… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports post!
As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2016 fishing, ice off, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, or whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!
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For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!
And last, but definitely not least, a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!
That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! 😀
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Hi. Any word on Boss or Davis this year? Or am I better off going to Lundbom. Going for the day so it’s a rather long drive for me. Thanks
Gump Lake is Ice-Off – – I don’t know when.
Tupper Lake is Ice-Off – – I don’t know when.
The dog and I went for a drive up there today. Both lakes have nice clear water.
Did not fish, took my chain saw and not my fishing gear. The road is somewhat rough, more so from Gump to Tupper. So don’t be in a hurry. Two wheel drive? Not a problem.
Lac LeJeune web cam shows a time lapse of the ice going out April 18th and 19th, kinda neat!
Anyone hear if Hihium is clear?
Hi guys, I’d like to discuss an issue about Northern Pikeminows. Quite a while ago I went out targeting rainbows at Kamloops Lake, but all I got were gigantic Pikeminows averaging 3-4 pounds and I was literally hooking them consistently. Out of curiosity, I opened one’s stomach and found at least a dozen of salmon smolts.
Since I was catching so many of big ones, I guess they are kind of overpopulated and obviously they have been eating off a lot of salmon smolts. I mean, aren’t we having a depressed salmon population in the recent years? Perhaps the Pikeminows can be a big part of the declining salmon population.
Meanwhile, not many are keeping them due to the taste, which means the population is not controlled. I heard Washington State issued bounties on killing those fish to retain the salmon population. Do you think we should just kill them whenever we catch them instead of letting them go?
I attached one of those fish I caught. That one is almost 20 inch.
Killing any fish that will not be used for table fare is illegal(p.13 of the synopsis) and anyone caught doing so would be subject to fines and penalties. Culling any species from any ecosystem should be left up to fisheries to decide. Definitely a topic of much debate, one thing for certain, they have co-existed together for hundreds/thousands of years. There are too many factors in declining salmon populations, much of which is attributed to mismanagement no doubt, like the government fish farms (google “salmon confidential”). Much like remaining Thompson Steelhead being lost each year to the Commercial Chum openings in October. My advice to you, just follow the regulations.
And for the bass found in sloughs along the Fraser River and its tribs? Was VERY shocked at how many of those I got into while fishing coho last fall.
We’re talking about a non-invasive resident species …as for invasive species transplanted into foreign waters, that’s quite another story altogether. And it’s one thing to find them placed in lakes with no outlets where it can be dealt with but river systems is a very serious concern. I have never seen or heard of bass in region 2 in the years I’ve been fishing the lowermainland and know nothing about it (that is with the exception of one urban lake) It’s good to know that at least here in Region 3 our regional biologist and those involved in local fisheries will not tolerate such things, lakes such as Miller, Phillips, and Forest are a perfect example of that. I would imagine fisheries would welcome anglers to help deal with the problem if there is one. That’s probably something you may want to discuss with your local conservation.
Hey Evan just so you are aware their is no law against killing coarse fish. If you want to pile them a mile high on shore you can. I fertilize my garden with suckers and carp.
Can you provide any evidence or links to support this? Again, the species in particular we were speaking about are kamloops lake northern pikeminnow as I know in other areas there are some exceptions, cultus lake for example
Hey Evan the regulations are for game fish only. Anything out side of that is fair game(eg) archery fishing carp and suckers. No limit you can harvest all you can kill. As far as killing pike minnows theirs no point same with suckers they both have their purposes in lakes. Carp are an introduction and are not native to our waters.
Hey Wayne, I think we are saying the same thing. I think the point here is understanding wasteing vs harvesting and invasive vs resident. Carp are an invasive species and would therefor not be subject to the same regulations as a non-invasive resident species. You would be doing the ecosystem a favor by ridding it of the invasive fish. While “game fish” have limits, P.13 (it’s unlawful to…)explains all “fish” including those caught not suitable for eating, an example would be (for most) “NPM’s”. If you look under definitions in the synopsis the word/term “fish” as stated on page 13,* includes all *FIN FISH* which would include Northern Pikeminnows, invasive species do not fall into this category. I tend to lean towards the notion that the Pikeminnows population is a little out of control being that they do prey on our trout, salmon and char species, however, I am not one to make such decisions and am not qualified to do so, and I understand the importance of diversity in ecosystems and that all play their part, in which some have very important purposes man sometimes never fully understands, that is, until that certain organism and/or species is gone. What I’m getting at, is piling up “non-game” species a “mile high” as you said legal? There is nothing that I have ever found that supports that, invasive species on the other hand, yes. From everything I have ever read or heard appears to be in conflict with what alot of people seem to think. “Harvesting” is one thing but killing just because and “wasteing” is another. I have known many who kill every single one they catch simply because they were taught by others to hate the fish species. I myself put them back as I have no use for them and “wasteing” is illegal. I also think they can be alot of fun to catch, but also a nuisance when targeting a key species. Alot like dog fish out on the salt when fishing for salmon. I enjoy these kinds of discussions and am always open to correction and encourage anyone who can always to do so, that’s how we all learn. It’s too bad the regulations are not a little more clear on such issues to save some confusion. Sorry for eating up the page with all this, I think we’ve all had an ear full now, this would be a great topic for a forum. Anyways, I’m off to our annual Sheridan trip (stoked!) Maybe I’ll give a report when I return. Cheers
…and for those wondering Red lake is done turnover and fishing well btw.
