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flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports post!

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As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2016 fishing, ice off, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, orΒ whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!

Stay up to date by utilizing the subscribe options below the comments section to be notified of any followup comments & posts via e-mail … you don’t even have to comment to subscribe & your email will be kept private!

For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!

And last, but definitely not least, a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!

That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! πŸ˜€

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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814 Responses to flyguys.net Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports

  1. deesee says:

    Fished Fred on Wed July 20 and Bose on Sun, July 24. Both beautiful days, and lots of bugs. Fred was phenomenal. Several to the net in spite of the relentless loon. Holographic diamond dub brown leech caught a couple as did the King’s Caddis Pupa (see Phil Rowley’s book Stillwater Selections book for the recipe of what in my opinion is the best stillwater caddis pupa immitation. Then I got dialed in with a size 12 “Ninja” chironomid as designed by Wes Wada (recipe available online), and never took that off with fish between 1.5 and 4 pounds on virtually every cast.

    Bose was a different story. There were so many size 16 lime green chironomids coming off, I was practically breathing them in, but could only land 2 fish in 6 hours on the water (both smaller 1 – 1.5 pounds). Fought a couple on the small limeys, at about 25 feet under indicator, but couldn’t figure them out. One was caught on a damsel, the other on a moss green leech. I threw everything at these guys, but this round went to the fish. With that said, I was VERY encouraged by the size of the fish I saw. Some monsters for sure. Overall though, two enjoya le days on two beautiful lakes. Tight lines. DC

  2. phil says:

    fished roche on sunday 24th very hot ! slower day till got dialled in at 22 ft on size 14 purple balanced leech then me and my kid hit the fish ! some quality hard fighting fish in that lake love it !!

  3. wayne says:

    Had a fantastic day on red today. Some rainbows but a pile of brookies.
    Lake is in great shape I think it’s going to keep producing through the summer

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Thanks Wayne this is good to know! Gunna try to get the kids out there this weekend!

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      On the contrary, my experience at Red yesterday was quite the opposite, arrived expecting a good day from the report but lake water was very warm and resembled pea soup, lots of floating vegetation and bloodworms were all over the water surface, it appeared the brookies were picking them off the top but I had no way to try and see if this was the case, tried leeches, micro leeches, damsels, mayfly nymphs, dragons, attractors, chironomid pupa and larva, etc even tossed a dry around where I seen the risers, very little co-operation from the fish and very lethargic, caught an absolute beauty pennask with no fight in her whatsoever…quite the opposite IMHO seemed to me very much like a summer doldrum…

      I am very curious what/where/how you were getting them and how deep?

      On another note, did do reasonably well at Hyas recently, though majority of the fish were averaging 17 – 18″

      • Mike Green says:

        I was on a lake about 45 mins out of Prince George and the same thing with the bloodworms on the surface. Do anyone know why that happens? Water was clean with no sign of algae or vegetation on top. Water was 70 degrees but we managed to fool a half of dozen Brookies with micro leeches in 20 feet. Never seen bloodworms on top. Made me curious.

      • wayne says:

        Type 5 and dragons with a crazy fast retrieve. Typical red lake hit or miss. I’ve had plenty days like the one you had the other day. It’s a matter of timing. Fishing 22 feet

  4. phil says:

    Heading to roche for the long weekend any current info would be appreciated, hopefully weather starting to cool down now !

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Monster bay, micro leeches and chronies. If you see fish moving and are not having any luck where you are move to them. Typical depth for this time of year is 15 – 20 feet but again if fish moving in the shallows get in there. Please let us know how you make out πŸ˜‰

  5. Mike Green says:

    Was in the cariboo for the long weekend. Wet days. Water was averaging about 62.5 F which was nice. Hit some on the Type 6 with dragons. Than seen some pumps were full of chrons. Well needless to say once we switched to the chrons we weren’t going back! Felt like spring again. Fished in 25-30 feet deep. Lots of fish in the 20+ inch range and biggest was 25. Dont think that is going to happen again this year but it was sure fun.

  6. Lance39 says:

    Hey guys, anyone know if big ok lake is worth the drive in? I haven’t been in since it winter killed a few years back.

    • deesee says:

      Add deesee to the list of people who would like to know the answer to Lance39’s post wondering if Big OK is worth the trip after the winterkill a few years back. Come on boys are the fish getting ‘Big’ or are they still just ‘OK’???

    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Wish I knew the answer to this one too guys. Hopefully someone will chime in …

  7. LongLeader says:

    Speaking of Logan Lake area…how are the High Country lakes fishing these days. Are they turning up for fall fishing or is the water still too warm? Making a trip up from the Coast next week and would appreciate any insights.

    • bcflyfisher86 says:

      I live in logan lake the weathers been cold windy rainy fishing has been spotty with highs of 7 deg some days but when the sun is shining the fish seem to be feeding. Fished Morgan lake this week and did well with more larger fish then small all around 16 feet on dropoffs. Caribou lakes were fishing the same last week good when the suns out.

      • LongLeader says:

        Good to know, thanks for the input bcflyfisher86. Was thinking of hitting Stake or McConnell next week. Will definitely give them a try now (and of course report back).

