May Long Weekend 2010:
Well, we arrived at our May long destination on Friday and the rain started to pour down. This didn’t discourage us though as we decided to go out for an evening fish before setting up camp. We rigged up the down riggers and started trolling. Right away we got into 5 Lake Trout, all the same size around 3 pounds…just little guys.
The next day we tried our luck at chironomid fishing. We woke up to sooo many chironomids in the air that it was hard to breath!!! So we quickly set up and ventured out but to our avail, it started SNOWING (Yup this is May long). The snow came down for over half of the day straight and then turned to rain and it was a complete white out. We tried chiro fishing still but could only catch a chill.
Later on, we set up the secret Kokanee combo, and nailed Kokanee all afternoon long. The biggest being 3.1 lbs!
All in all, it was a very fun trip with lots and lots of Kokanee, many Lakers, and even managed to jig up a few big Burbot in the mix of things. Not a single rainbow was even seen though. Was a great weekend!!
The rest of the fishing pictures can be viewed on our 2010 Gallery page so check em out!
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