretch that is about the middle point between Barriere and Kamloops. Any ideas as to what flies/lines/techniques I should try?


    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Just spoke with Adam about this and he thinks that the best thing to use this time of year would probably something like a big muddler minnow … river is fast and still quite dirty so a big bright profile would be best.

  10. Dannyboy says:

    Good evening
    I spent yesterday fishing all four corners of Edith Lake and did very well with a pheasant tail and brushed ruby-headed leech in deeper (15-20 feet) of water.

    Not sure if this is a gear blog but here goes:

    I am looking for advice on a replacement floating fly line. I got the last ounce out of my Rio line last night. I fish only stillwaters with my older Sage Three 696 and pitch mainly a floating line with a strike indicator. Any good advice would be helpful before I start shopping. Thanks

  11. Avatar photo Evan says:

    Took the kid out for a quick swim to cool off and some fishing at Heffley today after work, lot’s of bites but only caught a couple, just dragging some flies around. Beautiful day to just get out and enjoy the water. Lot’s of fun watching the kid bring ’em in on a flyrod, and Loved the look on her face when the first little pennask hit and started peeling some of her line out doing leaps across the lake. Totally caught her offguard! “I told you to keep both hands on it!” 🙂


  12. fishinchicken says:

    I am heading up to thuya lake resort for three days in a couple weeks. I have never fished up there before. Has anyone fished any of the surrounding lakes in that area. Any info would e helpful

  13. Avatar photo luckofthedraw says:

    No idea if this is where to post this. Forum section says “hopefully coming soon”. I think that is a good idea.

    I have a couple days off later this week and will be headed out in the Kamloops area. My dilemma is…..I believe The South Thompson is open for Chinook July 16th,2014. As I am new to the area, would I be better to head to high elevation lake for trout…or try my luck opening day on the river? I have a few other questions about the river side of things…if someone could help out with their Kamloops local river fishing experience that would be great. Respond here, or shoot me an email ejayberesh@hotmail.com

    Cheers. LOTD

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Being from the coast and living here for a few years, i can tell you this Salmon fishing in the rivers up here is nothing what it is towards hope, harrison and chilliwack, which is where I go to do mine every year, there are fish to be caught but you could be in for some extremely slow days, timing and location is key, there are a few red springs moving into the vedder now, and I don’t think the Fraser has even opened yet, mid to late August will probably be best time to start going out looking for chinook and probably peak in september, as for lake fishing, defiantly higher elevation would be a good idea, hope this helps…I miss the forum too!

      • Avatar photo luckofthedraw says:

        Thanks. The fraser opens later this week i believe. I was thinking of bar fishing on the Thompson, or maybe even trolling the mouth of the river in Kamloops lake….but maybe I should just stick to trout for a couple more weeks.

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Sorry guys I really wanted to get the forum going this year but there’s proving to be a bit more to it than at first glance. I’m really a much better fisherman than computer guy but I’m still trying, learning, and planning to get it going! If anyone out there knows something about this sort of thing and would like to help please email me I’d welcome the help. 😉 In the meantime we can continue to use this venue.

  14. hutch says:

    hey fly guys: you probably don’t get a lot of feedback on the great job you guysdo. think I speak for a lot of fishermen and women, your doing a great service to all of us who are addicted to fishing. your time and passion is greatly appreciated. hutch

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Thanks Hutch! It is always nice to hear that folks are getting something from the site … makes the work worthwhile 🙂 Cheers & tight lines!

  15. DayneS. says:

    Hey guys any info on Gillis lake off the 256 exit ? heard its mostly smaller fish but anyone fished it this year ?

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