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      Speaking of Logan Lake, I haven’t been out on the lakes much these last couple months, but I did have my hands full with 5 young girls at Logan Lake about a week ago, they all got their limit of two fish each inside an hour off the dock. Was absolute chaos! netting, tying, casting, cleaning fish etc etc for 5 of them. Fishing was excellent except we were “cheating” (no fly’s guys) but the kids had a blast, two of which I don’t think ever caught a fish before, the littlest/youngest one caught the biggest of all which was pretty kewl. I’d imagine the high elevation lakes will be picking up a fair bit now. Fall crept in real fast this year I think. Was above 3000ft this morning and even with a long sleeve over a t-shirt and hoody wasn’t quite cutting it.

      • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

        First off Evan it’s not cheating if you were within the regs and you should be commended for making it about the kids … good job! πŸ˜€

        You are correct, fall came in fast and looks like it’s here to stay! Fishing is picking up but it’s not just the high elevation lakes that are coming on either as I’ve received some decent reports from lakes such as Jacko, Roche (and park lakes), Morgan and Heffley. This little fatso and his cookie cutter pals were stuffed with gammarus shrimp but still taking leeches and chronies. It’s game on folks πŸ˜€

  8. LongLeader says:

    Fished Boss and Davis Yesterday. Good action in the 1.5 to 2 lb range. Water was 55 degrees in the morning warmed to 58 on the surface by afternoon. Hot day! Most action on light orange Carey but did get into some dry fly fun with an elk hair caddis in the Lily pads in the afternoon. Definitely fish on again.

  9. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    This weeks sunshine has been heating things up at Roche where the fish have been actively feeding on cronie larvae and pupae throughout most of the day.

  10. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    In other fishing news … keep an eye out for water boatman flights, and if you find one fish it! Sorry this particular lake is too small to post publicly but it’s something you could encounter at any BC Interior lake this time of year so be ready with a floating boatman pattern and sinking line or sinking pattern floating line. πŸ˜‰

    More water boatman info if you’re interested: https://flyguys.net/aquatic-entomology/fly-fishing-boatman

  11. Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

    And finally for today … Jacko, shallow water, chironomids … nuff said! πŸ˜‰

  12. Chris K says:

    Fished a not so secret lake, Morgan, with a buddy yesterday for the first time in 23 years. We landed 13 fish in 4 hours and lost lots more. Smallest was 18″ and the biggest 25″. Mostly FV’s with a few Blackwaters thrown in. Size 14 black marabou micro leech with a red tungsten bead and X-fine silver wire ribbing worked great.

    We fished one rod vertically with a type seven sinking line and the other with the classic indicator, split shot, swivel setup 6″ off the bottom. All fish were caught in water over 25′ deep. I’m hoping the cooler days coming up puts a little more life into the fish. Barely any fight at all including the 4lb 25″ FV. Just wondering if this was the norm for Morgan?



    • Avatar photo BCFlyguys says:

      Nice report thanks Chris! Hopefully Hacklejockey doesn’t have a hard time finding parking tomorrow πŸ˜‰

      I’d say that type of fight is typical of FVs period not just those from Morgan. They’re nice fat fish but there’s a reason the pennask is king!

      • Chris K says:

        100% Correct about the FV’s fight. I went back to Morgan today and caught a 24″ 4 pounder and a couple 22″ 3 pounders with my wife and son. We just winched them both to the boat with 6lb tippet. Even our 9 year old was wondering why they weren’t pulling line out. The fishing was quite a bit slower for us compared to Friday. I did notice a couple of boats doing really well though. Our micro leeches and chironomids were probably moving a little too much with all the commotion in the boat with the kids πŸ™‚

    • phil says:

      which morgan lake I love catchin frazer valleys??

    • Dannyboy says:

      Hey Chris – what are you using for body material on your micro? It looks wrapped but can’t match the material. Thanks

  13. Chris K says:

    Got out to Edith today with my father inlaw and wife. Excellent day with over 2 dozen fish to the boat and lots lost. We all fished type 7 sinking lines straight down 6″ off the bottom. Size 14 black micro leeches with red tungsten bead heads and a silver wire rib were the ticket. Lots of fish marking 1-2′ off the bottom on the fish finder. Awesome day with warm sunshine, calm winds and near 20 degrees at the lake. The water surface temperature was showing 54.5F. Most of the takes were very light. Biggest fish was 21″ and the smallest 14″. One brookie and the rest were rainbows.



  14. paul says:

    Hey any word on red lake?
    I’m being lazy and want to save myself a wasted trip. Is the alge bloom done yet.

  15. Kevin Turner says:

    What is the best way into McGlashan lake? Is there a boat launch? Thanks in advance.

    • Avatar photo Evan says:

      For me, I found that the best way into Mcglashan is with someone who’s willing to show you, I’ve fished there and would probably get lost trying to find my way in again without the extremely detailed instructions I wrote for myself last time I followed a friend in. Launching isn’t a problem but I wouldn’t personally recommend pulling a boat trailer in. I know it can hold some decent fish but I’ve been told the majority of fish have been on the small side this year, though I haven’t gone myself to verify this. Nice Lake, just too bad it’s brook only

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