OK according to my sources …….
Jocko Lake is ice off and has been fishing well on chironomid pupa, bloodworms & micro leeches. Try to get in on the action as soon as you can as we can expect about a 10 day slow down with turn over coming soon.
Morgan & Six Mile Lakes had slowed down since ice off but have recently picked up again. The usual chironomid pupa, bloodworms & micro leeches are the ticket there as well. Although the action is good at both the bigger fish seem to be coming out of Six Mile.
Paul Lake is 14 days ice free today and the word is tiny lime green chironomid pupa are starting to come off. When in doubt leeches & shrimp are also a good bet there this time of year.
Other than that we can also confirm that White Lake & Barnes lake are also ice free. Oh … and of course you could also do some spin casting from shore for fish to 6 pounds on good old Kamloops Lake!
That’s all for now folks …….
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