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Winter Drift Fishing

... so, we gunna fish or what?

... "come on already let's go fishing!"

Cold snap is over and just a bad dream now. I’ve been using this warm spell to melt away the bad memories and continue my unheralded run of fishing the Peace River in the winter. I thought I’d change my method of attack and try some drift fishing.

I planned to drift some jigs but over the course of the day I tried quite a few things and had some luck with a steelhead staple … I caught  a nice size mountain whitefish drifting a bubble gum plastic worm?

... Northern BC Mountain Whitefish!

... a little pig of a mountain whitefish!

I’m just starting to buy jig heads and tie onto them instead of using tails but I see some good fun creating baitfish on the jigs! 🙂

Lost a nice fish first thing but followed it up with an absolutely gorgeous Bull trout around 6 lbs.!

... a beauty Peace River Bull Trout!

... a 6ish lb Bull Trout!

I had some more taps and caught another smaller Whitefish but it didn’t matter on a sunny day riverside with NO wind. With this weather it’s tempting to think that spring and ice off can’t be far away. I know in my case spring is coming but it can show up with attitude and usually does. My guess is in the North East  the lakes will be ice free at least a couple weeks before normal near the start of May. But I’ve been wrong before ……. lots.

Gord … Flyguys Northern Division

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About Gord

Fly fishing the great white north! I mainly fish the lakes, rivers and streams of North Eastern B.C. for Rainbows, Lakers, Brookies, Bulltrout and Grayling.
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9 Responses to Winter Drift Fishing

  1. X-Hare says:

    Unreal Steelheading this year and The Best may be yet to come!

  2. X-Hare says:

    Here’s a couple of more Teaser’s and notice my Lucky Hat.
    For me Steelhead are still a Fish of a Thousand Casts!
    And this year hitting 16 Thousand Casts LOL 🙂


  3. Gord Eby says:

    X-Hare curious are you fishing the Skeena system or down in the Lower Mainland. I’ve also been told that the Flyguys hats are irresistible to Trout and Char there by the lucky status.

  4. X-Hare says:

    Lower Mainland — Chilliwack/Vedder system has been sic
    with other River’s now coming on as well.
    Water level/condition’s are key and can change quickly.

    And the Hat’s so far “KiLL’er”!

  5. Gord Eby says:

    Hey Rob I think what’s needed is spot to post your fish with Flyguy hats in the photo,or any impressive photo with the hat in it. Kinda like the pictures from around the world with your garden nome in them.

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