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My Early July Roche Lake Camping & Fishing Report!

Roche Lake - July 2010

July 11, 2010:

Well it was hot 30 plus July day when my daughter and my two grandkids, Madison and Caleb, came up to Roche lake to visit with pops! I had been up at the lake since Tuesday July 6th and was very happy to see them! Once they arrived they wanted to get fishing right away so …  away we went!

The first thing we saw was a deer (doe) in the middle of the lake cooling off! 😯 The kids loved it! What a treat to see!

Deer In The Water

Once we we finally got to where we wanted to fish we put a leach on under a indicator and within minutes my granddaughter Madison had her very first  fish … a HUGE 2.1 pounder!!!  🙂

way to go madison!

Madison with her Roche lake rainbow!

For the most part the fishing had been fairly slow (not really unexpected for this time of the year) with very little coming off during the day as far as hatches go. The evenings, however, were another story with sedges coming off the size off bats!  😯 I’m not even kidding!

Other than fishing caddis at night the best action during the day was on a black n red chronie and a black marabou leech. We ended up catching our fair share of fish but nothing over 2.5 pounds.

When I wasn’t fishing I was quading and that gave me the opportunity to check out what was happening at all the other lakes in the area.  Not surprisingly, it was slow fishing everywhere. The heat has really slowed things down.

All in all it was a great week ……….. I can’t wait to do it again!

As usual the rest of the pics will eventually make it to our 2010 Gallery pages so check em out.


Get these books (you won’t regret it!):

Morris & Chan on Fly Fishing Trout Lakes

Fly Patterns for Stillwater: A Study of Trout Etomology and Tying

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About JeFF

Senior flyguy Associate!
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