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Pulled Venison Roast Recipe

Pulled Venison Roast ... delicious, nutritious, organic, perfect!

Susan’s Pulled Venison Roast

Pulled Venison Roast Recipe

This is one of my son’s favourite ways to eat roast.  It is super easy, put it on in the morning and at supper your meal is ready.  Meat cooked this way comes out very tender due to the slow cooking in the beer or wine.  You can also use up some of the tougher cuts because you just can’t cook a roast this way and have it come out tough!   Once it is cooked the meat just pulls apart in strips with forks.  This type of meat is great for sandwiches, fajitas, and with gravy over mashed potatoes.

Pulled Venison Roast | Ingredients:

  • Venison Roast-shoulder roasts work very well in this recipe
  • 1 Bottle of Beer or Equivalent amount of Red Wine-if you are using a large roast add some more water to top up
  • 4 or 5 Slices of Bacon OR 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Onion-cut into chunks
  • 4 Cloves of Minced Garlic
  • Carrots-peeled and cut into chunks-at least 3
  • Celery-at least 3 stalks
  • Potatoes-peeled and cut into chunks-at least 5 medium
  • Beets – peeled and cut into chunks-2 or 3
  • Sea Salt & Pepper-to taste-at least a tsp of each-we like it a little saltier than this

Pulled Venison Roast | Directions:

Rinse Roast well with cold water.  Place in either a crock pot or a roaster with lid.  Add bottle of beer or equivalent of wine.

Lay the bacon strips across the top of the roast or pour the olive oil over the top of the roast letting it run into the liquid.

Put all the chunks of vegetables into the liquid.  As always, use organic vegetables if possible.  If you like to eat the vegetables put in enough for your meal.   Add the salt and pepper.

Use cold water to top up the liquid in the pan to almost cover the top of the roast.

Pulled Venison Roast with all the fixins!

Pulled Venison Roast – in the Pot & Ready to Cook!

Cook in crock pot on low for at least 8 hours.  In oven I like to cook it at 250F, for at least 8 hours keeping the roaster covered.

When the roast is done remove it and the vegetables from the roaster or crock pot.  Strain out the liquid if you would like to use it for gravy, dip for hot sandwiches or freezing for future use in soup or stew.  Pull meat into pieces with forks and enjoy.

……. Susan

*** got a fish or wild game recipe that you would like to share on flyguys.net? Just email us the details and we’ll post it up for you!

*** for more delicious and organic BC wild fish & game recipes please view the complete list on our recipes index page!

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About snoozanna

Wife, mom and chief bottle washer. Love cooking, baking and bringing new healthy wild fish & game recipes to the family table!
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