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Monomaster Waste Line Storage System

Monomaster Waste Line Storage System - Monofiliment Recycling Tool

The Monomaster Waste Line Storage System

MonoMaster Waste Line Storage System
Monofiliment Recycling Tool

Once and a while an idea comes along that seems to simple to work so good. The truth of the matter is that most good ideas are just that; simple, effective and they just down right work … and the MonoMaster Waste Line Storage System is one of them! This monofiliment recycling tool is a must have for every responsible angler!

If you have kept up with our blog posts for any time at all you will know that we do a lot of, and have much success with, long line and deep water trout fishing in the waters through out BC.  One of the issues that develops from this type of fishing however, is a larger than normal amount of waste material being generated while constantly adjusting for depth and from replacing worn or wind knotted leaders. Being conscious to not leave this waste material in the environment we are always looking for ways to make sure that it all gets packed out and disposed of properly. In that vain we have tried everything from plastic baggies to old film containers, but usually it just ends up as a big messy pile on the floor of the boat where we hopefully remember to clean it up before our next trip out.

So about a month ago I’m surfing around on the WWW and I come across a product called the “MonoMaster Waste Line Storage System”. Interested I take a closer look and low and behold here is a compact little product that claims to be the answer to my dilemma! A quick email to the manufacturer and a few days later a demo arrives in the mail where I immediately take it down to the fly room and begin testing it out.

MonoMaster Waste Line Storage System | How to use it:

The tool is very easy to use … simply insert the waste leader material into the holder slot while at the same time spinning the knob on the end of the unit.

Monomaster Waste Line Storage System - Monofiliment Recycling Tool

… and just like that your helping the environment!

The pickup cylinder on the inside of the holder will immediately grab onto the leader line and start wrapping it around the cylinder, pulling the remaining line into itself during the process. Keep spinning the knob until all of the waste leader is wrapped into the unit and your done!

Removing the line from the holder so you can dispose of it properly once you get home is just as easy. Simply pop off the top of the unit to expose the cylinder and then take a pair of scissors, or a knife, and cut through the leader material along the entire length of the spool.

Monomaster Waste Line Storage System - Monofiliment Recycling Tool

… just open it up & cut off the line!

Once the cut is made you will see that the wrapped up monofiliment leader will come off the cylinder very easily!

All that’s left to do now is to toss the waste leader into the recycling bin and replace the cylinder and cap on the MonoMaster tool. It’s just that easy!

The MonoMaster is very light and compact and will easily fit into a pocket or into your tackle box. It also comes with a loop on one end that will allow you to hang it from your fishing vest or on a lanyard around your neck – a very nice option in our opinion as it allows the tool to be handy and therefore ready to use when you need it.

Anything that reduces pollution is essential in our time, but a device which does it with such ease is a real treat. The Monomaster makes being environmentally friendly a breeze and is a must have for every serious angler.

Tight lines ……………..

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About krazy

....... fish, hunt, repeat!
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