… Official flyguys.net Northern British Columbia, BC Interior, Kamloops Area Lakes & Rivers Ice Off 2016 Fishing Reports post!
As before, please use the comments/reply section at the bottom of this post to share and discuss your 2016 fishing, ice off, and even (but hopefully not) winter kill reports. Where did you go (not mandatory)? What worked? What didn’t work? General or specific questions about a fly, a technique, or whatever … feel free to ask it here and we’ll try our best to get you an answer! Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words so please feel free to include one if you can!
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For those that would like to share a little more than just a fishing report we encourage you to submit your story (along with images/video links/etc) & we’ll write it up in a stand alone post for ya!
And last, but definitely not least, a BIG thank you to Surplus Herby’s for stepping up yet again to sponsor our yearly fishing reports post! Be sure to stop in for all your fishing & outdoor gear needs before hitting the water this year!
That’s it folks … tight lines & good times to all! 😀
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Just got back from pass not much change in the ice. A handful of Eagles though. Hope those O2 readings haven’t changed or were incorrect
Is there a website where you can see the O2 readings, cause I’ve seen a couple guys talk about it on here.
There is no posted list that I know of but I did hear that the only two lakes with suspected kills are Frisken and Bulman
Fished tunkwa today was slow in the morning the picked up after 1pm. Caught 20 total mostly in 4-5 ft water on ruby eyed leech 4 of which were around 5lb. The odd chronie hatching waters still fairly cold
i was at tunkwa as well this weekend. didn’t do as well as you unfortunately but did get 6 to the boat with a few misses as well. Green Ruby eyed bunny leech, pumpkinhead and red blood worm were my weapons
Fished Englishmen Saturday afternoon, ice off, very slow with none caught, partial winter kill with some dead fish observed but also fish showing on fish finder and loons active.
I fished Englishmen in the late morning , It was blowing like crazy but managed to get three to the boat and lost one at the net. They all were decent fish.I didn’t see any dead fish but there were eagles flying around
Is Harmon completely opened up yet? Really need to go for a quick trip this weekend. Would hate to get there and find the end down by the Elks campground still frozen…..
As of Tuesday it wasn’t. Completely open still fair bit of ice at Harmon east camp site but it was very windy and I would imagine it would be shedding its ice very quickly
Ooooo……kinda scary…..Kanes the same way? And thanks for the update. Leaving tomorrow morning…..praying there’s decent weather…..sucks sitting in the trailer all weekend due to wind, rain, etc.
just back from red not good fishing only 1 fish all day does anybody know if the gate is open at paul lake
forgot to mention lots of egales flying around red
I’ve been fishing a lake that has supposed to have had a 100 percent kill the last 2 years in a row! When in fact it had no kill at all on either of those years. It’s not an exact science though
Fishing at red was good just as the ice was coming off. However it’s my understanding that the far end through the narrows had a substantial kill? You should be seeing and smelling dead fish . All lakes at ice off have Eagles irregardless of kill most times. Natural mortality. In red mostly the big rainbows are prone to kill. I think red dies every year to a lesser or greater extent
The only lake I know of that actually had a complete kill this year was tsotin pond in cache creek
Is that the one they started stocking with Kokanee a couple of years back?
Hi Wayne,
Curious as to what makes you believe this about Tsotin?
Hi Benny
I remember reading a comment or maybe a tweet about using bloodworms and I think it was you that said don’t be afraid to go big. So far this year I’ve had good luck on blood worms all mine have been tied on #12 scud hooks what size would you guys go up to? Thanks for any info
Hi Coastlogger,
Sorry, I can’t respond directly to your post, so I will here.
Great to hear you’ve been having success on your own pattern. It’s gratifying, for sure.
It depends on the pattern and how it was tied, but I was mainly referring more to going big on the pattern than on the hook itself. Some patterns that incorporate a marabou tail will end up close to 1.5″, but the hook size might still be something like a #10 scud, or a long 12, etc.
But, I would say keep doing what works. If you have been successful on a certain pattern and size, stick with it!!
