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Another Kamloops Area Lake Report

Kamloops Area Lake Fly Fishing at it's Best!

Today’s Kamloops area lake found us at about 3000 feet where, like yesterday, there was nothing hatching, the water temprature was just under 40 degrees and the air temperature felt about the same! Unlike yesterday, however, today was sunny, the wind was fairly calm and the fish were FAT!

With the lack of emerging bugs evident we turned once again to the meat and potatoes section of our fly boxes and were almost immediately rewarded with our first fatso of the day.  It looks like leeches, shrimp & chironomid larva (bloodworms) are going to be the norm at this elevation for a while yet – at least until the water warms to a more “hatch compliant” level.

As usual, more pictures of the days events can be found on our Gallery page.

Stay tuned folks … it’s only gunna get better!

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About BCFlyguys

... flyguys chief webhead, when not fishing ;)
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