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Dijon & Brown Sugar Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon Recipe

OK seeing how this year has turned out to be one of the biggest Sockeye salmon runs in history, since 1913 so far, we thought it would be appropriate to share a flyguy favourite BBQ cedar plank sockeye salmon recipe for these rich blue backs! So whether you catch them yourself (which of course is our preferred method of acquiring these delicious red salmon 😉 ) or purchase them at your local super market, here is a mouth watering recipe right out of Snoozers cookbook to help you get from this:

Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon - nice fish!

Mio with a big Fraser river Sockeye salmon!

To this:

cedar plank Sockeye salmon ... yummy!

A delicious cedar planked Sockeye salmon

Dijon & Brown Sugar
Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon Recipe

But first a word on cedar planks …….

There are 2 ways to acquire cedar cooking planks. The first is to buy them pre cut. These can be found in most grocery stores and sometimes even come with nice little pictures of fishes and such etched onto them. This method, in my opinion, is WAY too expensive (with or without the fishy pictures) considering that you will be chucking them out after they have been used.

The second method is to purchase them as UNTREATED fence boards at your local hardware store and then simply cut them into 12″ – 24″ pieces depending on the size of you bbq and the size of the fish that you will be cooking. We usually purchase the 1x6x60’s (5 footers) and cut them into three 20″ pieces. If you ask nice, sometimes the hardware store will even cut them for you for free!

……. ok back to cedar planking your salmon – flyguys style! 🙂

Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon | Ingredients:

  • 1 cedar plank (sized to whatever works in your bbq)
  • 1 salmon fillet (with ALL bones removed – even the nasty pin bones!)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Dijon mustard
  • brown sugar

Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon | Directions:

Soak cedar plank in salted water for at least 2 hours (if I can plan far enough ahead I will soak them overnight – weighted so that they stay under the water), then drain. Rinse the salmon under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Generously season the salmon with salt and pepper. Lay the salmon skin-side down on the cedar plank and carefully spread the mustard over the top and sides. Place the brown sugar in a bowl and crumble between your fingers, then sprinkle over the mustard.

Set grill for indirect grilling and heat to medium-high. Place the cedar plank in the center of the hot grate, away from the heat. Cover the grill and cook until cooked through, around 20 to 30 minutes. The internal temperature should read 135 degrees F. Transfer the salmon and plank to a platter and serve right off the plank.

Note: Check the plank occasionally. If the edges start to catch fire, mist with water, or move the plank to a cooler part of the grill.

Needles to say that this recipe will work with any species of salmon, or even trout for that matter, so don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit! Oh, and this and many other fishy recipes can be found on our recipes page!

That’s it folks … a simple and delicious recipe to make the most of your catch!


*** got a fish or wild game recipe that you would like to share on flyguys.net? Just email us the details and we’ll post it up for you!

*** for more delicious and organic BC wild fish & game recipes please view the complete list on our recipes index page!

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About snoozanna

Wife, mom and chief bottle washer. Love cooking, baking and bringing new healthy wild fish & game recipes to the family table!
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2 Responses to Dijon & Brown Sugar Cedar Plank Sockeye Salmon Recipe

  1. Yoyo says:

    Thanks for your salmons fish information on this blog. I always love eat salmon fish and love cooking through everyone’s website!

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