Hey guys, I asked before but haven’t seen any confirmed reports as of yet. Anyone have any information on the Gump/Tupper/Leroy lake chain? Or Thalia/Goose or any other lakes near/on Pike mountain? We’re hoping to head up to Gump next weekend. Thanks for your help!
Haven’t been up there but with logan lake and tunkwa just off in the past week gump certainly could be fishable next weekend.. if you go be sure to post how it is
Thanks for the reply! I will definitely report back with info when we’re back. HopefullY good info 🙂
Tomorrow is my carpool driving day. I will try to get up there at lunch.
Thanks deesee 🙂 Looking forward to it!!
Sorry Tracy, I couldnt get up to Gump as I don’t have a truck, and there was a fair amount of snow on the road. I did not want to get my RAV4 stuck (as I had to be back to teach).
OK. Never mind. Thankd Tom ?
Hey deecee –
Thought I would save you the trouble – left a message for you at the school this AM – guess you did not get it. I have lots of spare time.
No worries Tom. That area is more picturesque than our staff room 😉
Any info on Sawmill/Burnell Lake? Ice off? Turned over? Much in the way of winter kill?
All lakes on Pike mountain should be good to go by next weekend. This according to Princeton outdoors. I might adventure back there as well.
Caught my biggest rainbow so far on the weekend at Dragon Lake! And on the zucchini chironomid size 14! Thanks flyguys! 🙂
That’s a beauty! Congrats Mike!
Thanks man! And thank you for all the info you guys post it really has helped!
Had a drive by Walloper Lake (1307 m.), Stake Lake (1321 m.), and McConnell Lake (1295 m.), and they are all iced up pretty good. Lac Le Jeune (1277 m.) web cam shows ice, ice, and more ice. Haven’t been to Gump lake (1346 m.), but I would expect more of the same.
Hello All,
Vancouver Island resident here with two weeks off at the end of April and I want to chase (big triploid!) rainbows. It’s been 15 years since I fished in the Kamloops area (as a little kid at Lac le Jeune). Now I’d like to repeat that amazing experience of crystal clear water and a plethora of hungry trout. I have a 4×4 truck with my boat on the roof and I’m looking for a *quiet* lake where I can park, fish all day and then sleep in my truck. I’d love to hear your suggestions!
Some lakes I’ve read about that might fit the bill (can you confirm? suggest better?)
– Pass
– Hatheume
– Kidd
– Big OK
– Vinson
– Burnell (way south, worth the drive?)
If we announced the names of some “quiet” lakes over the world wide web wouldn’t that be a bit of a problem?
All these lakes are worth a trip.
Have you considered highway 24?
Good trip when you have the time.
Not sure if those lakes will be iced off by then.
And Art is right. You will have to do some leg work to find your own little quiet jewel. And when you do, don’t tell us about it here, lol.
Thank you!
Lake Michigan ?
Pass has huge fish but arent easy to catch.
Hatheume … well ive never seen any “massive” rainbows. Biggest ive got was 3lb
Kidd lol if you dont mind getting skunked but have a chance at a 15lb fatty than yea
Never been Big Ok but i heard its worth it.
Vinson. Tried to get in last year, only watched videos on it and beautiful triploids
Never been Burnell so i cant say much.
If your in the area Roche Lake would be a good bet as well. Excellent stocking program with 10lb taken out every year. And Even Sheridan Lake. Big lake but HUGE fish
Thank you!
Does anybody know anything about gump lake? Ice off, winterkill??
Not a typical winterkill lake. High elevation so I wouldn’t expect it to be ice free for another week at minimum.
Tom referred me to you, so my question is: any idea why Heffley Lake was so far behind Roche Lake as far as ice off, even though Heffley Lake is apparently 200 m lower elevation?
Heffley is quite sheltered compared to Roche similar to Pass, also it is a little more wintery being closer to the high elevations that surround it.
Thanks for the input, and satisfying some of my curiosity.
