Hardcore Frogz Fly Wallet Review
Well the home office sent me a package earlier this spring and wanted me to do a field test. Holy crapite an assignment! When I opened the package I found a gorgeous fly wallet from Hardcore Frogz! The Hardcore Frogz fly wallet review … now I can do that! 🙂
Now most of us have a few fly boxes and I’m no exception. I have some cheap ones, nice ones, homemade ones and lots of different styles. Never did I ever think of buying a fly wallet. I have a little patch of fuzz on my fly vest (that I rarely wear) and there is a mangled patch of wool on my float tube. This however was a deep pile sheep wool beauty. Just looking at it made me want to put on a little tweed and perhaps light up a pipe … okay I don’t need sheep wool to get me to light a pipe but I digress. I, as most, have been hitting the lakes after ice off, working the spring magic. Things were slowing down and with the Canada Weekend here I planned to hit the Peace for some river fishing and take the wallet for a run.
Driving to Hudson’s Hope for some fishing I noticed that the Peace was running high and muddy. Not surprising as it had been dumping on us for three or four days. When I crossed over the Halfway just before it empties into the Peace I had to do a double take. It was as High as I’ve ever seen it on any high runoff year. I would guess that it was 8 to 10 feet above what it should be at this time of year. It looked like a mud slide with trees and all. In fact there was so much mud flowing into the main stem of the Peace that the water was dark and muddy a good 10 KM upstream!
Well I got to my destination (just below the Peace Canyon Dam) and the water looked pretty good. I started out in the middle of the river on a finger but had to head to shore in a hurry after a few minutes as they raised the water level a couple of feet. I had a type 6 sink tip and was chucking big baitfish streamers. I wasn’t having much luck and tried a ton of different flies.
This is where the wallet stepped up and hit a home-run as far as I’m concerned. Normally I would just throw the fly back into what ever fly box it came out of. By doing that the moisture remains in the box and can start to rust hooks. What’s even worse is you close the box and the big flies of rabbit and marabou dry bent and mangled. By putting them in the wallet I was able to stroke everything into place and close it up. The flies dried straight and I put them back into their box looking like I really hadn’t used them.
I never hooked into any of the big Bulls I was looking for but, for the first time, I truly understood the need and purpose of a good fly wallet. Hardcore Frogz wallet with the engraved fly on the front, nice leather with leather stitching and antler button closer is a classy bit of business. Check out all of their products online at www.hardcorefrogz.com!
Thanks Rob and thanks Hardcore Frogz! I think I’ll go downtown and see if I can find some tweed. 😉
Gord, FlyGuys Northern Division … Keep Calm, Fish On
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