Fished Red on Wednesday and Thursday last week. Wednesday was a much better day fishing wise. Not sure how it fished this weekend. Chorines and leeches were working last week. One thing I noticed was the larger number of Pennask I was catching compared to Fraser Valley strain. Another thing I noticed was the fish were much smaller on average then the last few years. Has anyone else noticed this? I did get into some nice fish, but on average most of my catches were small…for Red Lake that is. Cheers.
Chronies, not chorines…oops
Fished Edith this weekend caught lots of fish some rainbows to 4 pounds. Trolling a green leech. Water is the highest I’ve ever seen it in their.
Anyone have any idea how the Kane Valley lakes are doing? TIA
Fished Tahla lake friday before the weekend crowds. Had the lake to myself. Was tuff going in the morning but managed to get two in the 5 lb range on #16 gun with red rib and white bead chronie. Also hooked some smaller ones to two pounds. Also fished Lundbom last week. LOTS of smaller fish with a few to five lbs. The boat beside me lost a fish that was in the 10 lb size!!!! Small dark green chronie. What dreams are made of.
Any word on Roche? Tight lines
Cliffy….please tell me….were you in a boat in Tahla? Tried to get in there last fall and couldn’t figure out how to get the boat in there….thanks!!!
Hi Dawn. Yes it is tricky to get in. I carried my belly boat along the wooden path and launched on the other side. Be careful. I put a hole in my other boat doing that. Lots of sharp objects.Thats why I always take my belly boat with me just in case. You can also launch your boat in that shallow water right where you park. It’s not easy but you can follow the channel to the lake. You might have to climb over some wood(beaver dam?) just before the lake. Make sure your rods are broken down and out of the way. It’s worth the effort. Some bigger fish in Talha. The 26 incher jumped 4 ft out of the water. FUN!!! Hope that helps. Give us a report. Good luck
Oh dang, cliffy!! We bought a bigger boat last year (14′) and I’m not so sure we could lift it over the beaver dam? Kinda heavy for us old folks. The channel didn’t look too bad, hubby put his waders on and ventured down there but said we couldn’t get into the lake. We ended up at Davis instead. Wasn’t ideal with all the quadders, dirt bikes, and ATV people screaming around. That’s too bad….would have loved to give Tahla a go. Thanks for the info. Appreciate that.
Roche report …….
Awesome…did you get snowed on too? I didn’t believe my eyes at first . We were just down the road at Horseshoe, lot’s hatching but fishing was super slow, only managed two brookies and one rainbow…just couldn’t get dialed in today. But I did take the kid down the road and put the boat in Rose spur of the moment decision for a quick hour or so before we left, our first time aside from ice fishing, Glad I did, it sure made up for earlier. Crazy action, nonstop with the FV’s, In many cases they were hooking themselves as the chronie sunk to the bottom. Very healthy and extremely scrappy averaging about 2lb. I doubt it’s always like that but definitely might be worth trying out if anyone is looking for some good action on the fly for younger kids. Sorry didn’t take any pics, it was pretty hectic and our time was limited.
Yes it did snow lightly for awhile! Had to have Genna bundled up pretty good cause the wind was a bit chilly but she’s used to it all by now lol. Good call on Rose .. I also recommend it for folks that want to get out for some fun with the kids!
Guessing the fish may get a bit of a break today….Happy Mother’s Day to all the FlyMoms out there!!!!
Fished Duffy for a bit on Sunday. Cold and a bit of wind. Lots of bites but only netted one, about a pound and a half. Spoke to a couple of guys up there who said they had caught between 20 and 25. A few other people seemed to be reeling in the odd one too.
Hey guys.
A friend of mine is going up to Roche this weekend. He probably is going to be trolling mostly. Just wondering what would be some good flies for him to troll with. I’ve never been there but I was gonna give him a few different leech patterns to try. Also is it fly fishing only there?
Trolling is fine, with flies or hardware, it just has to comply with the single barbless hook rule. For leeches I have always had good luck with black & red, Wine and olive are also good colours. Right now cronies are hatching and the fish are on them so it would be the perfect time if he’s at all interested 😉
Thanks for the info. Ill give him a few chronies n tell him to jus try it haha.
Hit Lundbom Tuesday for the day. Nothing but small stuff; primarily in the north (far) end. Nothing over 16 inches. All around the 20 foot mark; coming up on the shoals for snacks. 12 to the boat for me on a brown leech. probably half a dozen more long line releases and an equal number of misses. My buddy saw similar results on a red leech.
Does anyone have any info on Bleeker is fishing so far? Thanks
Bleeker..info couple wks old. Fish to 3lb7oz on #14 blu holog Chiro. Tues & today (Fri 13th) VG hatches @ Edith. #14 Chromies on Tues (fish to 2lb8oz), today #12 Bla/Sil Chiros. Spotty Callibaetis hatch but only one fish on Mayf Nymph. Saw one Damsel Nymph with unmistakable sinusoidal propulsion, but no action on nymph. Did get several fish on Pumpkinhead. Biggest today 2 lb4oz football Triplo. Literally dozens of fish c.a. 1.75 lbs. Looks like poor lake going to suffer this wknd. Methodology using long leader (20/25′) cast to depths from drop-off (c.a.14/17′) and let it sink to near bottom (well over minute in wind)
Has anyone fished big ok this year or last year? Wondering how it’s doing since 2014. Thanks
Like everyone, I’ve been watching the weekend weather forecast. It sucks!!! Even raining in Lytton. So the question is, Is it worth going out? I’m lucky in that i also have the Tuesday off. Any thoughts of where to go? I don’t mind ruffing it. The silver lining is there will be less people camping. Maybe.
Tight lines.
We’ve often seen strong hatches and catch tons of fish in the rain … gear up and go fishing! 😎
Resetting after landing another one …
Hammered them today at 4000′ … in the snow & rain!