Precisely what Analfin said. Exposure to the sun, and more importantly, to the wind is key. Tunkwa is a good example of a lake at 3,700 that ices off relatively early as it is highly exposed to the elements. Another minor factor regarding the Kamloops area lakes is that those areas to the south and west of the city tend to be drier than areas to the north and east. Hence, more snow and a longer winter at Heffley than Roche. Of course, there is so much local variation that it is impossible to predict ice-offs but we can come close and have fun trying.
Thanks for the input, and satisfying some of my curiosity.
Heffley is ice free now except for some of the bays on the south side.
Re: Gump Lake – – –
I checked it out this morning. Iced up right to the shore, no open water even in the shallows at the launch site. I suspect it is still going to be a couple more weeks.
There is a new short cut on the way up, logging road, but if you value your tires stick to the old road. I did not take the old road as I could see a fair bit of snow in the trees, and I suspect there may also be trees down across the road. I’ll go up again in a couple weeks with my chain saw and make sure the road is passable to Gump and to Tupper.
That’s too bad. I was really hoping to get out that way. Thanks so much for the confirmation Tom. Much appreciated!
Has anyone been up to Roche or bleeker lately? I’m wondering if they have finished turning over yet? Heading up tommorow morning for the weekend and hoping to find some clearer water
Roche is filthy from 2 foot waves pounding the shore all day yesterday and bleaker is not much better and the cold nights and days have made for tough fishing. Phillips lake is producing fish to 12 pounds right now and the chirony hatches are going hard right now.
They are both filthy. Phillips lake though is on fire fish to 12 pounds and massive chirony hatches
Is there any good camping on Phillips?
Not right at Phillips but I believe just up the road at dry lake possibly. Some one else might better direct you on that question better than I can
He Wayne if you hit the reply right under the persons comment instead of at the bottom of the page your reply will nest under his 😉
Thanks Wayne. I’m camping so maybe I’ll try peterhope. Last I heard it was pretty good.
“Philips lake” and “on fire” … I’ll take two phrases I never thought I’d hear used together for the win Alex! :p Be careful with this one as yes it holds some hogs but it can be VERY stingy with it’s fish.
As with anything it depends on the fisherman. It’s not the spear it’s the Indian if you get my drift. Trust me Philips is great if you know what your doing.
That being said don’t take any body’s word the only way to find out is to try. Fly fishermen are a deceptive bunch we speak only half truth.
On fire?!?!? or snoozefest? you sure must’ve hit the right day, my last couple (and very recent) trips to Phillips all I seen was 50 boats of people all staring at their indicators and into their fly boxes all day, lol. Judging from what I seen and heard, we managed to do better than any other boat on the entire lake , and that’s really not saying much, biggest fish being about a 2.5#. I know it can hold some big fish and yes last weekend had some massive hatches, but what a total gong show and I would imagine now with the 12# comment there will twice as many boats on the lake. At least when lakes like Jacko are overpacked there is still room to move. I for one seen enough of Phillips for a while.
Roche was pounded by 2 foot wAves all day yesterday and it’s been cold so fishing has been slow at best
I was up there a week ago and it was like chocolate milk. I was hoping it had cleared up enough. I got a trip up there planned for May 4. Just have to try something else for now
Your May 4 trip should provide much clearer water at Roche (in fact the lake should be entering into primetime about then). The past several years has seen super turbid water at ice-off but it does tend to clear up somewhat after a couple of weeks and the fishing tends to improve.
Hi Wayne,
Below each comment is a “reply” link. If you are replying to a specific comment then that is the link to use. If you are starting your own topic then use the reply box at the bottom of the page. I’ve been moving your comments to the post that I think you’re replying too but I’m starting to lose track … kinda like this comment, I’m not sure if you’re replying to something someone else said (I think so and therefore moved it here?) or are just making a separate point (in which case I should have left it where it was?)? Give it a try please and thank you 🙂
Has anyone been to Peter hope lately. I was thinking of hitting it up this weekend. If not I will let you know on how it is Monday
Looks like I’m headed there as well. I heard reports from last weekend that is was good, and the camp host said it usually doesn’t get much turnover
Thanks drock31 I’ll be the guy in zodiac with electric come say hi and will have a drink
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